The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 454 The Grand Finale

Chapter 454 The Grand Finale (17)
Maybe she didn't realize it herself. After marrying Fu Yang, she gradually got used to accepting everything about him. In this way, she was afraid that she was deeply in love and didn't know it.

"Ma'am, the general sent you a letter." At this time, the maid next to Gu Qiu reported, and came in with an envelope, and said softly.

"It's not too late to get it when I get back, why are you in such a hurry." Seeing Duan Yunsu's teasing expression, Gu Qiu blushed impatiently.

The little maid was so innocent, she said weakly: "Ma'am, the eagle who delivered the letter recognized the he sent the letter here."

Duan Yunsu raised his eyebrows and teased, "Aren't you going to open it and have a look?"

"It's just the announcement that it's safe, nothing to look at." Gu Qiu put the letter away and poured himself a cup of tea pretending to be calm.

Seeing that she was shy, Duan Yunsu was happy in his heart.Anyway, Gu Qiu has also found a lover, and I hope life will be more and more happy.The two chatted for a long time, and Gu Qiu was a little absent-minded. Duan Yunsu knew that it was the letter that touched her heart, so he got up and sent her out the door.

When she turned around and came back, she planned to ask the maid to pack up all the gifts in the hall.He lowered his head and was surprised to find that the nine chains beside Xiaobao, the original interlocking rings, have now been untied!
Duan Yunsu was taken aback and asked Ziyue to pick up Jiu Lianhuan.She looked carefully at the things in her hand, could it be that Ji Su did something on it that even a child could untie it?

Seeing that his mother took his toy, Xiao Bao was not in a hurry, he yelled, and stuck his head on A Wu's neck, rubbing against its soft and warm hair and giggling non-stop.

In the evening, Duan Yunsu took out the Jiulianhuan and told Zhao Hechen what happened today.Zhao Hechen was thoughtful, looked left and right, put things aside, said a few words with a smile, and coaxed Duan Yunsu to sleep.

The days are peaceful and stable. For Duan Yunsu, what he misses the most is the little prince's full moon banquet.According to the rules of the royal family of the Xi Kingdom, at this time, the little prince should be given a family tree, and the grandeur of the banquet also directly showed whether the prince was favored or not.

Even if there is no banquet, everyone in the court knows it well.The imperial concubine was originally favored, but now the mother is more expensive than the child. For a time, the scenery is extremely beautiful and everyone flatters her.

On the day of the full moon, the emperor personally sent a palace sedan chair to invite the Wangfu family to the banquet.Duan Yunsu's belly is now high and swollen, and Princess An didn't worry about her walking around in the palace, so she directly let her into the palace to accompany Duan Yunrong.

This is exactly what Duan Yunsu wanted, the palace banquet has just begun, and she has the opportunity to take a good look at the little prince's appearance.

Duan Yunrong's confinement child is sitting very well, her face is rosy, and her body has gradually returned to her previous slenderness, a little more charming than before. At this moment, she is holding the child and humming softly.

Duan Yunsu leaned forward to take a look, the little baby was walking around with eyes wide open, cute and clever.The small face looks similar to Duan Yunrong, but the nose and mouth are more like Zhao Huanzhen.

"Third sister, what is the little prince's name?" Duan Yunsu asked.

"According to the rules, the first name is Jing Yu." Duan Yunrong's eyes were so soft that they could melt into water.

"What are your sister's plans for the future?"

"Rong'er knows what my sister means. Sooner or later, there will be more women in the harem. I just want to take care of Dayuer well. It would be best if his true feelings are still there."

Duan Yunsu heard the slightly low voice, sighed softly, took out the medicine bottle he specially prepared, put it beside her and said, "Take them all, just in case you need them. They are all for heart protection and detoxification. Pills, my sister has no intention of harming others, but the heart of defense is indispensable."

"My sister has been helping Rong'er, Rong'er is so lucky." Duan Yunrong picked up one of the medicine bottles, saw the usage and efficacy written in extremely small characters, and couldn't help smiling: "Sister's thoughts are so clever, how do you write in such small characters?" from?"

"Use very sharp charcoal, you might as well try it when you have nothing to do."

Xiao Yu'er in her arms suddenly started crying, Duan Yunrong was a little at a loss, and patted her back to comfort her.Duan Yunsu looked at it and said, "The little prince is hungry? Children are hungry quickly."

The nanny who was waiting outside heard the sound coming in, and Duan Yunrong handed the child over.The palace banquet was almost over, and Eunuch Liu who was beside the emperor came to take the little prince to the banquet.

Eunuch Liu and the others disappeared, but Duan Yunrong's eyes were still chasing after them.Duan Yunrong hasn't had enough confinement yet, so naturally he can't go out.

Duan Yunsu recalled the scene he saw when he came here before, and said: "It's very lively outside. I heard that the emperor's generals are here according to the best specifications. When I came here, I saw the second brother and the third aunt from a distance. , why haven't you come yet?"

When Duan Yunsu said that Cao Cao would be here, just as Duan Yunsu finished speaking, a court lady came in and told them that they were coming.Duan Yufang was dressed in Tsing Yi, which made his handsome features look more energetic. As soon as San Yiniang came in, her eyes fell on Duan Yunrong, full of concern.

"I have seen the imperial concubine, I have seen the world's concubine." The two saluted.

"Auntie, get up quickly." Duan Yunrong hurriedly helped Third Aunt up.

Duan Yunsu saw his mother and daughter reunited, so he asked Third Aunt to sit next to Duan Yunrong, and turned to look at Duan Yufang who was on the side.

Being able to enter the harem must have been personally allowed by Zhao Huanzhen.Today's Duan Yufang is much more stable than before. Seeing that Yunrong was accompanied by his third aunt, Duan Yunsu talked to him: "Second brother, eldest sister hasn't visited you in Duan's mansion for a while, everything in the mansion is fine. ?”

"Sister Xie for your concern, everything is fine." Duan Yufang hesitated for a while, and then said: "Sister, you know, father is back."

"I don't know this yet. When did father come back? Did he make things difficult for you?"

Seeing her surprised expression, Duan Yufang knew that her brother-in-law hadn't told her, so he said, "I just came back two days ago, and now my father... can't speak anymore. He is very quiet in the mansion, and his personality has completely changed."

Seeing her frown slightly, Duan Yufang went on to say: "In any case, they are my blood relatives who gave birth to me and raised me. My father looks like this now. It is my duty to provide for him in the end."

The day his father came back, he was really shocked.His father disappeared when Duan's mansion was taken to the sky prison, but what the brother-in-law said later meant that he was taken away.When I saw him again, my father's clothes were shabby and his hair was disheveled, so he couldn't even speak.Now he reads books in the courtyard all day long, and the tone of his conversation has changed, it is no longer the indifferent attitude from before.

Duan Yunsu grinned, Duan Changzai was too good at face, but he never did anything to kill her. Now that the grievances are broken, she doesn't want to pursue anything further.

Duan Yufang didn't like to stay in the harem, he talked to Duan Yunrong and San Yiniang, and then returned to the banquet.The third aunt talked about the parenting scriptures, and she pulled Duan Yunsu over to talk about it.

Duan Yunsu didn't want to disturb the mother and daughter reunion.I have a badge given by the emperor, and I can enter the palace at any time, but the status of the third aunt is very inconvenient.Palace banquets have always been cumbersome, she waited for a long time, so she wanted to go outside for a walk.Just after leaving the gate of the palace, I saw a maid leading Cailian towards this side.

(End of this chapter)

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