The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 455 The Grand Finale

Chapter 455 The Grand Finale (18)
Cai Lian thanked the palace lady, Fang said: "Consort Shizi, the prince was drunk in front, and the concubine asked the servants to come over and ask, do you want to go back to the mansion together?"

"Where is the son?" Duan Yunsu asked.

"The prince is taking care of the prince. The emperor originally wanted the prince to stay in the palace, but the prince said he should go back to the mansion."

How lively is it up front? Even the prince is drunk?The whole family has left, so she naturally has no reason to stay here: "I'll go in and tell the imperial concubine, you wait here."

Duan Yunsu went in and said briefly, and Yunrong sent someone to take her out.

Several people met outside the palace, the prince was helped into the sedan chair drunk, even Zhao Hechen, who had never liked drinking, smelled of alcohol.The concubine saw that the prince was covered in soft mud, so she angrily got into the sedan chair to take care of him.

"Sanggong, what's wrong with father today?" I've never seen him get drunk before, but today he lost his composure in the palace.

Zhao Hechen shook his head: "Nothing special happened during the banquet, let's talk about it when we go back."

When they got off the sedan chair, the princess' body swayed slightly, and Cailian quickly supported her so as not to fall.She smiled helplessly: "It seems that my mother is also getting old, and she becomes dizzy after drinking a few cups."

"Mother, go to rest first? My husband and I will take good care of father."

"Send your father to the side courtyard. Don't make me have a headache. Yunsu, don't go. Every time your father gets drunk and tosses and vomits, he doesn't stop for a moment."

Duan Yunsu is embarrassing, so the prince's wine is not very good?
"My lady, go back to the yard first, and I'll help father go there." Zhao Hechen explained softly, and walked in with Prince An on his back.

Seeing his steady and powerful footsteps, Duan Yunsu suddenly thought of his husband's drunk appearance.She shook her head, and asked her to serve her when she was drunk. This idea is bad!

Zhao Hechen put Prince An on the bed, the clever maid had already prepared a wet handkerchief, and another maid stepped forward to take off his shoes and socks and loosen his clothes.

The maid waited carefully. Zhao Hechen looked at his father who was lying quietly. He didn't see the state of drunken madness that his mother said. He must have been very drunk.He thought about it for a while, and planned to go back to the yard to change out of the clothes that smelled of alcohol.

Unexpectedly, just as he lifted his foot, Prince An on the bed called "Chen'er".

Zhao Hechen's footsteps paused, and he looked back. Prince An was lying with his eyes closed, thinking he was talking while drinking, and continued walking forward.


Zhao Hechen turned his head again, saw Prince An's half-opened eyes, frowned and said: "Father calls you a child? Are you drunk?"

"I'm not drunk, how could my father be drunk?" Prince An waved his hands exaggeratedly, pulling his clothes uncomfortably.

This look... Zhao Hechen was confused by him. Drunk people love to say that they are not drunk.He stepped forward and put the brocade quilt on Prince An's body: "Father, rest well, don't pull the quilt when it's cold."

Prince An chuckled, and Zhao Hechen was even more sure of his thoughts, seeing that he was confused and said he wasn't drunk.He covered the quilt tightly and got up to leave, but Prince An grabbed his clothes.

"Father." Zhao Hechen was helpless.

"Chen'er don't... don't go, father has something... I want to tell you something." Prince An hiccupped and rubbed the painful scalp with the other hand.

Zhao Hechen had no choice but to stand still, waiting for him to speak. Unexpectedly, Prince An was lying on the bed breathing evenly, and at first glance he seemed to be asleep.

Zhao Hechen felt that his head was hurting too. Is his father really drunk?
The room was quiet for a long time, Zhao Hechen wanted to go out again, and finally heard Prince An's hoarse voice after drinking: "Chen'er, father is not drunk. Father is just afraid that if you talk about it, will you hate father?"

Zhao Hechen frowned puzzled.

"Looking at Zhen'er in the palace today... the Ninth Five-Year Honor, all the people will worship..." Prince An's voice was choked and suppressed: "Father thought, if you told the story early, you..."

"Father!" Zhao Hechen was startled and interrupted what he hadn't finished speaking. He looked at the maids in the room, waved them out, and said in a hoarse voice, "Father, isn't it good now?"

"Chen'er, it's my father who is too selfish." Prince An closed his eyes and took a deep breath: "Chen'er is no worse than others, maybe I made it clear earlier, you will have a different choice .”

"This is my choice, father, don't say any more." Zhao Hechen's eyes were dark, and his voice was extremely firm.

Perhaps because he was really drunk, Prince An suddenly felt the pain he had suppressed for more than 20 years, and he finally wanted to let it out.Maybe the pain in my heart is full of emotions, and the complex taste has already covered up the pain.He caressed Zhao Hechen's cheek with trembling hands, and tears flashed in his eyes: "In a blink of an eye, Chen'er has grown up so much, today I saw Zhen'er being embraced by others, with outstanding demeanor, and that little baby...Father When I think of my child back then, I really feel bad.”

"Father, Chen'er knows." Zhao Hechen's eyes drooped slightly, and he seemed to use all his strength to utter this sentence: "Chen'er is not your own son, is it?"

Prince An's body froze, he withdrew his hand tremblingly, closed his eyes, and said with difficulty: "According to your seniority, you are ranked sixth. Your biological father has already chosen a name, Zhao Huanyin."

"Then... father's original child, where is he?"

A drop of tears flowed from Prince An's closed eyes. He turned his head on one side and used a pillow to dry up the tears: "It was not only Concubine Rou who had a difficult delivery back then, but also Wangfei. That child...was out of breath when it came out."

"Back then, Concubine Rou had already anticipated the unrest in the court, and begged Emperor Jing to send the child out of the palace, so that he could live safely. Although Emperor Jing was on the throne at that time, he was secretly restrained everywhere. He loved Concubine Rou the most and would never refuse her request. Wait until everything is settled down and the child can be taken back."

Princess An looked at Zhao Hechen with piercing eyes, and continued: "Later, you also saw that Emperor Jing was a mediocre emperor, and was framed one after another, and even the palace suffered. But his love for Concubine Rou and that child has never been fake. .”

"The children happened to be born on the same day. At that time, the emperor wanted to send the prince here, so he said it was twins. The princess exhausted all her energy in giving birth, and before the child came out, she had no time to take a look... she passed out." Shi Zhi Today, when Prince An recalled the past, his heart was still pierced: "I secretly asked someone to exchange the two children. Concubine Rou in the palace couldn't pass the hell gate and died of dystocia. The dead child was buried with Concubine Rou."

Prince An looked at Zhao Hechen with deep pain in his eyes: "The princess has been kept from me all this time, the child she saw when she woke up was you... Originally, I wanted to wait for her to finish confinement, but it went on day by day. , Father found that he really couldn’t open his mouth.”

The concubine who walked through the gate of hell was extremely weak. Seeing her holding the child happily, he couldn't bear to tell the truth, and it took more than 20 years in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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