The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 456 The Grand Finale

Chapter 456 The Grand Finale (19)
Zhao Hechen clenched his fists tightly. Although he found out the truth at the beginning, he didn't know how to describe the complicated feeling in his heart when he said it from his father's mouth.He pursed his lips tightly and asked for a while: "Emperor Jing, isn't he the emperor? Why is he so cowardly? Is it the King Cheng? Why didn't he eliminate all these disasters at that time."

"Don't blame him." Prince An sighed: "I didn't think I had the talent to be emperor when I was fighting for the throne. If Emperor Jing didn't come to power, neither I nor he would have a chance to survive. If you can kill those people with one knife, how can there be any?" Later."

He looked at Zhao Hechen and said, "There's Concubine Rou... Think about it in another way, if one day Yunsu knows that his child will be in danger and asks you to put the child somewhere else, will you agree?"

"Whoever dares to touch my child, I will desperately smash the corpse into thousands of pieces!" Zhao Hechen's eyes suddenly turned cold: "If you can't even protect the child, you are useless!"

"You..." Prince An paused and sighed deeply: "He is your biological father, don't talk like that. Now that you know the truth, no matter what you plan in the future, I will not stop you."

Zhao Hechen calmed down slowly, remembering the kindness that Emperor Jing had treated him back then, and helplessly let go of the past.He looked back at Prince An, his pale temples hurt his eyes.His eyes turned hot, and he turned and walked out: "What's the plan, Chen'er only knows that you are my father, that's enough."

He walked out of the back room, but saw Duan Yunsu standing outside behind the curtain holding a bowl.

The two stood quietly for a while, and Duan Yunsu raised his lowered eyes and smiled at him: "Sir, give father some hangover soup."

He pursed his thin lips lightly and looked at the bowl of soup, and summoned the maid outside the house to bring in the hangover soup.

"My lady, don't be so busy, go back and rest."

Back in the Chaojin Courtyard, the two of them leaned on the soft bed, neither saying a word.

Zhao Hechen didn't know how much she had listened to. When he came back from Yuzhou, Duan Yunsu had vaguely guessed the truth, so he heard the whole story today, so he didn't need to hide it.

He gently covered the fetus in his belly, felt the slight movement inside, and slowly calmed down, he said, "Do you know why Chen'er was exiled to Jiangzhou?"

Duan Yunsu froze for a moment, then shook his head slightly.She thought Chenchen would talk about the matter just now.

"The poison was poisoned by Wen Yuanyuan's people. The people who chased me after I arrived in Jiangzhou were Cheng Wang's subordinates." Zhao Hechen paused, his eyes slightly lowered: "It was Cheng Wang who fell into the water in the palace back then. The hand under the dark thread in the palace."

"King Cheng wanted to kill all the members of the royal family, so he wanted to kill me." Zhao Hechen said in a low voice, "The empress should know that Emperor Jing sent the child out of the palace, and was worried that I would become Zhao Huanzhen's hindrance, so she cast the Soul-Qing Gu. My lady , do you think this is ironic?"

Duan Yunsu was startled.

Zhao Hechen continued: "The current emperor is a good emperor. The only ones who know about this matter are you, my father, and me. I was thinking for my husband, how sad would my mother be if she found out the truth one day?"

Duan Yunsu gently wrapped his arms around him: "Don't think too much about the grievances of the previous generation."

Maybe Emperor Jing was not a competent emperor. He was lucky to win the throne back then, but his mediocrity was always restrained.But he didn't make any big mistakes towards Concubine Rou and the child.Such a plan is really helpless.

Zhao Hechen buried his head in her neck, breathed in the reassuring fragrance, and murmured: "Fortunately, the lady is always by my husband's side. Whatever the lady wants, I will bring you all."

The room with a somewhat gloomy atmosphere was about to stage a deep affection, and no one expected that the warmth would be interrupted directly by the little baby's roar: "Daddy, let go of mother!"

I saw Xiaobao running over with pursed mouth, clumsily climbing up the soft cave, and said in a childish voice, "Daddy forbids mother to hold Xiaobao, and hugs mother himself!"

Zhao Hechen's words were directly disrupted, and he taught with a sullen face: "I want to hug you and find a wife, this is your father's wife!"

"Little Treasure wants to hug mother, and Daddy goes to hug his own mother."

When did you learn to talk back!Zhao Hechen's face darkened, he was only a little boy, dare to yell at him!

Duan Yunsu felt that the atmosphere in the whole yard became jubilant when one big and one small broke out.

Time passed slowly, and when the child was nine months pregnant, Princess An was in a hurry.

Every day she looked at Duan Yunsu's bulging belly and felt worried. She was fine when she was with Duan Yunsu, and she spoke lighthearted words to let Duan Yunsu take good care of the baby.When she turned around and went back to the yard, she kept pacing anxiously, thinking about why she hadn't given birth yet.

With such a big belly, she has been worried since she was more than eight months old. It seems that she can give birth, but the baby always stays and refuses to come out.She went to inquire about it, and they said that the pregnant woman was born quickly, and if she was anxious, she would lose a lot of weight.

Ziyue quietly told the concubine Shizi about this, Duan Yunsu couldn't laugh or cry, wouldn't it be better if the child was full-term, a baby of more than eight months is considered premature, there is no incubator in this time and space, and it will be punished if it comes out too early.

These two little guys really enjoyed it, but they made your mother and the whole family a lot of trouble.

Duan Yunsu stood up leisurely, and walked a few steps while supporting his sore waist.When the princess comes over, she has to explain it carefully. I don't know where she got the saying that the twins were born in more than eight months?
Take a walk during the day to soothe your sore back, and at night, Zhao Hechen massages her legs and feet, seeing how distressed she is.

"My lady is tired." Zhao Hechen looked at the protruding belly, frowned and said: "How long will it take to come out, the belly will burst."

Duan Yunsu chuckled: "Have you ever seen a pregnant woman whose belly was burst? Wen Po came to see her, and I also took my pulse. It should have been a few days ago. The baby is growing very well."

Zhao Hechen breathed a sigh of relief: "Then I won't go to the palace for a few days, and stay with my wife in the mansion."

Duan Yunsu's eyes lit up, as if he saw Zhao Huanzhen blowing his hair out of anger.Some time ago, Zhao Hechen had just gone to ask for leave, saying that the stability of the country is not bad for him.But Zhao Huanzhen's stern face is not willing to answer, who has no children, and he wants to throw away state affairs to tease his Yu'er!

Zhao Hechen faintly dropped the sentence "Who made you want to be the emperor", which made Zhao Huanzhen very angry.He had nothing to do with Zhao Hechen, and finally let go of his request.

"Master, is there anything new in court recently?" Duan Yunsu asked boredly.

"Speaking of it, there is one thing. It is rare for the ministers of the DPRK and China to agree, and they all let the emperor draft."

"I said that they are all in a hurry. There are princes who will carry on the family line, so why worry?" Duan Yunsu snorted.

Zhao Hechen let out a muffled laugh, pinched her rosy cheeks and said, "No, it's okay to say it once or twice, but if you say too much, you'll annoy the emperor, and you'll just postpone the draft for another year. Your sister is really good at it." Big."

(End of this chapter)

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