The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 457 The Grand Finale

Chapter 457 The Grand Finale (20)
"That's none of Rong'er's business. With a prince next to him and the favor of the emperor, he's on the cusp anyway. Zhao Huanzhen has done a good job this time. It's best to keep dragging on and worry about those old guys." Duan Yunsu snorted.

Zhao Hechen didn't answer, his eyes fell on Duan Yunsu's mandarin duck jade pendant on the pillow, he picked it up and stroked it, took out the one on his body and put it together, and whispered softly: "My lady, this piece was originally a soft jade pendant. The concubine carried it with her."

"Ah?" Duan Yunsu glanced at the half piece of jade, and said, "Isn't it something strayed outside? How could the jade pendant of Concubine Rou be found outside?"

Zhao Hechen smiled slightly, and talked about the past: "Concubine Rou brought it with her when she entered the palace. Emperor Jing heard that this Yucheng couple could stay together for a lifetime, so he kept looking for the other half, but he couldn't find it until Concubine Rou passed away. Later, Emperor Jing handed the jade and the jade lock to the Xue family, but for some reason, the jade pendant was lost."

Duan Yunsu lightly stroked the jade lock hanging around his neck, which was the previous talisman of the General's Mansion, and sighed softly: "It is said that they are husband and wife, who married Emperor Jing, not Concubine Rou, but Empress Empress."

The two fell silent.

It was late at night, Zhao Hechen blew out the candle, and the two of them lay down together.The dark night was extremely quiet, Duan Yunsu slept a lot during the day, and now he was staring at the top of the bed, listening to the even breathing of the people around him.

She thought that Zhao Hechen had fallen asleep, but she didn't expect that servant to open his mouth suddenly, and asked such a mysterious question: "Does my lady believe that there are gods and Buddhas in the world? Do you believe that Master Huihe can know the will of heaven?"

Duan Yunsu was silent for a while, if she said she didn't believe it, then someone will explain the reason for the soul wear; but if she said she believed it, it seems that she didn't see the gods, she was also a materialist before: "I don't understand, my husband understands ?”

In the dark night, Duan Yunsu heard a chuckle from the people around him: "My husband doesn't believe in gods and Buddhas, but I believe that someone can see through the destiny."

"The theory of destiny is often related to the gods, why does Xianggong have such an idea?"

"Do you remember the small village under Tiandu Peak?" Duan Yunsu hummed, and Zhao Hechen continued: "That Yundong lady in the village that day didn't think it was weird? strange?"

"What is the cloud cave? I remember that everyone in the village called for the gods to come, thinking that it was the village people's reverence for the gods."

"Young lady's guess is right." Zhao Hechen followed Duan Yunsu's words with a smile, and the dark light in his eyes melted into the night.He won't tell his wife, that should be the way Master Huihe said, the way for her to go home.

Duan Yunsu stared disapprovingly: "That's it, it's just a belief, what are you talking about the destiny of the gods?"

Zhao Hechen pursed his thin lips lightly, lay on the bed with his hands on his pillow, and took a long time to speak.

"When my husband was ten years old, I met Master Huihe and said strange things to me alone. At that time, my husband didn't understand what he meant, but I wrote it down." He paused and said in a low voice: Evil leads to chaos, seven orifices open and wind and cloud come."

"And then?" Duan Yunsu's heart tightened.

He turned sideways, looked at Duan Yunsu's slightly twinkling eyes in the middle of the night, and kissed him lightly: "The world is clear and bright, and Jiaolong hides."

In the dark night, there were only two shallow breathing sounds.

The next day, news was found in the Red Chamber that Ji Su had won the throne, and the enthronement ceremony would be held seven days later.

Duan Yunsu was not surprised when she heard it. She was even more curious about how Ji Su would manage a country with her free and easy temper.With that body of martial arts, wouldn't it be possible to throw a memorial at any minister who didn't like it?Duan Yunsu thought about it, and felt that it was really possible.

A few days later, Gu Qiu came to say goodbye, saying that he was going back to the Northland.What surprised Duan Yunsu was the people around her, who else could it be if it wasn't Fu Yang?

The itinerary of the two countries is not close. When did he set off?Anyway, Duan Yunsu was very pleased that Fu Yang personally came to pick Gu Qiu home.The two have a deep relationship, and Fu Yang is trustworthy, and she feels happy for Gu Qiu.

On this day, Duan Yunsu, who was taking a walk, suddenly felt pain in her lower abdomen. Ziyue saw her face change slightly, and said nervously: "Concubine Shizi, what's wrong?"

"Go back, it's time to give birth." The pain disappeared after a while, Duan Yunsu rubbed his stomach, and the two little ones were finally about to come out.

Ziyue was suddenly more nervous than Duan Yunsu, and shouted loudly: "The princess concubine is about to give birth!"

Embarrassed by Duan Yunsu, when did Ziyue become so powerful, I am afraid that half of the palace heard this roar.

There was still some time before the delivery, Duan Yunsu ate something to fill his stomach, when Princess An heard the news, she fell in shock when she received the half-served sweet soup, and ran here in a hurry.The lady Wen who had been invited early also came, and the maid was busy going to the kitchen to boil hot water, prepare the scissors and lay the mattress, and she was busy non-stop.

Looking at the busy crowd, Duan Yunsu suddenly felt at ease, and the initial tension dissipated.

Zhao Hechen was in the study looking for books for Duan Yunsu to relieve boredom, and Xiao Bao was following him like a tail.As soon as he heard the report from the servants, his face paled and his whole body froze. After a while, he realized that he raised his legs and ran over there.

"Huh?" The forgotten little treasure looked over puzzled, and saw that his father had disappeared, and followed him out with his short legs.

The maids in the Chaojin Courtyard came in and out, and Princess An was afraid that her preparations were not sufficient.You must know that this time is not one, and there must be no mistakes.

Seeing that the princess was more nervous than the pregnant woman, Wen Po stepped forward and said, "Don't worry, Madam Wang, the concubine is not the first child. Although there is an extra child, she is smaller than a single child, so it will be fine."

"That's good, that's good." Princess An took two steps, and became anxious again: "When did you give birth? Didn't you already start labor pains?"

"Princess, don't worry, it will take a while." Wen Po looked at Shi Zifei who was eating calmly, and wiped her sweat quietly.She has been delivering babies for so many years, and she has never seen such a nervous daughter-in-law's mother-in-law.

Duan Yunsu felt the labor pain for longer and longer, and his face was slightly pale from the pain. Zhao Hechen saw her biting her lip and enduring it as soon as Zhao Hechen came, feeling distressed: "Is your lady okay? I will stay with you for my husband."

"Has Chenchen decided on a name yet? I'll pick the child's nickname this time. You mustn't be faster than me." Duan Yunsu pouted.

"One per person?" Someone bargained.

"It's all mine, it's all up to me!" Duan Yunsu didn't let go.

Xiaobao, who had finally come to the door, happened to hear what his parents said, and ran in without saying a word, "Xiaobao come, Xiaobao come."

As soon as he finished speaking, he tilted his head and blinked his bright black eyes, and asked in a daze, "Mother, what are you thinking?"

Duan Yunsu was amused by his son.

It's just that she continued to smile, and the labor pains started again, her brows were furrowed so painfully that she broke out in a cold sweat.Little Treasure was frightened by his mother's painful appearance, and tears burst out of his eyes: "What's wrong with mother? Mother is in pain, Xiaobao whirring."

(End of this chapter)

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