The genius doctor lady is crazy

Chapter 458 Baby Chapter: Little Treasure and Candied Dates

Chapter 458 Baby: Little Treasure and Candied Dates (1)
"Sir, take Xiaobao out." Duan Yunsu held back, for fear of frightening Xiaobao.

Zhao Hechen hugged Xiaobao tightly with his lips pressed together, and walked out of the door regardless of his desperate struggle.

Wenpo touched Duan Yunsu's stomach, checked the situation, and said, "Concubine Shizi, the child is in a hurry to come out, and I think it will be born in a while."

Duan Yunsu nodded.

Outside the house, there was an old lady persuading Princess An to go back and rest. It would take a while to have a baby, and it was useless to stand still.Princess An frowned, and asked the maid to bring the chair over, making up her mind to wait for the child to come out.Just sat down, but couldn't help standing up and walking around.

Prince An is much calmer. Last time when Yunsu gave birth to Xiaobao, the princess was also in such a hurry. If she can't change it, let her go.

The sun is slightly out, and the door of the production room is closed.When a cry of pain came from inside, Xiaobao cried loudly.He struggled out of Zhao Hechen's arms, ran to the door and stretched out his hand to pat him loudly: "Mother, mother!"

Zhao Hechen pursed his lips tightly, stepped forward and hugged him tightly in his arms, and coaxed him in a hoarse voice: "Xiaobao don't cry, mother is giving birth to younger brothers and sisters for Xiaobao."

"Xiaobao doesn't want younger siblings anymore, woo..." Xiaobao cried with tears all over his face, his little nose was so pitifully red.

Sui'er, who was waiting by the side, searched in the purse, and happened to find two candied dates that were put in today.She carefully broke the two halves, and handed the one without pits to Xiaobao's mouth: "Young master, sweet candied dates."

Xiaobao sobbed a bit, stretched out his little tongue and licked it, the sweet taste slightly diverted his attention, and opened his small mouth to hold it.

When Zhao Hechen saw it, he looked at Qin Niang in the front and said, "Qin Niang, take the young master down to sleep."

When Xiao Bao saw that his father wanted to let go, he became even more sad, and the tears that had just stopped poured out again: "I want my father, I want my father!"

"Okay, Daddy won't leave." Zhao Hechen frowned helplessly, fearing that he would choke, so he had no choice but to coax him first.

Shuisheng, who had returned from martial arts practice, also stood quietly among the crowd. Seeing Xiaobao crying sadly, Uncle Zhao also frowned, and went up to Xiaobao and said, "Do you want to play with brother Shuisheng? Xiaohei is also waiting. Oh little treasure."

Xiao Bao's small body was stuck to his father's body, and he looked at him with misty eyes.Seeing the opportunity, Zhao Hechen patted him on the back lightly, put him down and said: "Xiaobao go to Xiaohei first, mother will come back soon."

Shui Sheng pursed his lips and smiled, and took the hesitant Xiao Bao away.

The sun was setting and the sky was getting darker and darker. Soon stars were rising in the sky, and the palace was lit early.The door was still not opened, Awu paced over looking for the smell of blood, his dark green wolf eyes scanned the surroundings, stood firmly at the door, and then walked around anxiously outside the gatehouse.

Zhao Hechen stood in front of the door, hearing Duan Yunsu's shouts inside, wishing he could break through the door.In fact, he did the same, and when there was a heart-piercing cry from inside, Zhao Hechen's clenched fists were bruised, and he regretted listening to the lady's words and waiting outside.He stretched out his foot to kick the door, but he didn't expect the door to open with a creak, and a maid who was helping inside came out, and said joyfully, "It's a young master!"

Prince An and Princess An also walked to the door and asked anxiously, "Where's the child?"

"My lord, you can't go in, there is still one unborn!" When the girl saw that Zhao Hechen was about to break in, she didn't even have time to answer the prince's words, and stepped forward to block him.

"Get out!" Zhao Hechen had endured to the limit, the little girl trembled in fright, fortunately Prince An held him back.

"Chen'er, Yunsu is alive, what should you do if you go in and disturb Mrs. Wen?"

Zhao Hechen retracted his strided leg, and when the little maid saw it, she hurried in and closed the door with a bang.

"Bodhisattva bless Bodhisattva, it is finally born, and the other one is almost ready?" Princess An chanted brokenly, then turned and pulled Prince An's sleeve and said: "Look, you said it was a boy, how about now?" Already, a group of boys will make you tired!"

Prince An knew that he couldn't speak to Princess An, so he simply let her nag.

Not long after, there was the sound of babies crying again in the house, and the door was opened again. Wen Po and an old woman took the children out one by one, and said happily, "Congratulations, you are twins! You are safe and sound!" !"

Zhao Hechen stared blankly at the two children with a stiff body, then turned around and rushed into the delivery room.

On the bed, Duan Yunsu, whose hair was drenched with sweat, looked sideways at the bondage of her life, and smiled sweetly.

--(End of full text)--

Duan Yunsu couldn't help but pursed his lips into a smile every time he thought of how the twins got their nicknames.

Before speaking, Xiaobao's name had not been decided for a long time, because Prince An hesitated and felt that no word was worthy of his grandson.At that time, the second prince asked Xiaobao's name for the emperor, Zhao Hechen was afraid that the man would give the name indiscriminately, so he directly named Xiaobao Zhao Ziheng.

When it came to Xiaobao's generation, it was the "zi" generation's turn.This name was given by Chenchen, and it was originally a very good name, but Prince An was not happy about it.After thinking about it for so long, his son actually gave him his name and baby name!This time, Prince An refused to let go of the opportunity to name the two babies no matter what.

The prince is an elder, so logically he should be the one to name it, so Duan Yunsu and Zhao Hechen thought about their nicknames.

"Sanggong, the third sister's child is called Yu'er directly, and it's nice to use a big name."

"Not intimate enough, Zhao Huanzhen is being lazy!" Zhao Hechen directly denied.

"Has the gentleman thought of that?"

"It's better to call..."

The two of them had a heated discussion, and they were about to reach a conclusion, but unexpectedly, a little man jumped out halfway, and with a wave of his little hand, his parents were confused.

I saw Xiaobao holding the wooden sword his father gave him in one hand, pointing at the two babies on the couch with the other hand, and shouting loudly: "Mizao! The younger sister is Mi, and the younger brother is Zao!"

The words that were about to be uttered by the two parents stuck in their throats. Duan Yunsu looked at the imposing Baozi in front of him, wiped his sweat and said, "Xiaobao, the youngest is the younger sister. The younger brother was born first, not the older sister."

Xiaobao stepped forward to have a look seriously, and saw that his younger brother was stronger than his younger sister, so he reluctantly accepted what his mother said.

Zhao Hechen picked up Xiaobao, saw him kicking his legs in mid-air begging to land, raised his eyebrows and said: "I named it, what are you doing!"

"Mother, help!" Seeing that his father's face was darkened, Xiao Bao resolutely sought refuge with his mother.He still remembers that as long as mother speaks, father will definitely follow mother's words, and it is not wrong to ask mother for anything!

The little man, with those bright black eyes rolling around, opened his hands towards Duan Yunsu and looked at her pitifully.

Duan Yunsu was captivated by his son's cute appearance, glared at Zhao Hechen, hugged his son in his arms and said, "What are you fussing about with your son, Xiao Baolai, tell mother why you are called Mizaoer?"

(End of this chapter)

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