Fortunately met when I was not married

Chapter 58 The overall situation has been decided

Chapter 58 The overall situation has been decided
Chapter 53 The overall situation has been decided
"Are you agreeing?"

"I already have Si Tian." Shang Yu's voice was low and difficult.

Si Tian stood outside the door, her footsteps were only half a foot away from the threshold, but she didn't have the strength to push the door open.

"Then what do you say?"

"If I refuse, I'm afraid he'll be embarrassed and resentful. If I agree, I'll be sorry for Si Tian. In a hurry, I said that the Emperor Daliang promised the princess to me, and Princess Daliang is arrogant and jealous. I'm afraid I'll wrong him." daughter."

Uncle Qi said: "No matter how precious his daughter is, she can't match Daliang's princess. Only such an argument can make her refusal more reasonable and convince him."

"I didn't expect to encounter such a thing. At that time, I was sweating." Shang Yu smiled bitterly, and Uncle Qi also laughed.

Si Tian moved lightly, then slowly turned around and brought the tea into his room.With a light like a bean, she slowly sat down at the table.

The steam of hot tea curled up, rose to the front, and spread out, like the joy of reunion, which had been blown away by Shang Yu's words, and there was nothing left.

It turned out that she still thought of everything too simply.Sometimes you can't do whatever you want. For example, Pei Yunkuang, even if he has feelings for her, he can only treat her as the most special one. But Shang Yu, before the big event is accomplished, there are already turmoil on the way.Although she understands that he can't help himself, how long will he stick to temptation and benefits?
A sour and unstoppable worry and sadness rose leisurely in her heart, accompanied by the flickering lights.The blue sky, which was originally clear, overcast the dark clouds.Moreover, deeper worries welled up in her heart, would Pei Yunkuang really want to promise Yunyi to him?
There is only one princess in Daliang now, and that is Pei Yunyi. When Pei Yunkuang was trapped in the stone pile, he once told her half-jokingly and half-seriously that he wanted to promise Yunyi to Shang Yu, so was Shang Yu's refusal true or false?If it is false, how will the refusal he said be fulfilled in the future?If it is true, how will she face it?

Si Tian didn't know how long she sat under the lamp, her thoughts were numb and she couldn't sort out her thoughts. It wasn't until Shang Yu pushed the door and came in that she was shocked.

Seeing that her expression was wrong, Shang Yu hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with you? Why are you so preoccupied?"

Her eyes were a little confused and tired, languid and cold, unlike the clear and clear pulse when she looked at him just now.

Si Tian lowered his eyebrows to avoid his gaze, and didn't know what to say for a while.Although the Si family later fell into poverty and poverty, she was still born as a young lady. She has always respected herself and loved herself. She would rather keep some grievances in her heart, and she is also noble and arrogant in front of others.

Shang Yu came over, pretending to be jealous: "I'm right in front of you right now, and you don't take a look, and you don't know who you are still thinking about."

He put his arms around her shoulders, sat beside her, and looked sideways at her.

Si Tian pondered for a moment, then said in a low voice, "I'm thinking about Princess Yunyi."

Shang Yu was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Could it be that you heard what Uncle Qi and I said just now?"

She bowed her head and said nothing, which was her default.

He didn't want her to know about this, but since she already knew, he had to explain to her as soon as possible, otherwise it would be a hidden danger.He knows her temperament very well, she looks weak on the surface, but in her heart she is arrogant, stubborn and very assertive.

He said seriously: "Now is the critical moment. The Mengli tribe is very important to me. Firstly, I have to pass through the territory of Mengli when I return to the royal court. Secondly, Mengli is the head of the four major tribes. If I can get Mengli Han With his support, many things are much easier to handle. He promised to send troops to help me return to the royal court, and I may be honored and rich in the future. But he is afraid that I will ascend the throne in the future, which will be bad for him, so he wants to marry To strengthen the relationship between him and me. If I directly refuse, it will obviously not make him feel at ease, and it will also make him a little embarrassed. That's why I said that. "

She said quietly: "Why don't you just say that you already have a marriage contract."

He sighed and said: "Cangjiao people attach great importance to blood status. I was able to be established as the heir by my father and king because of my mother's noble status. Meng Lihan insisted on a noble status. If I Wouldn't it be embarrassing for him to reject his daughter. Cang Qiao is a straightforward person, if he relies on his own background to force him to make his daughter a righteous one and you a concubine, what should I do?"

concubine?Si Tian was annoyed for a while, even if she married a butcher's pawn, she would never be someone's concubine!She raised her arm violently, trying to open his arm on her shoulder.

Shang Yu gasped, a look of pain appeared on his face.

Si Tian was a little surprised, with her strength, how could such a wave of her arm hurt him?
He withdrew his arm and pushed up his sleeves.A few white cloths were wrapped around his arms, with faint blood seeping through.

Si Tian asked urgently, "Are you injured?" She secretly regretted that she should not have touched his wound with too much force just now.

"I cut it myself."


"Since I don't want to marry Menglihan, I have to do something to reassure him. I will cut flesh and drink blood according to Cangqiao's rules, to show that I will never give up on him."

There was a stabbing pain in her heart, and she couldn't get angry anymore.If it was any other man, he should definitely agree to the marriage, but he kept his promise to her, and would rather hurt himself than fail her.Touched and sad, she slowly squatted down and put her face on his lap.

He felt a small patch of warm wetness on his leg.He gently lifted her chin, her bright eyes were full of moisture, and she looked at him tenderly, her eyes were full of waves, and she said nothing.

He stroked her cheek, and said in a deep voice, "As a man, I can't help myself sometimes, but I will never betray you."

She wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her face against his clothes.She has never taken the initiative to get close to him, this is the first time.As a woman, there are often times when she can't help herself, let alone him, his embarrassment, his helplessness, make her uneasy and make her heartache.

She said quietly: "I believe in you."

He breathed a sigh of relief, if he had followed the temper of the woman in Cangqiao, she would have kicked open the door and gone in to question him after hearing his conversation with Uncle Qi.But she went back to the room silently and sulked. This is the difference between a Central Plains woman and a Cangzheng woman. He likes her euphemism and gentleness, but he also hopes that she can let things go. Fortunately, he found out today, otherwise it would be her heart again. A pimple, I don't know when it will be solved.

The problem was solved, and he began to ask: "My arm is inconvenient, please help me wash my hair."

In fact, to him, his injury is simply dismissive, let alone to the point where he cannot act recklessly. However, he just wants her considerate care, because he always feels that she is not good enough for him, and she is not good enough for him. Not deep enough, vinegar is not sour enough.

Her face turned red immediately, and she immediately refused: "Let them help you, aren't there many people in this courtyard?"

He snorted dissatisfied: "They are all outsiders, but you are insiders."

She felt that the roots of her ears were getting hot, so she lowered her head and said nothing.

"I'm hurt, isn't it because of you? You don't want to care about me, you are so heartless. When will you treat me half as I treat you?" He had a cold face, feigning displeasure, and gritted his teeth. Complain and pretend to be wronged.

She defended in a low voice: "It's not like you don't know whether a man or a woman will kiss each other."

"Are husbands and wives also accepting each other?"

"We are not yet."

He smiled and grabbed her: "Yes, can you?"

She struggled hastily, but her efforts were in vain. He smiled meaningfully, with ambiguous threats and longing in his eyes, which made her blush and heartbeat, and she quickly surrendered: "Okay, wait for me to fetch water."

She brought hot water, untied his hair, and combed it carefully.The first time she did such an intimate thing for a man, she felt that her fingers were a little inflexible.

He enjoyed her gentle care very comfortably, and made a higher request: "Can you help me take a bath?" She threw the towel in her hand in fright, and hurriedly escaped from the room. His loud voice came from behind her. laugh.

This person is really too much!

The night breeze cooled the heat on her face a bit, and she went back to her room to freshen up and fell asleep.When Shang Yu returned to this courtyard, it seemed that there was heat and anger here, and she fell asleep very quickly, feeling very at ease.

In her sleep, it seemed that a caterpillar crawled up her neck, and she just wanted to hide from the itching.She touched it subconsciously, but she felt warm skin.

Startled, she woke up.

Shang Yu smiled and said, "Scared you?"

"You, why don't you go to sleep?"

"Am I not sleeping?"

"How can you sleep here?"

"Why not, I want to."

He has always been unreasonable, so she had no choice but to beg softly: "Uncle Qi will laugh when he sees it." In addition to Uncle Qi, several masters from Qishimen and the attendants brought by him lived in this courtyard. She didn't dare to speak out, for fear of being overheard, so she begged in a low voice, but it sounded like a half-push and half-agreement, and she blushed.

"I'm leaving tomorrow, I want to stay with you for a while, don't talk, let me hold you."

Before she could protest, he had already stretched out his arms and wrapped her in his arms.He took a few deep breaths of her scent, his desire was about to move, but he forced himself to suppress it.The one-year period must have passed, right?He endured really hard.

He put his hand on her back, hesitating whether to go down.

In the end, he still restrained himself and waited a little longer, just be sure.

Early the next morning, she opened her eyes and saw that he had already left.

She gently pressed her face against the pillow he had slept on, and there was still his breath there. She sighed softly, and her thoughts were like flowing water, gurgling and endless.Parting is like the pipa whimpering in the middle of the night among the reeds by the river, the sound of wind and water, and the hatred of separation.

Seventh Uncle left with Shang Yu, and only Si Tian and Seventh Uncle were left in the house, all the way from Dongdu to Shangjing, and brought six masters of Qishimen from Langcheng.

In a blink of an eye, it is winter, and the dripping water turns into ice.The climate here is chilling, Si Tian nestled in the courtyard, anxiously waiting day and night for news from Cang Qiao.Shang Yu and her have been exchanging letters, and the letters are full of Xixun. He has teamed up with Mengli to call Xuze City where Wang Ting is located.Chang Yutang has lost the hearts of the people in recent years because of his excessive levies and excessive lewdness.Shang Yu held the imperial edict and jade seal of the former king, and with the support of Liang Liang behind him, he was like a broken bamboo along the way.

She read his letter again and again, but no amount of good news could compare to him standing in front of her in person.

It was New Year's Eve, and the masters left behind by Qishimen were all men, and they respected her like their masters. Although they prepared delicious food and wine for her, they didn't dare to share the same table with her. She was the only one in the dining room. The sound of firecrackers sounded from time to time, and the playfulness of the children next door was sent over the wall, making it more and more quiet and lonely here.

She ate hastily and went back to the room.From time to time, flickering fireworks jumped into the night sky beyond the high courtyard wall.She thought of her mother who was far away in Xinzhou, and also missed Shang Yu who was far away in Cangqiao. She was really involved, and she felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a few horse neighs interspersed with the sound of firecrackers.Her heart jumped wildly, but she felt that it was her own illusion, how could it be?

However, it was not an illusion that someone was knocking at the courtyard door.

She stood up abruptly, walked out the door quickly, and stood on the corridor.

Uncle Zhao and Qu Xiaosi from Qishimen opened the door, only to hear a familiar voice outside the door: "Oh, I'm so cold, so hungry, so exhausted!"

Si Tian was taken aback, how could it be Qi Yang?

Qi Yang was dressed in military uniform and led a few soldiers into the yard. After greeting Uncle Zhao and the others, he walked up the corridor and smiled at Si Tian: "King Cangqiao sent a villain to pick up the princess." He looked teasing, obviously It's a joke.

Si Tian was both surprised and delighted, and asked anxiously, "Has he already taken down the royal court?"

"During the siege this morning, he sent me to pick you up, and it's definitely taken by now. We will leave for Xuze City tomorrow."

He finally succeeded, and Si Tian couldn't help smiling. The worries of the day and night were instantly lifted off by Qi Yang's understatement like a heavy burden.

She asked, "Why did you go to Cangqiao?"

Qi Yang took off his helmet and said, "Master told me to go and follow the practice. I went directly from Dongdu."

"How is Master?"

"Master is very good. Hey, does the princess have something delicious here? I have been hungry for a long time. The elder brother who celebrates Chinese New Year still makes me go back and forth. I really value sex and despise brothers."

Qi Yang's joke made Si Tian's face hot, and she quickly asked Uncle Zhao to prepare the meal.

Qi Yang turned back and said: "Uncle Zhao, take these brothers to the guest room to rest for a while, we have been running around for a day, and our bones are about to fall apart."

Si Tian led Qi Yang into the house, poured him a cup of hot tea, and asked impatiently, "Qi Yang, how is he?"

Qi Yang drank tea slowly on purpose, moistened his throat, and winked for a long time before saying: "He, he is fine, but he has lovesickness, and he is still very sick."

Si Tian snorted shyly, "Qi Yang!"

Qi Yang smiled and said: "Oh, Si Tian, ​​you originally called me senior brother, but now I want to call you sister-in-law. I'm at a big loss."

Si Tian blushed and said, "Qi Yang, your mouth is also tricky."

He sighed: "Oh, I learned this from the elder brother."

"He's not."

Qi Yang pursed his lips and said: "In your eyes, naturally everything about him is good. Is beauty in the eye of a beholder, hehe."

Si Tian blushed, and didn't dare to answer any more, for fear that Qi Yang would continue to make fun of her.However, she found that Qi Yang was much more mature than when they met last time, and he was no longer that innocent and mischievous little brother.

Qi Yang put down his teacup, and said with a smile: "Si Tian, ​​if you don't go, be careful that senior brother is snatched away. There is a woman who is staring at senior brother!"

Si Tian's heart sank, his smile couldn't help restraining himself, and he asked in a low voice, "Who is it?"

"Menglihan has a daughter who is very aggressive. She also fought with her father. She often looks for opportunities to strike up a conversation with the elder brother. I think her eyes are very problematic. She is affectionate and her words are quite ambiguous."

is her!Si Tian immediately thought of the conversation between Shang Yu and Uncle Qi.Shang Yu said that he had already rejected Menglihan, so she didn't worry about it at all. At this moment, when Qi Yang mentioned it, she was shocked, and she was embarrassed to show displeasure and uneasiness in front of Qi Yang. , reluctantly smiled and said: "The women in Cangqiao are really different from the Central Plains."

"Yeah, she looks pretty too."

This sentence made her even more uneasy, she wished to see him immediately, see that Mengli Haitang, and see what was going on.

(End of this chapter)

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