Chapter 59
Chapter 54 Reunion Like Honey
Early the next morning, Qi Yang set off with Si Tian and others.Originally, Shang Yu specifically ordered Qi Yang to let Si Tian take a carriage to Xuze City, but Si Tian was impatient and decided to hurry there on horseback.

Qi Yang joked with a smile: "I'm just joking with you, Eldest brother is not of a moody temper, I think it's the woman's wishful thinking,
You don't have to rush. "

Seeing what was going on in his mind, Si Tian blushed slightly, and said, "Whoever said I was in a hurry, I naturally believed him."

Qi Yang smiled and said, "Do you still remember the girl on Lanzhou Mountain? The one who gave the insoles?"

Si Tian laughed and said, "Of course I remember." Thinking of his black face at that time, it was really ridiculous.

"Eldest senior brother believes that one is the other, which is very different from second senior brother."

Si Tian smiled and said nothing, and said to himself, the second senior brother is the one who is infatuated, but everyone is confused by his superficial flair, but they can't see the pain in his heart.Sister Su chose Liu Zhong in the end, he was afraid that he would be sad, and he didn't know how long it would take to recover.

After all, Si Tian's physical strength is weak, and he can't compare to the knights and soldiers who have been traveling all year round. Qi Yang slowed down his journey for a day and a night, and arrived at Xuze City in the evening of the second day.

The tall city looks like a gigantic beast, which gathers its claws and fangs in the setting sun, crouching in the twilight.The sky is high and far away, and thousands of miles are boundless.The open and majestic aura of Xuze City is completely different from the Zhong Ling Yuxiu in the Central Plains, with the breath and style of a foreign land, which makes people's eyes shine.

Outside the city is the army stationed, the tents are like mushrooms blooming in the fields after the rain, sword lights and swords flow faintly in the cold air, and the hustle and bustle still smells of battlefields and blood.

Qi Yang took the lead and led her and the others straight into the city.There is still a faint smell of gunpowder smoke on the wide streets, and the smoke from the kitchen is curling up and floating on the blue sky, which makes the cold winter evening in the north warm.Qi Yang took her all the way along the direction of Wangting.After entering the inner city of the royal court, a huge white palace appeared in front of her. It was towering and majestic. The steps of Shimen are so steep and compelling, but they are majestic and majestic, which makes people shocked.

Is this the royal court of Cang Qiao that he said?The top of the right, where it should have belonged to him.She watched obsessively, and was amazed by the magnificence of the royal court. However, unfortunately, the west side of the palace was scorched black, obviously showing traces of being burned by the fire. On the east and west sides of the palace, black and white formed a strong contrast. The black half-walled palace is extraordinarily bleak in the dusk, as if it is telling a person's defeat and the tragedy of the palace change.

Suddenly, several horses galloped from behind the palace.The afterglow was dim, and the iron clothes gave off a cold light, with a sharp taste of the battlefield.The leader was wearing blue armor, and the yellow puma kicked like flying, like a ball of yellow sand rolling in from outside the fortress.The wind rolled up the man's black cloak, and the wind was chasing, like a Kunpeng with spread wings soaring into the clouds.

She felt a shock in her heart, as if she smelled a familiar breath, was it him?Her heart started beating wildly.

Qi Yang reined in, looked at the fast horses approaching, and smiled at her sideways.It's a pity that she only has one person and one horse opposite in her heart, and everything is out of sight.

The fast horse came in front of her like lightning, the man on the horse pulled the reins suddenly, the front hoofs of the yellow pussy horse flew up, he got low, grabbed Si Tian from the horse by the waist, and put him on his own horse.

She felt her body lighten up and fell into a warm embrace.The familiar domineering aura immediately enveloped her, and there was a familiar face in close proximity, often appearing in meditation and dreaming, with starry eyes and sword eyebrows, with the spirit of the Central Plains people and the wildness outside the Great Wall, water.Bright and handsome with milk blending.He stared at her with a faint smile.She wanted to laugh, but her eyes were sore and swollen. Seeing him, all worries and longings, together with the heavy thoughts, were instantly dispelled by the scorching sun like mist.

He looked at her without blinking for a moment, as if it was a long-lost treasure, with Su Er in his hand, he would never tire of seeing her.

Qi Yang smiled strangely at the side: "I brought him here, so I won't be an eyesore here, will I?"

Si Tian blushed and lowered his head in Shang Yu's arms.

Shang Yu turned his head and smiled: "You wait for me here." After he finished speaking, he clamped his legs, and Huang Puma immediately shot out like an arrow off the string.

The wind was blowing in his ears, he wrapped the cloak tightly around her body, he didn't say anything to her, but she heard his inner voice in his chest.

Borrowing the wind, she unbridledly sniffed the masculine breath on his body, feeling like returning home after a long journey and returning to the forest.

The horse raised its hooves, and the wind howled.He rode his horse straight towards the palace, and even jumped onto the white marble steps in front of the palace.The steps were gentle, the speed of the horse slowed down slightly, both her and his bodies leaned back slightly, and she leaned closer and closer to him so that they were inseparable.

He said behind her: "Si Tian, ​​I told you that I will take you to the royal court in Cangqiao."

She looked at him dumbly and smiled silently.At this moment, he is like a victorious hero and a wayward child.And she felt extremely happy to be able to share this success and glory with him at this moment.

The steed mounted the last step, and he lifted her off the horse.The tall and majestic Xu Ze City was almost in sight.

He leaned on the railing and looked out of nowhere.The smile is so bright and the brows are flying.The kind of self-confidence that is bound to win and the domineering look at the world unexpectedly made her heart expand.She followed his gaze and looked over, the picturesque mountains and rivers were in front of her eyes.

He raised his arm, and slowly waved his fingers across the city in front of him, with the taste of pointing the country.

She followed his fingers and looked at the city in the twilight. Although it was the first time she saw her, she fell in love with him because this was his place.

He turned his head and asked, "Do you like it?"

She nodded with a smile, and looked back at him.He seemed to be a child who wanted to be praised, looking at her triumphantly, his brows were full of arrogance and arrogance, he already had the world, but he used the gentlest voice, the most intoxicating eyes, wanting to Get her praise and affirmation.

She couldn't help but said, "I like it very much, because this is your place."

He smiled freely: "It belongs to our place." As he spoke, he suddenly picked her up and spun her around.

Overhead is the white palace and the twilight sky, and the wind blows the corners of her skirt like a blooming lotus.His smile was dazzling, she was already dizzy, but when she smiled at him, she felt even more dizzy. It was the first time she saw him so happy after knowing him for so long.

He put her down, supported her waist, looked at her silently, and sighed a long time.

"We will never part again."

Her bright eyes were shining brightly, she nodded and smiled at him, and answered "yes".

He couldn't help but cupped her face and kissed her.She didn't resist or dodge, separation and longing dissipated her shame without a trace.

For a long time, she snuggled into his arms, her breath was a little short, and her rosy lips were slightly pouted.Shang Yu caressed her lips with his finger narrowly, as if reminding her of the scene just now.She pretended to be angry and tried to bite his finger, but he chuckled, took her hand, and slowly walked down the white marble steps.Huang Puma followed behind him, breathing hot air.

She looked back at the remaining corners of Wang Ting, and sighed: "It's a pity that some of them were burned."

"That's right, he has always liked this trick. Seeing that the general situation is over, he doesn't want to keep what he can't get. He set himself on fire in the palace, and he avenged my mother."

She walked beside him, feeling at peace and happiness in her heart.Seeing Qi Yang leading people waiting at the bottom of the steps from a distance, she couldn't help but think of Qi Yang's words, so she asked, "I heard that there is a Mengli girl beside you. Why don't you see her?"

Shang Yu stopped walking and smiled at her sideways: "Qi Yang, this kid, has always been quick-spoken. He told you all those things about me in the past, and he hasn't changed at all now."

She pretended to be angry, and pouted at him, which meant that it would be better not to tell herself.

He chuckled, and said, "It's Menglihan's daughter that I mentioned to you last time. The Cangzheng girl has a straightforward temperament, so Qi Yang looked at her a little bit."

"That what?"

"Well, it's just not pleasing to the eye." He rubbed his nose, thinking of Mengli Haitang, secretly felt a headache.

"Then does it look pleasing to your eyes?" She stomped her feet, stopped, and stared at him with her head up, her face full of jealousy.She doesn't care if the woman is pleasing to the eye or not, but she insists on whether he is pleasing to the eye or not.

He giggled, and turned his head to see the setting sun sinking below the western horizon.

Annoyed, she pinched his arm severely, and said angrily, "You look pleasing to the eye, don't you?"

He still didn't look back, just looked at the setting sun and snickered.

She is annoyed, this man!He still hasn't expressed his opinion at this moment!
She lost her temper and kicked him in the shin.

He finally turned around, pointed at Qi Yang and the others who were not far away and said with a wide-eyed smile, "You look so aggressive, are they all looking at you?"

She angrily turned around and walked down the steps.

He took her arm, smiled softly and said, "I just want to please you."

The corners of her mouth turned up, and a sweet and shy dimple floated on her lips. He felt greedy and thirsty, and wanted to get drunk.It's a pity that everyone is not far away, so I have to endure it first.

He took her down to the steps, and said to Qi Yang and the others: "Follow me to Pingyuan Lake. Tonight, celebrate your achievements and reward the army."

Everyone should be, a group of people headed towards Pingyuan Lake outside the city.

The twilight gradually darkened, and after a short while, he hurried out of the outer city of Xuze City, and a frozen lake appeared in front of him!The surface of the water is as flat as a mirror, completely covered with ice. A bonfire is lit by the lake, and the ice surface reflects the light. Looking from a distance, it shimmers in tiny pieces, like countless crystal gems.

There are countless tents set up by the lake, and there is a huge white tent, which stands out from the crowd at a glance.

Shang Yu jumped off the horse and led her to the white tent.When all the generals saw him coming, they all bowed their bodies and saluted him, and called him "The King" respectfully.With a smile on his face, he said: "The great victory of the royal court and the submission of all the tribes are all thanks to everyone. In the past few months, you have really worked hard. Tonight, we will celebrate and reward you, and we, the monarch and ministers, will celebrate together."

Uncle Qi came out of the tent and saw Si Tian at a glance. He smiled helplessly at Shang Yu: "You child, you are really impatient."

When Si Tian heard the voice, his face turned red slightly.Shang Yu laughed and led her into the tent.The tent is divided into two with a curtain, and in front of it are written documents, pens and ink, maps, etc. It is obvious that it is a place to discuss military affairs with everyone.

Shang Yu led her to behind the curtain, the floor was covered with thick blankets, it turned out that this was his resting place.Looking at the crude layout, she feels distressed. He has always been a picky person. In the past few months, he has lived and slept in the open and fought all the way, and he has suffered a lot.

He hugged her waist from behind, and said in a low voice: "Wang Ting was burned down by Shang Yutang in a lot of places. Uncle Qi sent craftsmen to rush to repair it day and night. You have to be wronged for a few days, and live with me." Here, okay?"

She whispered, "What about you?"

"Of course I live here too."

Her face was flushed like crimson clouds, she felt something was wrong but she couldn't say it.

He couldn't bear it anymore, so many people followed him all the time.Now it's just him and her in the account.He no longer has to restrain himself.

She was thrown onto the white blanket, and his kiss was vicious, sharp and domineering.There was pain on her lips, but she didn't dislike him rubbing so hard, it seemed that only in this way could it penetrate into her heart and relieve her thoughts.For the first time, she responded to him enthusiastically, although she was clumsy but cute, she scratched his heart itchy, the blood was rushing, the body and chest were swollen and painful, but it was also extremely happy.

At some point, his hands began to wander over her body.She struggled in panic.

"what are you doing?"

"I see you are fat?"


"I'll find out after looking."

"Who told you to use your hands?"

"You're wearing too thick clothes, you can't see it with your eyes, just touch it with your hands."

"Shang Yuhao!" In a moment of urgency, she even called out his real name, hoping to frighten him and calm him down.

It's a pity that he had nothing to worry about, so instead he smiled: "You yell so loudly, the tent is not soundproof, be careful they misunderstand."

She suddenly didn't dare to speak out, and blushed and protested in a low voice: "You bullied me."

He touched it for a long time, and concluded: "It's really not fat, the waist is so thin." Then, he moved his hand down a little, and said seriously: "But it seems to be a little fatter here."

She felt that her face was going to burn, and her body was also on fire.She was ashamed and annoyed, and said in a low voice, "Let go."

He ignored her until she was taken advantage of, and he let her go with satisfaction.

She was out of breath and freed her hand to hit him, but he grabbed her hand and said with a low smile, "Hehe, let me touch it, and if you lose weight, it means you miss me."

(End of this chapter)

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