Business Experience: The Business Wisdom of China's Top Ten Business Groups

Chapter 2 Wen merchants - the only group in the world that can stand shoulder to shoulder with Jewis

Chapter 2 Wenshang - the only group in the world that can stand shoulder to shoulder with Jewish businessmen
In the Chinese business community, Wenzhou businessmen are the pioneer group in the forefront of the market.They are industrious and frugal, not afraid of hardships, overcoming obstacles, forging ahead in the fierce market competition, and constantly extending their business tentacles, known as "Oriental Jews".Wenzhou people are the best at controlling their own destiny.The pragmatic spirit, unique thinking, unique concept of money and superhuman courage of Wenzhou businessmen make them the vane of the times.

Treat making money as a habit Making money should be a habit. It doesn’t require you to do earth-shattering events, but you need to keep doing some small businesses unswervingly and tirelessly to form a good habit and succeed. It's not far from you.In the eyes of Wenzhou people, there is no distinction between high and low occupations, and the most important thing is whether they can make money.

Wenzhou people are born with a boss complex. "Be the boss if you have money, and be the boss if you don't have money; you are the boss if you make money, and you are the boss if you don't make money." These are almost the mantras of Wenzhou people.Being a boss is actually being your own master, and making money is a habit.

The Jewish financier Morgan has his own unique concept of making money, that is, making money never becomes a heavy burden, but a fresh and exciting game.In his view, only earning money with such a game mentality is a good money-making mentality.Wenzhou people also have a similar strong desire to make money and start a business.The reason why Wenzhou businessmen can achieve success is because they fully released the strong desire to start a business and get rich deep in their hearts, and successfully used it in the market economy.

Back then, there was an old lady in Wenzhou who accidentally saw an opportunity to make money - collecting rabbit fur.But at that time, the old lady was not very literate, and her Mandarin was even more substandard. What should I do?So she asked someone to write two notes and put them in the left and right pockets.One is: I am from Pingyang, Wenzhou, please help me buy a bus ticket; the other is: I buy rabbit fur, XX money per catty.With these two small notes, the old lady traveled all over half of China and earned 10,000+ yuan.For this old lady, making money is as simple as that!
Many people did not really feel the magic of "money" before doing business, but as they bumped into the wall again and again, using money to open the way and unimpeded, they consciously or unconsciously understood the role of money and realized the value of money. importance.Therefore, in general, people in business value the role of money more than other groups.

People in Wenzhou go where they can make money, and they want to do better and bigger business.There is such a family in Wenzhou. When they learned that the oil business in Xinjiang was easy to do, the whole family decided to seize this business opportunity after discussion.Everyone who has money contributes money, and those who have no money contribute, and even their married daughters come to join the gang.In the end, the youngest daughter, who was only 19 years old, volunteered and got permission. She traveled thousands of miles to Xinjiang alone with a huge sum of money.The whole family is also worried about the young daughter, but in their view, gender does not have more meaning, and safety issues are not different according to gender.In economic terms, there is no hard and fast distinction between the responsibilities of men and women.Everything depends on actual needs, and everyone can choose his own life path.It can be said that Wenzhou people do not have gender issues in the business field, but only business intelligence issues between businessmen and non-businessmen.

When oil deposits are discovered in Xinjiang, a borderland, people from Wenzhou will come to see them. In Shanghai, thousands of miles away, there are hotels for sale, and people from Wenzhou will come to see them.The reason they go is simple: "Maybe there's an opportunity to be found."

For Wenzhou people, it is really easy when making money becomes a habit.

Of course, for a businessman, this habit must have a "degree".We should not put all our minds on making money. If we always put our minds on making money, we will easily go astray, and we will lose the overall situation for greedy small profits. This way of making money will eventually be short-lived.We have to stand at a certain height and make money while improving our own literacy. Only in this way can we go a long way.

Just imagine, when we think that nothing is more important than making money, we will run red lights regardless of social interests and cause traffic jams in a hurry to make money; we will pick up unowned property on the road and keep it for ourselves.If we extend it further, we may sell fake products to people who do not understand jade, and we may play price games behind our backs, and deceive customers like children.If this continues, we may benefit temporarily, but in the end we will ask for trouble and lose long-term benefits.

Therefore, we emphasize: in the business field, when you are used to a certain operation, when you have reached a certain level in a certain field, when you have overcome human nature, victory is something to be proud of matter.

Business experience

There is no distinction between high and low occupations, whether you can make money is the most important thing.Small business can also achieve great cause Wenzhou was initially poor in resources and the living environment was harsh. Wenzhou people deeply felt the pain of poverty, which gave them the courage and wisdom to make money.In a sense, the "Wenzhou model" was forced out of poverty.

The motivation of Wenzhou businessmen to start a business is very simple, that is, to get rid of poverty.In their consciousness, poverty is the greatest crisis in life and a great shame.The desire to get rid of poverty and become rich is as strong as Gou Jian's desire for revenge.For thousands of years, it has been the dream of Wenzhou people to get rid of poverty and live a prosperous life.

Many poor Wenzhou people started their businesses with the "five knives", namely kitchen knives, scissors, leather knives, razors and screwdrivers.They use the "five knives" to do odd jobs that others don't want to do or rarely do, or sell some small commodities that others don't want to sell, and realize the primitive accumulation of venture capital.

Maybe you won't believe that Wenzhou people can also "dig for gold" by mending shoes.In front of Jiefang Building in Taiyuan, there used to be a shoe mending man from Wenzhou who earned more than 40 yuan through seven years of hard work as a shoe mending man.This astonishing figure at the time made this cobbler a Wenzhou businessman with impressive entrepreneurial achievements.

In Wenzhou, there are countless people who rely on humble craftsmen to earn initial capital and then become famous entrepreneurs: Wang Zhentao, president of shoe king "Aokang", started his career as a carpenter; Nan Cunhui, president of "Chint", was a child He is a cobbler; Hu Chengzhong, the president of "Delixi", was a tailor in his early years; Ji Zhongliang, the president of Zhongliang Suit Group, used to pick up scraps and sell narcissus on the streets of Wenzhou in his early years...

If a person does not have strong capital, but still dreams of becoming a big boss and wants to start a big business, it is really better to start a small business.Small companies, small businesses, and small products have flexible operations and strong adaptability. As long as the operators can grasp the signs of consumption from the complicated consumption behaviors, invent, produce, and sell some novel, unique, multi-purpose, and convenient small products, go By adapting and creating new consumer demands, you can broaden your business scope.

Some people think that to do business, you need to do big business, and small business is not profitable; but in the eyes of Wenzhou people, as long as the market needs it, small commodities can also become big business.Although small businesses earn less, they can earn a lot of money with less investment, less risk, small profits but quick turnover.

The profit of the lighters we usually use is only 5% or 1 cent, and ordinary businessmen are unwilling to operate them.However, Wenzhou businessmen have their own ideas. In 2004, a small factory called Maosheng exported 9000 million lighters, with a profit of 90 yuan!Relying on the unique conditions such as cheap land rent and labor-intensive conditions, Maosheng Factory reduced costs and paid close attention to quality, but it created huge wealth.Zhou Dahu, the king of lighters, was a post office clerk who resigned and went to sea more than ten years ago. Later, he built his own wealth building with a small "Tiger" brand lighter: fixed assets reached 5000 million yuan, and the annual output value of the enterprise exceeded 8 million yuan. .Shuangtong Straw Company only earns 8 cents per straw.However, the company did not think that the 8 cents profit was a small amount.On the contrary, this 8% profit business has been achieved all over the world, and Shuangtong Straw has become the largest supplier in the world.About 40 tons of Shuangtong straws are shipped all over the world every day, bringing the company a monthly profit of [-] yuan.

This is the shrewdness of Wenzhou businessmen. Because of small profits, they have gained credibility, and because of credibility, they have gained a market, which has increased sales, and of course the total income has also increased.More importantly, once this kind of large-scale wholesale has formed a model, it will be quite convenient to do business, as long as you pick up the goods and check out, there will be no more troubles of bargaining.

Konosuke Matsushita, the king of Japanese electrical appliances, said: "I have been working diligently since I was a child to lay the foundation of the present. I often tell my employees: If you want to make inventions, you must start with the small inventions around you. If you want to do great things, you must start from the side. Start with small things.” Only by starting from small things down-to-earth, can one day hope to start a big business, so that the business you engage in will have a solid foundation; if you get rich by speculation, it will come and go quickly.

Business experience

If you want to invent, you must start with small inventions around you, and if you want to do big things, you must start with small things around you.

If you want to make money, you have to suffer, and if you want to make a lot of money, you have to suffer. There is a saying: "People should be proud of the suffering they have endured. Any suffering can become a happy memory for the successful." Wenzhou businessmen are the kind of people who can endure hardship when they are poor. People who can endure hardships when they are rich, who can endure hardships when they work part-time, and who can endure hardships when they are bosses.They regard suffering and failure as their mentors in life. When facing setbacks, they don’t blame others, but keep a calm mind and calmly face them. They even yearn for suffering, because in their view, behind the suffering is the source of wealth.

From an economic point of view, the famous economist Zhong Pengrong attributed the hard work of Wenzhou people to the "four thousand" spirit, which means "going through untold hardships, talking thousands of words, traveling thousands of mountains and rivers, and thinking of thousands of ways"!
"If you can endure hardships that others can't, and if you can do things that others don't want to do, you can earn money that others can't." It is their guide to making money.

Many people who are unwilling to endure hardship think that the behavior of Wenzhou businessmen is "stupid", and even look down on Wenzhou businessmen.However, after many years, these Wenzhou businessmen who slept on the floor became successful, small businesses became big companies, and small capital became big wealth.Only then did everyone realize the meaning of the old adage "Only by suffering and suffering can one become a master".

Mr. Chen is a Wenzhou businessman who is willing to endure hardships. When he went to France, he had to work 15 hours a day.He started working before dawn in the morning and continued to work after French class in the evening. He hadn't seen the sun for five years.Xu Yong, the owner of Power Lighter, sold aluminum ingots from Northeast China to Wenzhou in order to raise funds for his business.At that time, he had no money to hire someone, so he had to carry the aluminum ingots onto the train by himself, but his foot was injured by the dropped aluminum ingots; he was "escorted" with the train, and he didn't dare to close his eyes for days and nights... All these problems were in his eyes. not a problem.

Wenzhou people have a very strong sense of money. Every time they endure hardships and adventures and prepare for it, they have a detailed calculation of money benefits as the motivation and basis.

Li Rulong, a businessman from Wenzhou, used to own a well-established enterprise and a luxury residence of more than 400 square meters. He was a successful person in the eyes of many people.Later, he was deeply attracted by the free trade atmosphere and advanced business philosophy abroad.So he went to France to start a business with [-] dollars in his pocket, but the life waiting for him was not as good as he imagined.The language barrier and illegal identity made him suffer a lot in France, and later he moved to Spain to develop.As soon as he entered the country, he was cheated out of all his money. He was very sad and indignant, and was about to go back to China, but he thought about it again, nothing was done, how could he go back?

Later, Li Rulong used the "broken leather" materials that the Spaniards didn't want to make into pockets, but he didn't expect the business to be surprisingly good. "Broken Skin" became his "turning point of fate", and soon he had his own roof and a place to shelter from the wind and rain, and everything seemed to be going smoothly.But just when he took out the travel expenses to go back to China and decided to do his best to expand the business, he was robbed by a group of criminals again, and all his belongings were robbed.This time he was even more embarrassed, but he still survived. As a man, he must have endurance and endurance. No matter how much pressure is on him, he must come out, and life still has to go on.It is this perseverance and belief that supported Li Rulong to the end.

God rewards hard work, Li Rulong finally found a chance.Once, he saw the opportunity to buy a leather bag with a good style, and found a production base in Hong Kong, and he began to develop on a large scale.This time Li Rulong completed the accumulation of tens of millions of yuan. "Everyone has an opportunity, the key is whether you have the courage to seize it." This is his success speech.

Success is not temporary, it depends on the spirit of courage to endure hardships, continuous pursuit and a belief in victory.If you want to make money, you have to suffer, and if you want to make a lot of money, you have to suffer. This is an absolutely true and undeniable truth.I believe that after countless winds and rains, a person who can really do business will definitely see a beautiful rainbow.

Business experience

If you want to make money, you have to suffer, and if you want to make a lot of money, you have to suffer. This is an absolutely true and undeniable truth.Spending money is like adding salt to cooking. It should be just right. Many rich people always give people an impression of luxury, and Wenzhou businessmen are not far behind.But Wenzhou businessmen are the most calculating businessmen in the world.In terms of the use of money, after they see a project, they can "throw" a large amount of banknotes with lightning speed. The move of Wenzhou people to invest in buying a house can be called unique.In addition, Wenzhou businessmen are very keen on charity, and they take donations of millions or tens of millions for granted.

Sometimes Wen Shang takes a business jet and flies thousands of miles away in order to attend a class.In the eyes of outsiders, it seems to be a very extravagant thing, but he thinks it should be done.Zhou Chengjian, the founder of Meters Bonwe Group, is such a trapeze artist.He graduated from junior high school and now has a master's degree.He said he could learn a lot from his classmates at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, such as Niu Gensheng, chairman of Mengniu Group, and Jiang Nanchun, chairman of Focus Media.The only lasting competitive advantage is the ability to learn faster than your competition.

In early March 2005, Ningbo Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce started with the theme of "Learning to Change Destiny", and organized local Wenzhou merchants to hold a "cultural salon" by hiring financial experts and university professors to give lectures at the Chamber of Commerce and members to speak freely.Some Wenzhou businessmen canceled their business trip plans in order to participate in the study; some Wenzhou businessmen gave up orders of several million yuan in order to participate in the study.Knowledge is the most reliable wealth, as it says in the Talmud: "I would rather lose all my property than marry my daughter to a scholar."

On the other hand, the stinginess of Wenzhou businessmen is also their commonality.They advocate spending money wisely. They pay close attention to operating costs, live in the cheapest house, and eat the cheapest food.Lin Liangkuai, chairman of Chongqing Xiaolin Bedding Co., Ltd., believes that the way to do business lies in persistence.His stinginess is decades of savings.He used to eat and live in the factory for several years. The house is the warehouse, and the cardboard box is the bed.In order to save a few cents, he once drank cold water and ate steamed buns for two consecutive months.At the beginning of his business, in order to save costs, he worked as both a salesman and a porter.For many deliveries, tricycles were useless due to steep bends and steep roads. Lin Liangkuai was reluctant to hire a car, so he simply carried a pole and walked hundreds of miles.

For Wenzhou people, spending money cannot simply be understood as consumption, let alone squandering. It also implies investment.It can be said that a person's cognitive attitude towards money can be seen from how he spends the one yuan in his hand, which reflects one aspect of the person's money quotient.

Some people earn a lot of money, but after carefully counting their property, they don't leave much money at all except for some not very valuable things.Just like "the monkey breaks the corn", break one and throw away one, and only one is left in the end, which means it won't cost money.The reason is that when money is spent indiscriminately, the money spent is not used to buy assets, but to buy liabilities.

What we pursue is to "spend money wisely". In the modern sense, it is how to maximize the value of money.But China's traditional consumption habits run counter to it.Under the conditions of the traditional small-scale peasant economy, many people in the country are used to living in poverty. They always advocate thrift and thrift, and oppose extravagance and waste.

There is such a case: In Chengdu, there is a shop specializing in the wholesale of leather goods opened by a Wenzhou native, and he has a group of regular customers.In the beginning, the store was very small.There is a boss in Chengdu who buys several thousand yuan worth of fur goods by bicycle every time.A year later, the shop of the Wenzhou native expanded, and the Chengdu boss also changed into motorcycles, but he still bought several thousand yuan worth of goods.Two years later, the shop of the Wenzhou people expanded into a fur wholesale market.At this time, the boss in Chengdu drove a car to purchase, but the purchase volume still did not increase.Two years later, the boss in Chengdu went bankrupt due to fierce competition.The Wenzhou boss became the director of a shoe factory equipped with the most advanced production line in Italy.Once, when the two were chatting, the boss in Wenzhou asked, "Where did the money you make all these years go?" The boss in Chengdu replied, "Didn't you see that I changed my motorcycle and car? Some time ago, I even changed my car. The new house cost more than 40 yuan." The Wenzhou boss smiled: "I used the money you bought for the car to buy equipment, and the money for the house to expand production."

Wenzhou businessmen are like this, they can always spend their money well.Bill Gates also followed this sentence in his life: "Spending money is like cooking, it must be just right. If there is less salt, the food will be bland, and if there is too much salt, it will be bitter and salty." The stinginess of money and the reasonable existence of the two contradictory parties have paved the way for the success of Wenshang.

Business experience

Spending money is like cooking, it must be just right.If there is less salt, the dishes will be bland and tasteless; if there is too much salt, the dishes will be bitter and salty.If you only care about immediate interests, you will lose long-term interests. This is the business philosophy of Wenzhou people.

The combination of righteousness and profit is determined by the genes in the traditional culture of Wenzhou people.Zheng Shengtao, chairman of China Shenli Group, said: "Based on righteousness and profit, whether you are an enterprise or a person, whether you are a large or small enterprise, you must be conscientious. Enterprises and individuals are interactive. If you pay, you will get rewards. I believe in cause and effect. relationship.” This simple thought has been brought into full play by Wenzhou people in the market economy.

In today's Wenzhou, many businessmen have a consensus: honesty is a good quality, it is not a simple concept under strict rules and regulations.Although the establishment of a supervision and risk management mechanism is also effective in ensuring the implementation of "integrity", the more fundamental thing is to rely on personal cultivation.This understanding makes many Wenzhou businessmen consciously regard the word "integrity" as their foundation.

Yu Jinhua, chairman of Gilda Shoes Co., Ltd., who inherited his father's business, has a deeper understanding of integrity after witnessing the development of Wenzhou's shoe industry. He knows what business spirit means to an enterprise.He clearly remembers that there have been a large number of "morning and evening shoes" and "one-day shoes" in the Wenzhou market, and the better quality is called "weekly shoes".This is the result of Wenzhou people's rush to the shoe industry.At that time, these became synonymous with Wenzhou leather shoes, making Wenzhou leather shoes notorious.

Yu Jinhua believes that most Wenzhou bosses fully realized the true meaning of the saying "good quality leads to prosperity of enterprises; poor quality leads to death of enterprises" only after the entire industry suffered humiliation. In 1995, on the cusp of Wenzhou shoes being yelled at by Chinese people for being fake and shoddy, Yu Jinhua entered CCTV and began to advertise, and took the lead in launching the "Made in Wenzhou" brand.

After 29-year-old Yu Jinhua took over the responsibility of the head of the company from his father Yu Ashou, he focused more on his father's business philosophy of "Founder, Kindness, Fairness, and Honesty".In Yu Jinhua's view, the formation of this concept is the most precious wealth left to Gilda by his parents and the intangible assets of the company.It is this kind of business spirit that makes our company widely recognized by the society and develop rapidly.

Yu Jinhua said that if the quality management can fundamentally guarantee the product quality of the enterprise, then the management of product credit will further improve the credit value and brand value of the enterprise.Now the banks in Wenzhou give Gilda a high credit rating. In Yu Jinhua’s own words: “Many banks are queuing up to do business with Gilda. We want loans, no guarantees, no mortgages, just credit.”

Both righteousness and profit must be taken into account. A businessman who only values ​​righteousness but not profit is not a good businessman, and a businessman who only values ​​profit but not righteousness is an immoral businessman.

Someone once said that Wenzhou regained the dignity of the market at a price, and it was the awakening of the commercial spirit.The reason why Wenzhou can become what it is today is the commercial spirit of Wenzhou people.

Cheng Feipeng, chairman of Hangzhou Pengcheng Industrial Co., Ltd., known as the "king of the stone market", has such an experience: Cheng Feipeng borrowed 4 yuan from the private sector at high interest rates when he first started his business, and the term was limited to one year.Later, the creditor listened to the rumors and mistook Cheng Feipeng for something wrong in Hangzhou. Worried about being cheated out of the money, he urgently called him to ask him to return the money within three days.At that time, Cheng Feipeng was very puzzled. He agreed on a one-year deadline, and it will be returned in less than a month?But thinking about it again, there must be some unspeakable secrets, so I quickly checked several accounts, and the cash was only 2 yuan, so I borrowed 2 yuan from others overnight, and sent it from Hangzhou to Taishun non-stop.In the early hours of the morning, when he knocked on the creditor's door, the other party froze.The other party didn't expect that with a phone call yesterday, his money would be returned today.I thought to myself: Cheng Feipeng is really trustworthy.In the end, without further ado, he handed over 4 yuan to Cheng Feipeng with confidence.

Working hard in the business field for more than ten years, Cheng Feipeng has handled countless goods and made countless friends in the business field. Among them, Cheng Feipeng's name is a "credit check".He only needs one phone call, no matter how much the goods are, the other party will deliver them to the door.However, some old stone shops in Hangzhou had a better foundation, a bigger appearance, more business channels than him, and stronger economic strength than him at the beginning, but now most of them are defeated. The main reason is that they do not keep promises and cheat. other side.At that time, foreign manufacturers came to Hangzhou mostly to find these old customers and would not cooperate with Cheng Feipeng, but now they all come to them on their own initiative.In this regard, Cheng Feipeng believes that to do business, you must first be a man; never break your promise to others, otherwise you will stumble.

The core of wealth quality is integrity, sincerity establishes a business, and integrity leads to wealth. Lee Kai-fu, president of Google China, said: "What is integrity for an individual? You must work on the premise of observing basic professional ethics; you must not do things that are against the interests of the company; you must not lie, let alone commit any crimes; Customers must keep their promises, be more transparent with partners, be responsible for their own commitments, and have team spirit with colleagues.”

Generally, a successful businessman, a successful entrepreneur, needs to stand the test of integrity at the beginning of starting a business.Integrity is the cornerstone of a businessman's character. If he loses his integrity, he will lose his foothold in the market; if he has integrity, his business will grow bigger and bigger, and the scale of the enterprise will become bigger and bigger.This is also the perfect combination of righteousness and profit.

Business experience

Take both righteousness and profit into account, whether you are a business or a person, whether you are a big or small business, you must be conscientious.Good at creating business opportunities means that the strong and the weak lose opportunities, the fools wait for opportunities, the wise seize opportunities, and the strong create opportunities.For businessmen, creating business opportunities is more important.Wenzhou businessmen have the business habit of being ready to create business opportunities at any time, and they also have the ability to create good business opportunities.

If you are just a small bean vendor, it is of course best to make money if the beans sell well, but what if the beans don’t sell well?

Ordinary people may sell at a reduced price, but Wenzhou people have come up with many good ideas: First, consider mashing the beans into douban for sale; if the douban cannot be sold, then marinate the douban into tempeh; Tempeh is fermented with water to make soy sauce, which is then sold as soy sauce.Secondly, you can grind the beans into tofu and sell the tofu. If the tofu is hard, you can sell it as dried tofu; if the tofu is thin, you can sell it as bean curd;If the tofu can’t be sold, you can put various seasonings on it, put it for a few days, and sell it as stinky tofu;In addition, you can also let the beans germinate into bean sprouts and sell them as bean sprouts; if the bean sprouts are still unsalable, let them grow up and sell them as bean sprouts; Sell.Moreover, in order to sell well, it will be given an elegant name: Cardamom Nianhua.

Simple beans can actually plan so many sales methods, which shows that as long as the concept is always fresh, thinking about the problem from a different angle, and adopting an ingenious business strategy, you can create business opportunities with your own clever mind and hardworking hands.

Once, Xiao Chen, a young man from Wenzhou, went shopping with his girlfriend, but there was hardly a man in the mall, but there were a few men standing there chatting at the door, all talking about the troubles of going shopping with his girlfriend or wife .One of the men said with emotion: "It would be great if there was a husband's depository." After hearing this, Xiao Chen had an idea: "Hey, this is a good idea."

Later, after careful investigation and analysis, Xiao Chen believed that this might be a way to make money.So he opened a "men's lounge" near the mall.In order to attract men, he used a lot of free tricks, and also prepared tables and chairs, tea and drinks, computer Internet access, various magazines and so on.After the free opening, the "Men's Lounge" is almost full of seats. Although it is free to open, there are many people who come, and the income from the tea and drinks sold has greatly increased, and the profit and loss are balanced.

With the growing influence of men's leisure bars, Xiao Chen's services have become more and more perfect, and more and more related services have been launched. Not only men who shop with their wives like to come here to rest their feet, but also many merchants from other places. Think of this as a great place to meet friends and discuss business.Small shops have a reception room, and they will also use it as a temporary reception room.Sometimes some lonely men also like to come here for a walk, because there are various newspapers and magazines here, you can surf the Internet and listen to music...

After several years of development, Xiao Chen's business has become bigger and bigger, and he has opened a chain of men's leisure bars near many shopping malls.

Shopping malls are battlefields, and competition is war.In this complex and ever-changing market, what we have to do is to use our resourcefulness to overcome difficulties and create new business opportunities one after another.

Of course, in order to create business opportunities and achieve entrepreneurial success, in addition to the strong leadership of entrepreneurs, it is usually necessary to establish a team that can complement each other.Members of this team must have a cooperative spirit and have a keen sense of business opportunities. When others see contradictions, confusion and doubts, they must be keen to discover hidden business opportunities.

Entrepreneurship also requires the skill and resourcefulness to discover and control resources, which is also indispensable for capturing business opportunities.This ensures that startups don't run out of money when they need it most.These are important factors towards success.Most of the successful entrepreneurs in Wenzhou have not only an excellent team, but also the required financial support, so that they can capture business opportunities that others have not noticed.

Business experience

The weak lose opportunities, the fools wait for opportunities, the wise seize opportunities, and the strong create opportunities.Only by being good at patience can we achieve great things, and being impulsive will only miss good opportunities. We need patience in our daily life, because people are not omnipotent, and there are always many things that we cannot solve by ourselves and have no choice.Temporarily bearing the burden of humiliation is the best way to solve the problem.

People who know how to be patient can often achieve success in their careers, and being impulsive will only miss good opportunities.Back then, the main reason why Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu, did not succeed in his career was because he did not know how to endure.The opposite of King Chu was Han Xin who later defeated him.This Han Xin who had suffered the "humiliation under the crotch" is really a master of patience. He knows the truth that "a man is a man who bears shame and shame", so why rush to prove that he is not weak by a stupid confrontation method Can be bullied?
In this world, thousands of people pay a high price every year due to emotional extremes: they ruin their own future because they cannot bear it, and end their precious lives because of a momentary emotional impulse.We should have the courage to accept all misfortunes and disasters in the world. If we are irresponsible and emotional, we are actually irresponsible to ourselves.

For ordinary people, patience is a virtue; for businessmen, patience is a necessary character.If you want to make money, you must learn to be patient.The ancients said that "harmony makes money", which means to achieve the goal of harmony through patience.An important reason why Wenzhou people can make money is patience.In order to make money, they endure all kinds of pain: the pain of wandering around the world, the pain of homesickness after abandoning their wives and children, the physical pain of doing dirty work and hard work, the spiritual pain of being repeatedly stared at and ridiculed, and so on.

A rich man in Wenzhou shared his experience with others: To make money, you must be patient. Even in adversity, such as when the business fails, the company goes bankrupt, suffers extremely heavy losses, and even wants to commit suicide. You must also be patient and not give up your fighting spirit.Endure the pain as an experience, and believe that one day you will succeed.

A few years ago, Wenzhou native Huang Zhijian was a very accomplished young cadre in the Wenzhou Municipal Price Bureau. Later, he resolutely gave up his "enviable" civil servant position.Because he can't bear a stable life that makes people feel dull, and he doesn't want to see his 20-year-old life when he is 50 years old.

After careful consideration, Huang Zhijian, who wanted to do business wholeheartedly, came to Spain.What he didn't expect was that his entrepreneurial journey started in the kitchen of a Chinese restaurant in a foreign country, living in the sink soaked with piles of bowls and chopsticks and the smoky stove.For Huang Zhijian, who is proud and arrogant, this is undoubtedly a kind of torment.He runs between restaurants, language schools, and residences like clockwork every day, enduring helplessness in order to find a new turning point in his life.

After borrowing money to open a small Christmas gift shop, Huang Zhijian's situation has not changed much.He still can't forget the embarrassment when he pulled the cart to buy goods and was rejected by the bus in full view.In those days, he only ate one meal a day, waived breakfast and dinner, used a few biscuits for lunch, and rolled gift paper at home until late at night...

Huang Zhijian said: "The biggest pain is still mental. It is not easy to learn to depend on others and learn to obey others." At the same time, that period of life changed his views on many things, and even affected his character.It was from that time that he learned to be tolerant, considerate, patient, and persistent... Huang Zhijian, who is now successful and famous, calls that experience a rare wealth in his life.

There are nine out of ten unsatisfactory things in life. If you want to survive in this ever-changing world, you must learn to be patient.Standing in the world, put patience first; be kind to others, and be safe if you can bear it.If you want to make money, you have to weigh yourself first. In the face of all-round torture from physical to mental, do you have such a kind of "steadiness" and "endurance" that you can't be surprised?Because businessmen have to bear more difficulties, setbacks, even pain and loneliness than ordinary people.

Business experience

For ordinary people, patience is a virtue; for businessmen, patience is a necessary character.If you want to make money, you must learn to be patient.More adventure, more points, someone said that gold diggers must have dreams, and those who make money must have courage, otherwise, when the best opportunity comes, they will not dare to try, only worrying about failure, they will lose their success Chance.Wenzhou businessmen just have this kind of adventurous spirit.

As the saying goes, "Ping An is worth a thousand gold, and risking half a lifetime is worth ten thousand dollars." This concept makes Wenzhou people "dare to be the first in the world" and "dare to be the first to eat crabs."They boldly embraced the "sky", boldly embraced the "sea", and boldly embraced the "land", thereby creating the first-mover advantage of the market economy.They believe that the first soup tastes the best, and the business that is one step ahead of others is the most profitable.Numerous facts have also proved their point of view: the more you work, the more you will gain; the more you take risks, the more you will achieve.

Wang Junyao, a businessman from Wenzhou, is a bold and bold person.Back then, Wang Junyao was just a small businessman doing business in Changsha, Hunan.One year, Wang Junyao rushed home to celebrate the New Year. Because he couldn't buy a train ticket, he chartered a luxury bus from Changsha with a few fellow villagers back to Wenzhou.In the car, he inadvertently said, "The car is too slow", and a fellow fellow traveling with him sarcastically said: "The plane is fast, you can go back by plane." He didn't think about a word, but it touched his inspiration: "Yeah, why not charter a plane?"

Wang Junyao decided to give it a try.After going to countless departments and stamping countless stamps, the route from Wenzhou to Changsha contracted by him was finally opened.In this way, Wang Junyao, who was only 25 years old at the time, pioneered a private charter flight in the history of China's civil aviation, becoming the No. 1 private charter flight in China, and founded the first private charter company in China - Wenzhou Tianlong Charter Aircraft Co., Ltd.Wang Junyao has really made his business a success.

Wang Junyao didn't indulge in enjoying the first pot of gold out of the "aircraft charter", he invested this pot of gold in the dairy industry. In 1994, he established JuneYao Dairy Company.As the core industry of JuneYao Group, JuneYao dairy products are well-known across the country for its well-known trademark "JuneYao Milk". In 1998, he won the right to operate hundreds of taxis at an average price of 70 yuan each in his hometown of Wenzhou.He wanted everyone who came to Wenzhou to see "Juneyao" all the time.The "JuneYao" brand is running all over the place, which is a huge intangible asset.But in 2001, Wang Junyao auctioned off the operating rights of 80 Wenzhou taxis at an average price of [-] yuan each.Because, Wang Junyao has identified the main business of development - aviation and dairy industry.

Not only Wang Junyao, but many Wenzhou people's entrepreneurial development history and stories have a common characteristic, that is, dare to think, dare to venture, and dare to take risks.There is no industry that Wenzhou bosses dare not invest in. As long as it can bring benefits to them, there is no place where they dare not invest.

Lhasa, known as the "roof of the world", gives everyone the impression of altitude sickness.When they first arrived at the plateau, everyone felt chest tightness, difficulty breathing, and severe headaches to varying degrees. Even walking and talking were very strenuous.However, in such a snow-covered plateau, half of the people who enter Tibet to do business are from Wenzhou.According to statistics, there are currently about 7000 Wenzhou people doing business in Lhasa, with an estimated total investment of more than 2 million yuan, more than 150 businesses and shops, and an annual operating income of more than 4 million yuan.

Zheng Yue, the general manager of Tibet Huadong Hydropower Equipment Co., Ltd., was the first Wenzhou native to arrive in Lhasa. In 1980, Zheng Yueqing, who was only 20 years old, left his hometown of Yueqing and came to Lhasa after a journey of more than 20 days. However, the altitude sickness here prevented him from getting out of bed for several days.This setback did not bother him.After adapting to the local life, Zheng Yueyue began to look for work.Zheng Yueyuan started out as a carpenter, but later he discovered that the local farmers and herdsmen were only lighting butter lamps and candles, and had no access to electricity at all.The construction environment here is harsh, the altitude is high, the temperature is low, and the project is short. Life is in danger at any time.But he thought it was a good business opportunity, so he started his difficult business. In 2000, he established Tibet Huadong Hydropower Equipment Complete Co., Ltd., which specializes in providing equipment and installation for small hydropower stations.Later, more and more Wenzhou people saw business opportunities and flocked to Lhasa.For a time, people from Wenzhou could be seen everywhere in Lhasa.

Although doing the same business, it is much more difficult in the snowy plateau than in other places.They need to endure altitude sickness caused by lack of oxygen, and often climb mountains and mountains.Not only is it desolate here, but the mountain roads in many places are also very thrilling.In this regard, many Wenzhou businessmen are deeply touched: "Many times, we just pass by the gate of hell. Especially in winter, the mountains and plains are covered with snow, and the car slides on the ice and snow. When passing the narrow and sloping mountain road, there are cliffs around us. Through the car window, you can even see the wreckage of many accident cars at the bottom of the mountain.” However, no matter how harsh the environment is, the people of Wenzhou did not flinch in the slightest.It is precisely with this spirit of daring to enter and fight that Wenzhou people have finally gained a firm foothold on the roof of the world. The low-voltage electrical industry here is almost completely monopolized by Wenzhou people.

The successful experience of Wenzhou businessmen confirms a sentence: Only the bold and adventurous survive.It is precisely because of this spirit of daring to be the first in the world that Wenzhou people have created a large number of Chinese famous brands and well-known trademarks such as Kangnai, Aokang, SAINT ANGELO, and Red Dragonfly, and formed more than 20 "national brands" such as low-voltage electrical appliances, stainless steel, and leather shoes. The production and sales base has enabled Wenzhou to take the lead in its development and accumulate stamina.

Business experience

The more you work, the more you will gain; the more you take risks, the more you will achieve.Speak with facts, speak with results Wenzhou businessmen pay great attention to the down-to-earth and pragmatic spirit. They always start from the market demand. One of their favorite words is: "Speak with facts, speak with results."

Wenzhou businessmen are famous for their shrewdness. They do almost any business, such as repairing shoes, buying and selling buttons, lighters, etc. They dare to try any business.But you may not know that people from Wenzhou didn't like to speculate in stocks in the past, and people from Shanghai don't understand this very much. "Liberation Daily" once took "Wenzhou stocks are not hot" as news.

Wenzhou people, who have always been known for being flexible, smart and capable, have a strong sense of being ahead, are hardworking and never lag behind. They are ahead of the Chinese people in everything, but why do they only avoid the stock market?Especially for those "big money", there are fewer investment funds in "stock speculation", and few companies are willing to strive for listing.Don't Wenzhou people want to benefit from stocks?
This is not the case. Many Wenzhou businessmen feel that stocks are an overly speculative investment behavior, and it is better to do some small businesses.Because, if you do some stable small businesses, you will be able to succeed in a down-to-earth manner, but whether you can succeed in the stock market is often out of your control.In their words: I am not familiar with the capital market, so I can't see how deep this pool of water is.

The pragmatic style even makes Wenzhou people show a general indifference to the virtual stock market.This is the principle that Wenzhou businessmen pursue if they are not familiar with it and do not do it if it is not true: to develop a career, one must start from the familiar field first, and do not change course easily, let alone catch up with the so-called "hot spots". .

Lin Kaiwen, a Wenzhou native who is in the water pump business, has completed a fortune from scratch to hundreds of millions of assets in 15 years. The reason for his success is actually very simple, that is, to be honest, to act conscientiously, and to do business down-to-earth.Lin Kaiwen said: "The water pump industry is a down-to-earth industry. If your eyes are blinded by flashy, you can no longer focus on your products. For the water pump industry, this is especially fatal."

In 1993, Lin Kaiwen's business had achieved sales of 1000 million yuan, becoming the number one water pump company in Yongjia.But in 1994, the company showed obvious signs of decline. At this time, Lin Kaiwen faced not only the enterprises in Yongjia, the "hometown of water pumps", but also large and small enterprises all over the country.Pragmatic Lin Kaiwen made a detailed analysis of the reasons for the predicament at that time, and found the reasons for the decline of the company. This is the low quality of technology that leads to poor product quality, relatively single specifications and models, and the lack of corresponding technical personnel.Later, Lin Kaiwen advertised through various media to recruit talents, but in the end, none of the qualified people came to apply for the job.In order to recruit talents, Lin Kaiwen simply moved the company to Shanghai.As a result, all of the 165 talent lists he issued were satisfied, and all the ones he found were out-and-out senior talents.

In order to succeed in business, Lin Kaiwen resolutely moved to Shanghai. This pragmatic style of "where to make money" made him achieve great success.Today, Lin Kaiwen has 7 companies, 200 acres of land for the group and 1500 employees.From the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall in Beijing, the Capital Airport, and the Military Museum, to the Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai, Pudong International Airport, and the Maglev Project...the water pumps here are all made by Lin Kaiwen. In 2000, the group's sales reached 3.5 million yuan, and it has become the king of the national water pump industry.

People in Wenzhou never fantasize about reaching the sky in one step. They start their careers from reality and pay attention to being down-to-earth. Every "now" added up will create their own "future".

Business experience

If you want to develop your career, you must start from the field you are familiar with, and don't change course easily, let alone chase the so-called "hot spots" casually.Necessary conditions for making money: dissatisfied with the status quo, striving to make progress American steel magnate Carnegie immigrated from England to the United States when he was a boy. He was really poor at that time.It is the belief that "I must become a rich man" that made him show his talents in the steel industry at the end of the 19th century, and then set foot in railways and oil, becoming a tycoon in the business world.Rockefeller and Morgan were also full of desires at the beginning of their businesses, and with desires as the driving force, they became the victors of the American economy in the early stage of capitalism.

"As long as you can live a stable life." "As long as you can live a decent life, don't be too demanding." If you have this kind of thought, it is best not to go into business.The necessary conditions for making money are: dissatisfaction with the status quo and striving for progress.

Wenzhou people have such conditions.Their pursuit of money is never-ending. It is not the personality of Wenzhou people to "get rich with a little wealth" and "satisfied with happiness".With a hundred thousand, you can think of a million, and with a million, you can think of a billion.But their "thinking" is not a fantasy, fantasy, or daydreaming, but a money-making practice that is put into action.Their "greed" for money is the original driving force behind their creation of economic miracles.

In today's ever-changing market economy, the thinking that only by spending a lot of money can you make a lot of money has long been outdated.If you can grasp the market, seize the opportunity, and use unique tricks to win, even though the cost is small, you can still make a lot of money.

Zhou Chengjian, the boss of Meters Bonwe, grew up in a very poor family.When he was 14 years old, he purchased a dowry for his sister and bought a sewing machine at home. He taught himself to sew and became a small tailor, making clothes for sale, and at the same time "reselling" buttons and other small commodities for clothes.Later, 20-year-old Zhou Chengjian walked out of the mountains alone and came to Wenzhou City, more than 60 kilometers away. He rented a stall in the Miaoguo Temple Market and started making clothes for sale. This time he successfully earned the "first pot of gold". By 1993, he had become a rich man with 500 million yuan.

But this did not satisfy Zhou Chengjian, and he made another amazing move: he "splashed out" all the money he earned, and registered and established the Meters Bonwe Group Company, specializing in the production and sales of casual clothes.He explored a "virtual management" business operation path from practice: "contract" the production and processing of the company, and strive to build the brand image of Meters-Bonwe Group.

More than 10 years have passed, and Zhou Chengjian has also created a "kingdom" with annual sales of nearly 20 billion yuan.Still he wasn't satisfied.The Wenzhou headquarters building costing hundreds of millions is under construction, and his modern clothing design center covering an area of ​​160 acres in Pudong, Shanghai has also started construction... He said: "There is no road longer than feet, and no mountain higher than people."

Affected by traditional thinking, many businessmen are content with the status quo and are easily satisfied. When they live a better life, they will be "small rich and peaceful". .The final result is that the career is stranded, or even sit and eat, until there is nothing left.

There is such a theory in economics: people with higher incomes feel poorer.This is not only because people with high incomes spend more, but also because people with high incomes are often more rational, always feeling that their worth has not reached its peak and can be even higher.CCTV once conducted a survey. Most people with a monthly income of less than 1000 yuan think that their lives have reached a well-off life, while some people with a monthly salary of more than 3000 yuan or even 5000 yuan think that their lives are still far from the standard of a well-off life.The truth is exactly this.

Smart Wenzhou people may initially only want to make a little money so that their lives will not be so embarrassing, but after earning the first pot of gold, they did not indulge in enjoyment, but pursued greater and more wealth.This may be the reason why Wenzhou people are getting richer and richer!

Business experience

The necessary conditions for making money are: dissatisfaction with the status quo and striving for progress.Remember: action always comes first. There are many people like this in life: there are many opportunities to make money, but they are always afraid of wolves and tigers; I am also afraid of taking risks, and I don't feel it is too late until others have made money.In fact, any investment involves risks and opportunities, and money will not fall from the sky when you sit at home.The key reason why Wenzhou businessmen can make money is that they act immediately when they find an opportunity.

Once, Fan Mingqiang from Wenzhou traveled to Beijing with his wife and children.When he stood in front of the wide Tiananmen Square and looked at the tall Tiananmen Gate Tower, he had a business inspiration - to open a "Marxist-Leninist Bookstore" on the Tiananmen Gate Tower.Fan Mingqiang believes that it is the best place to sell the works of great men. In 1999, the 50th anniversary of the founding of New China and the 100th anniversary of the introduction of Marxism to China, Fan Mingqiang felt that this was a good time.So he knocked on the gate of the Tiananmen Tower Management Office.As a result, the Tiananmen Tower Management Office immediately agreed.In order to show support for this "red front", they made an exception and exempted the rent of this bookstore.

Wenzhou people are born with a keen sense of smell and a daring personality. They collect political, economic, and social information that is beneficial to them all the time.

Since the 20s, the shoe industry has flourished.In order to expand production, many shoe factories across the country are in urgent need of shoe last milling machines with high production efficiency.After hearing this information, many machine tool factories thought it was a good topic to develop new products, and organized manpower to conduct investigations and studies, write feasibility reports, and prepare for development, design and trial production.

Just when other enterprises were gearing up, a manufacturer in Wenzhou took the lead, and their new shoe last milling machine products were displayed on the booth of the order fair.It was not until the factory made a profit of more than 1982 million yuan in 200 that similar products from other companies came slowly.Since the market demand for shoe last milling machines has reached saturation, although the latecomers made a lot of publicity, they still ended up with the ending of "losing the wife and losing the army". "One step ahead, the world is wider", this is the magic weapon for Wenzhou people.

When the euro came into circulation, Wenzhou people who acted first also made a fortune.It sounds absurd, but it is true!It turns out that the denominations of the currencies used by European countries are shorter than the new euro, and the extended euro cannot fit into the wallets of Europeans.So the day the euro circulates is when Europeans change their wallets, which brings opportunities to make money.The shrewd Wenzhou people not only seized business opportunities from things that seemed irrelevant to them, but also acted quickly. They were the first to make new money clips and sell them in Europe.Through the money clip business, they let the money of Europeans enter the wallets of Wenzhou people.

Any hope, any success must eventually be implemented in action.The same is true for making money, the key lies in action, you must know that action always comes first!Instead of waiting for others to feed you food, it is better to use your hands to win.Money is all around us, why can Wenzhou people catch it but we can't?The key is to act, and fast.If you don't act quickly, you will never get results.

Business experience

Instead of waiting for others to feed you food, it is better to use your hands to win.

Practicing is worse than talking on paper. Success has always favored those who dare to practice. A person who does not pay attention to practice is doomed to fail in the end.

In ancient China, there was an idiom called "talking about soldiers on paper", which said that during the Warring States period, Zhao Kuo, the son of Zhao She, the famous general of Zhao State, studied hard when he was a child, read military books well, was proficient in various military arts, and was good at talking about soldiers. His father was also difficult. Do not pour him down.When he grew up, he was highly valued by the emperor, and he replaced Lian Po as a general.But when he fought, he could only copy the books of war, and he didn't know how to adapt, so he suffered a crushing defeat.This story vividly summarizes the consequences of not paying attention to practice.

Compared with the ancients, modern people understand the importance of practice better.In the information age, even without professional technology and strong financial support, as long as we have a unique vision and dare to practice, we can still easily own millions of dollars.We know that rockets flying into space are divided into three stages, which are propelled into space one by one.In shopping malls, Wenzhou people are like rockets, aiming at the target in practice, step by step.

In the past, it was not uncommon for some international famous brands to enter the Chinese market very early, but Kangnai was the first to open stores abroad for Chinese famous brand leather shoes.Kangnai regards this move as a strategic move related to the future development and destiny of the company.Undoubtedly, if Kangnai succeeds in this move, it will be tantamount to finding another way to survive for the Chinese shoe industry, which is struggling desperately in the sea of ​​suffering.Practice is the only criterion for testing truth, and Kangnai really succeeded after hard work.Since 2004, Kangnai has opened 23 Kangnai leather shoe stores in major cities in Europe, America and other countries.

Recalling the New Year's Day in 2003, Kangnai detonated a "blockbuster" in Wenzhou, the "China's shoe capital" and even the national shoemaking industry-opening a specialty store in the bustling downtown of the 19th district of Paris, the fashion capital. The storefront of more than 50 square meters is not too big, but there are two things that are very eye-catching. One is the trademark of Kangnai, and the other is made in China. With the blond sales staff, it has become a beautiful scenery in the local area.For a while, Kangnai attracted all kinds of speculation and doubts from domestic colleagues—what is Kangnai going to do?Is Kangnai hot-headed or grandstanding?According to the current brand influence of Chinese leather shoes, can opening stores abroad make money?
Truth can stand the test of practice and time.The first report card of Kangnai's "International Chain Monopoly Raiders" came out. The actual data show that the business of more than 60 specialty stores, including Manhattan, New York, Rome, Italy, and Barcelona, ​​Spain, is booming. All of them achieved profits in the year; so far, the retail price of each pair of Kangnai leather shoes has reached more than [-] US dollars, and they have formed strong competitiveness overseas with their mid-to-high-end products and mid-range prices.Its consumer group has gradually changed from the initial [-]% overseas Chinese plus [-]% foreigners to [-]% overseas Chinese plus [-]% foreigners.Zheng Xiukang, the president, also breathed a sigh of relief. He said that practice has proved that Kangnai leather shoes, which carry the banner of the brand to go abroad and challenge foreign famous brands, not only do not have "dugu seeking defeat", but also earn foreign exchange and create brands. It seems we are on the right track.

From ancient times to the present, any discovery of thousands of great scientists from home and abroad needs a practice to prove it.The same is true for doing business. Only by focusing on practice can we lay a solid foundation for our career development.

American success master Brian Tracy said: "Only 3% of people make detailed plans for the future, while 97% of people do not make any plans for the future. Generally speaking, those who make plans have their own careers. And those without a plan work for those with a plan."

Brian Tracy found in his long-term practice and observation that top people always think about the future, while mediocre people always think about the past.He also said: "The best people have set up a vision of the future before they start, and then work backwards to what should be done now to take the first step."

Business experience

Success has always favored those who dare to practice, and a person who does not pay attention to practice is doomed to fail in the end.To manage contacts is to accumulate wealth. What is a network?Network is what we usually call interpersonal relationship and interpersonal network, which reflects people's popularity and social relationship.According to the dictionary, renguan is "a network of people formed through interpersonal relationships", which is often used in politics or business.

In the relationship-oriented modern commercial society, social relationships owned by individuals have gradually evolved into a very important resource, a precious capital.It can be said that connections are gold, but they are more expensive than gold, because gold has a price, but connections are priceless.There is a catchphrase in Hollywood: "A person's success does not depend on what you know, but on whom you know." The flexible Wenzhou businessman seems to have already understood the importance of connections. The Zen mechanism of potential intangible assets has formed a strong sense of hometown and regional concept.The Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce all over the world is an important embodiment of this awareness and concept.

Wenzhou people believe that friends are wealth, and righteousness is beneficial.The exchanges between them and their friends are not direct money exchanges, but mutual help.It has become the "consensus" of Wenzhou businessmen to use policies and the government's public relations needs to consolidate the foundation of enterprises.Wenzhou people who are good at using relationship resources stand on the shoulders of giants and can easily overlook the vast commercial hunting grounds.

As long as there are business opportunities, Wenzhou people will never sit on the sidelines, they will do everything possible to use interpersonal relationships.There is an old saying: "A fence has three stakes, and a hero has three helpers." important marketing strategy.

In 1998, a 14-year-old Wenzhou teenager worked as a porter in a shop of a fellow villager in Hankou, Wuhan.Every day, he helps fellow villagers who sell auto parts to deliver and pack, and he can only earn more than 1000 yuan a month.He deeply knew that his salary was not enough to do big business, so he used all the money to make friends.He believes: "It is worthwhile to spend 10 yuan to get to know a circle that is beneficial to him." In addition, he is naturally generous, which allows him to meet more friends in the circle. There are not only Wenzhou fellows, but also locals from Wuhan. people.

Later, with the help of his friends, he opened a small shop in Hankou to deal in auto parts.Relying on good network resources and reputation, his sales exceeded 500 million in the first year, with a net profit of 100 million.Then he opened three branches in Jinan, Henan and other places.Today, the original small porter has transformed into the general manager of a chain company with annual sales of tens of millions.He is Miao Demin, one of the "Top Ten Outstanding Youths" of Wuhan Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce.

Once, several Wenzhou fellows who had done very successful businesses got together.A young boss made a good-natured joke on Miao Demin, calling him a "graduation from primary school".Miao Demin did not explain much about this, but he emphasized: "I have studied for two years. However, I pay more attention to practical knowledge. Doing business itself is a process of accumulating knowledge." Miao Demin believes, "Good contacts are the key to my success. greatest resource".This is what he calls practical knowledge.

People know how to behave and can do anything.In a sense, the success of businessmen depends on the success of interpersonal relationships.For example, promotion depends on the appreciation and support of nobles, the support of colleagues, and the hard work of subordinates; doing business depends on making friends to accumulate wealth.

The following are five principles that a businessman must follow in managing his network:

First, the principle of reciprocity.The principle of reciprocity is based on benefiting others and self, and the concept of benefiting others and self is based on character: honesty, maturity, and open-mindedness.American car magnate Henry Ford once said: "If there is a secret to success, it is to consider issues from the other side's standpoint. Those who can stand on the other side's side and understand the other side's mood don't have to worry about their own future." Standing up to establish others, and reaching others as one desires to achieve", only in this way can we win people's trust and favor and establish harmonious interpersonal relationships.

Second, the principle of good faith.In interpersonal communication, most people like to deal with honest and trustworthy people. "Words must be kept, and actions must be followed." Credit is the basis for dealing with interpersonal relationships. The two hostile parties must keep their promises in negotiations, and the two parties in business must also keep their promises.For example, you must strive to complete the promised tasks; if you promise to do the things entrusted by your friends, you must do it; if you borrow money or items from others, you must return them on time.These are not trivial details, but big issues that affect personal credibility and interpersonal relationships, and must not be taken lightly.

Third, the principle of interdependence.Many natural phenomena tell us that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. When different plants grow together, their roots will intertwine with each other, which improves the quality of the soil and makes the plants more luxuriant than when they grow alone.As the saying goes: "One pair of chopsticks is broken lightly, and ten pairs of chopsticks are tightly hugged into a ball." This principle is also applicable to human beings.Any business cannot be accomplished by an individual alone, but depends on the mutual assistance and cooperation of colleagues, so as to achieve the real mutual benefit and win-win situation.

Fourth, share the principle.Sharing is one of the best ways to network, the more you share, the more you get.There are two things in the world that are shared more and more: one is wisdom and knowledge, and the other is contacts and relationships.What you share is useful and helpful to others, and others will thank you.You are willing to share with others and have a willingness to give. Others will think that you are an upright person, and others are willing to be friends with you and deal with you.

Fifth, use the "heart" principle.In the management of network resources, we can only exchange our hearts for hearts, and exchange sincerity, sincerity, and love for the pulsating effect of heart-to-heart connections, and to generate a strong and continuous flow of human power.

Finally, let us remember the words of former US President Theodore Roosevelt: "The first ingredient of success is knowing how to make good relationships."

Business experience

A person's success is not determined by what you know, but by who you know.There is an important concept in game theory: a zero-sum game.The so-called zero-sum game means that in a game, players win and lose, and what one party wins is exactly what the other party loses, and the total score of the game is always zero.

We can see this phenomenon in many sports competitions.When you see two people playing ping pong, you can say they are playing a "zero sum game".Because they will always end up with one winning and one losing.If we count winning as 1 point and losing as losing 1 point, the sum of the scores of the last two is: 1+(1)=0.
This is the basic content of "zero-sum games": players win and lose, but the total score of the entire game is always zero.Zero-sum game is a mode of game and also a mode of thinking.If you are used to thinking about problems in a zero-sum game mode, you will think that the opponent's "win" is your own "lose".

For a long time, people have regarded business as a zero-sum game of "you lose and I win", but people who really know how to do business think this way: you should not grab other people's cakes to increase your own cake, you should Choose a "win-win" strategy - the pursuit of "you live and I live".

Smart businessmen seldom work alone, they all try to cooperate with others in their development, use others to serve themselves, and let others benefit at the same time.Cooperating with others is not to take advantage of others and let them work for you, but to learn from each other's strengths, develop together, and pursue a win-win situation, so that everyone can benefit and benefit.

Nike Footwear is the largest supplier of sports shoes in the world. Although it does not have its own factory or a shoemaker, it has more than 50 factories all over the world as its partners, producing 9000 million pairs for Nike every year. sports shoes.Nike's approach not only saves production costs, but also focuses on brand promotion. As long as Nike does not fail, the companies that produce for it will definitely be profitable.

The biggest fool in the world is a person who thinks others are fools. This fool always thinks of taking advantage of everything, thinking that the less the other party earns, the better.You must know that no one who can do business is a fool. If you deceive others too much, you will not get any benefits in the end.

The reason why Wenzhou businessmen are able to make money in the three rivers, reach wealth in the world, and know how to make money is precisely because they understand that a win-win situation is the most effective strategy for maintaining self-interest.The brilliance of Wenzhou people is that they are not only well versed in this principle, but also have the same heart and mind, and their actions and thoughts are in sync, so they do everything thoroughly and make a lot of money.

Win-win is the real win, this concept has become the consensus of modern people.A truly successful businessman does not lie in how much money he makes, but how much money he helps others make.The more people you help, the more money you will make in the future.In short, since "business is done in partnership", it must be "everyone makes money".

Nan Cunhui, chairman of Chint Group, realized early on the importance of "everyone makes money" for the development of an enterprise.For this reason, Nan Cunhui has carried out several large-scale equity diversions.

Nan Cunhui's shareholding was diluted for the first time in 1990. He recruited several of his relatives Nan Cunfei, Zhu Xinmin, Wu Bingchi and Lin Liming into Chint as shareholders.Relying on the equity arrangement, Nan Cunhui completed the most critical infrastructure construction of Chint Building.From the perspective of equity arrangement, Nan Cunhui's equity accounts for 60%, and the remaining four share the remaining 40%.

From 1991 to 1993, Nan Cunhui used equity as a sharp weapon to recruit more than 30 companies with foreign surnames to Chint, and thousands of products with Chint brand.When Chint Group was established in 1994, there were 38 member companies and nearly 40 shareholders.At this time, Chint's net assets were 5000 million yuan, and the proportion of Nan Cunhui's personal shares in the group dropped to 40%.This is the second dilution of Nan Cunhui's equity.

During the unconventional expansion for several consecutive years, there was a rare chaotic situation in Chint once—the development strategy of Chint’s shareholding companies had a major conflict with Nan Cunhui, which caused Nan Cunhui and others a headache.It seems that Chint Group restructuring is imperative.The only feasible solution is to dilute the shares again and continuously absorb similar companies through mutual shareholding. In 1998, the shares of Nan Cunhui Brothers fell to 28%, and Zhu Xinmin, Wu Bingchi and Lin Liming also held varying shares.By diluting equity, Chint has basically been on a healthy development path.

From holding all the shares at the beginning to only holding 28% of Chint's shares later, whenever Nan Cunhui took out his own shares and diverted them to other people's pockets, it brought rapid growth of the company.On the surface, it seems that Nan Cunhui has suffered a loss, but in fact it is not. Although Nan Cunhui's shares are constantly declining, in the Forbes list in 2003, Nan Cunhui ranked first in the list of China's richest man with assets of 1.1 million US dollars. No. 93.

Whether you are a person or a business, you must have the awareness of "sharing profits" like Chint Group in order to achieve a win-win result of cooperation.Win-win is actually a criterion for regulating the relationship between people in modern society.In business activities, Wenzhou people make full use of this characteristic of human nature, share benefits with others, and make others feel profitable. This is a secret of their business success.

If you want to take advantage of everything when doing business with others, they must be disgusted with you, and then hate being with you, and of course they are unwilling to do business or make friends with you.If you always think about the other person in the process of getting along with others, help the other person, and promise the interests of others in business activities, and cash in the money to others, then others will feel that being with you is profitable , you are a generous person, and thus happy to work with you.

Business experience

A truly successful businessman does not lie in how much money he makes, but how much money he helps others make.The more people you help, the more money you will make in the future.

Fighting the world in a group - the strength of the team is infinite. Wild geese usually fly in a "herringbone shape". These wild geese change their leaders regularly. The leading goose leads the way ahead, which can help the geese on the left and right to create a partial vacuum.Scientists have found in "wind tunnel experiments" that wild geese flying in a "herringbone shape" can fly 72% more distance than a goose flying alone.This is the power of cooperation.Only by cooperating instead of fighting each other can we fly higher, further and faster.

The success of Wenzhou merchants is due to their concept of helping each other and helping each other.Wenzhou businessmen everywhere regard helping others as their duty and responsibility.Regardless of whether they know each other or not, when they get together, they always attach great importance to this kind of country-state and compatriot relationship.They maintain contact with each other through various channels, and form a protection network for Wenzhou businessmen invisibly.

Zheng Jupeng, deputy general manager of Jiangsu Heli Real Estate Co., Ltd., introduced Wenzhou people's entrepreneurship in this way: "In 2006, 16 fellow villagers who came to Xuzhou to manage hardware for 8 years wanted to start a real estate business. Company. None of the 16 people has been involved in the real estate industry, but everyone hit it off... In order to achieve our entrepreneurial goals, we can endure any hardship, and are willing to do any dirty, hard, and tiring work. The key to our entrepreneurial success is in After precise positioning with a unique vision, he is good at unity and cooperation, relying on the strength of the alliance, and fighting the world as a team."

The Wenzhou business district built by Wenzhou people based on their nostalgia has become a weapon for them to deal with the complex and ever-changing business environment.In the face of business opportunities and competitors, they have two main weapons for victory: one is the capital advantages accumulated by Wenzhou people; the other is the "grouping" spirit established by Wenzhou fellows all over the world.

Wenzhou businessman Chen Songnan lost more than 40 yuan when he failed to set up a factory.The more than 40 yuan is owed to the bank, and this money cannot be reneged on.At that time, he only had more than 500 yuan, and he used the 500 yuan to set up two tables of wine and invite 20 friends.He confessed his predicament at the banquet and hoped that his friends would help him.All 20 people present at that time agreed to lend him 2 yuan each.At that time, the 2 yuan was definitely not a small amount. Even in Wenzhou, ten thousand yuan households were rare at that time.Some of his 20 friends couldn't afford so much money at all, so they helped him borrow it everywhere.Three days later, more than 40 yuan was delivered to him.Speaking of this incident, Chen Songnan is still very moved.

Wenzhou people have traveled from north to south, and now there are Wenzhou people all over the country and even in the world, and Wenzhou people who start businesses overseas are even more grouped together.This team spirit is an important factor for the success of Wenzhou businessmen.

Huang Yongkun from Wenzhou and several of his partners have worked hard in the business world for many years, from Wenzhou to Zhengzhou, from Shaoxing to Jiangsu, from breaking into the market to building the market, they have returned with satisfaction everywhere they went, and created countless wealth legends. At the end of 2004, with the unique "sense of smell" of Wenzhou people, they discovered that Gaoyou, Jiangsu had a huge potential for market development, so they decided to invest a huge amount of money in Gaoyou to build the "newest version" of China's textile and garment industry.

In order to make the project of China Textile and Garment City blossom and bear fruit as soon as possible, leaders at all levels in Gaoyou, Jiangsu Province also made every effort to provide services for the project with the largest one-time investment in Yangzhou area, and fully supported and promoted the implementation of China Textile and Garment City project in Gaoyou.After completion, the China Textile and Garment City will combine Gaoyou's advantages in clothing, bags, and shoes with the advantages of market resources in the whole country and the world, and finally form a pattern of "big industry, big circulation, and big financial resources".

After the news of the construction of China Textile and Garment City in Gaoyou spread, many Wenzhou businessmen were immediately moved by the news and joined the market one after another.They hugged each other tightly and worked together, which not only brought a lot of capital and business connections, but also brought advanced ideas and mature experience. While providing Gaoyou people with opportunities to do business and become rich, it also contributed to the economic development of Gaoyou. Infused with new vitality.

Modern business wars are becoming more and more fierce, and the chances of making a career out of personal strength are getting smaller and smaller. Compared with fighting alone, the advantage of "holding together to fight the world" is that the cohesion is relatively strong, and the risks in market operations can be minimized.Wenzhou people are connected by blood, relatives, fellow villagers and other ties, so people in a group are very united and trust each other.It is this kind of team spirit of "holding together to fight the world" that makes Wenzhou businessmen invincible wherever they go.

Business experience

Compared with fighting alone, the advantage of "holding together to fight the world" is that the cohesion is relatively strong, and the risks in market operations can be minimized.Corporate culture is the soft power of doing business. Corporate culture is an organization's unique cultural image composed of its values, beliefs, rituals, symbols, and ways of doing things.It serves the survival and development of the enterprise, so the characteristics of the operation of the enterprise are also reflected in the corporate culture.

Corporate culture is the soul and driving force of corporate development. Wenzhou bosses have shown with their own practical actions that Wenzhou enterprises not only have "boss culture", but also put forward higher goals for corporate internal culture construction in order to meet the new requirements of development. .

For many people, at the stage of entrepreneurship, because of the relatively small scale, "boss culture" is the main form of corporate development.For many private enterprises in Wenzhou, the role of the "boss" is very important. It should be said that the development and take-off of the vast majority of private enterprises in Wenzhou should be attributed to the "boss" of the enterprise to a certain extent. The "boss" is not only a decision-maker in terms of operation and management, but also the ideological beacon of the employees of the enterprise and the spiritual pillar of the employees.This kind of spiritual power makes the whole enterprise unite as one, actively enterprising, pioneering and innovating, creating enterprise myths one after another.However, there is no static model. With the continuous development of enterprises, enterprises have higher and higher requirements for culture.In response to the problem of "boss culture", Nan Cunhui of Chint Group pointed out: "At the beginning of the business, Chint belonged to Nan Cunhui. With the development of the enterprise, Nan Cunhui belonged to Chint, and later Chint belonged to the world. .”

Wen Shang believes that the characteristic of corporate culture lies in its uniqueness and uniqueness, that is, non-reproducibility, and the return on investment ratio of doing non-reproducible work is three times that of doing reproducible work.Corporate culture will surely become the first competitiveness of future enterprises.

Many years ago, Qian Jinbo, the chairman of Red Dragonfly Group, had a dream of starting a business, implemented the strategy of "leading the way with brand, developing business with culture", and took the promotion of advanced culture and national culture as his own responsibility. The group has successfully achieved extraordinary and leapfrog development.Now, the number of employees of the group has increased to more than 10000, and it has formed four major production subsidiaries in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wenzhou, and Yongjia, 20 production lines, technical equipment at the world's advanced level, and a chain monopoly system consisting of 2600 sales terminals.

With the continuous development and expansion of the enterprise, the management mode of Red Dragonfly is becoming more and more reasonable, and the management system is becoming more and more perfect. The management systems of enterprises such as marketing logistics system, quality management system, human resource system, corporate culture system, and enterprise information system have been successively established. Reach the domestic advanced level.After 8 years, Red Dragonfly has finally completed the transformation from a small partnership enterprise to a modern enterprise.

Qian Jinbo has not forgotten his roots, he thinks about his source of wealth, and devotes more effort to the cause of youth in our country. In June 2002, Qian Jinbo extended a helping hand to two impoverished students who were dying, and donated tens of thousands of yuan to help them rekindle the fire of life. In August 6, Qian Jinbo mobilized more than 2002 employees of the group to donate 8 million yuan to the Hope Project. 460 sales terminals supported 2600 out-of-school children one-on-one, and built 2600 Hope Primary Schools in Yunnan, Xinjiang, Sichuan and other places. Qian Jinbo It also gave it a poetic name "Green Grass Student Assistance Program".

In this way, under Qian Jinbo's strong advocacy and personal demonstration, more than 10000 employees of Red Dragonfly's sales system found a place of love, and through their work and life, conveyed to the society that Red Dragonfly cares about out-of-school children and loves hope. The heart of engineering. Over the past 8 years, Red Dragonfly has spent more than [-] million yuan on public welfare undertakings.Dedication and love has become an important part of Qian Jinbo's business philosophy and Red Dragonfly's corporate culture, and has become a highly conscious and consistent behavior of Red Dragonfly people.

Under the advocacy of Qian Jinbo, Red Dragonfly has persisted in carrying out large-scale series of activities such as "Red Dragonfly, Red May" in recent years. Because of its far-reaching conception, lively form and rich content, it has played a positive role in publicizing and educating young people. , and has become a golden business card of Red Dragonfly's corporate culture.

Qian Jinbo has formed a unique corporate culture of Red Dragonfly supported by three systems: system culture advancing with the times, management culture of humanistic care, and business culture based on integrity, from bit by bit accumulation to system summary.It takes "seeking closeness from distance" as its business philosophy, takes "normal mentality, self-understanding, creation of affinity, and natural development" as its core concept, and accumulates in practice and perfects in development, which has had a significant impact on the development of the enterprise. impetus.

Wei Huawei, an expert on corporate culture and human resources, said: In fact, corporate culture is more like a "catalyst" in a chemical reaction. Although the "catalyst" cannot react two reagents that cannot undergo a chemical reaction, it can speed up the reaction speed of the reagent that undergoes a chemical reaction and improve the utilization efficiency of raw materials.By injecting excellent corporate culture, we can create a common vision, activate the organizational atmosphere, boost employee morale, point out the way forward, and make mediocre companies become excellent, and excellent companies become outstanding.

Business experience

Corporate culture is more like a "catalyst" in a chemical reaction. Although the "catalyst" cannot react two reagents that cannot undergo a chemical reaction, it can speed up the reaction speed of the reagent that undergoes a chemical reaction and improve the utilization efficiency of raw materials.Most of the people who do well in business are those who can learn. At the beginning of their business, most Wenzhou businessmen have low education because of their poor family background. Most of them have a primary school or junior high school education.There are very few people in Wenzhou who go to college, and even fewer go to start a business after going to college, so Wenzhou is misunderstood as a "cultural desert".

With the development of society today, entrepreneurs in Wenzhou pay more and more attention to learning, and some entrepreneurs even put down their jobs to study.There is only one purpose, which is to improve one's own operation and management capabilities, so that one's own enterprise can adapt to the development needs of the times.Now people in Wenzhou have a very consistent view on learning: "The more you put your head in, the more money you put in; the faster you put your mind, the faster you put your money." Gao Tianle, president and CEO of Wenzhou businessman Tianzheng Group, said: "Future enterprises The magic weapon to win the competition is not the product, but the learning ability of the organization. Those who do well in the enterprise are not those who make more money in front of them, but those who can learn.”

Gao Tianle is one of the few entrepreneurs in Wenzhou who has a college degree before starting a business. People call him a "Confucian businessman".Gao Tianle is undoubtedly an entrepreneur who emphasizes learning. After graduating from Wenzhou Teachers College, he went on to study for CEIBS MBA.Since then, he has been invited to give lectures at Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University and other universities, and was hired as a part-time professor by CEIBS. In 1989, Gao Tianle, who had taught for seven years, chose to go into business.Afterwards, he borrowed 7 yuan to establish the Great Wall Transformer Factory. Using his knowledge, he "packaged" the products with a vision that surpassed others.Because of this, his business is getting bigger and bigger.In 5, Gao Tianle carried out shareholding reforms on his Tianzheng Group, absorbing 1997 million shares, and Tianzheng also transformed from a family business into a large socialized enterprise.

Gao Tianle believes that only entrepreneurs who can learn can make a big business.Under the leadership of Gao Tianle, Tianzheng set off a climax of learning.In Tianzheng's financial account, "study" is included in the expense column. In 1998, Tianzheng’s per capita training fee was 2000 yuan, and since 1999 it has reached 3000 yuan per year.There are many senior executives of the company studying in China Europe International Business School in Shanghai, and the two-year fee reaches 100 million yuan.

A Wenzhou businessman once stated: In my hometown Wenzhou, the "hardware group" was envied in the society at the beginning of the reform and opening up, that is, the necklace had a gold chain, the finger had a gold ring, the ear had a gold ring, and the chest had a gold pendant. Hands have gold bracelets.At that time, even the three-wheeled boy at the station wore a half-double big gold ring in his hand, leaning on the handlebars, showing off his wealth to outsiders.Now what people are looking for is not "hardware" but "five meetings" - computer skills, driving skills, foreign language skills, secretarial skills, and public relations skills. It is impressive to have the "five skills" to gain a foothold in society.

It can be seen that learning is directly related to money, and you can't make money without learning.A person possessing certain professional knowledge is the foundation for him to gain a foothold in society, and it is also the ladder for a leader to succeed; mastering knowledge is like adding an electric locomotive to a car, or adding a rocket propulsion to an airplane.

Business experience

A person possessing certain professional knowledge is the foundation for him to gain a foothold in society, and it is also the ladder for a leader to succeed; mastering knowledge is like adding an electric locomotive to a car, or adding a rocket propulsion to an airplane.

(End of this chapter)

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