Chapter 209 Never Tolerate 3
Even though Dongfang Qianling is the distinguished president of Beidi College, as long as he dares to touch someone he Mu Yiqing cares about, even if you are the emperor, he will not let you go if you should be pinched and beaten.

"Seeing that Miss Mu looks tired, why don't you sit down first, eat something, and take a rest?" Sensing Mu Yiqing's anger, he suddenly became the king, and his heart couldn't help beating.

When he was young, he had seen the way Mu Yiqing got along with the first emperor, and he had seen Mu Yiqing when he was young. When Mu Yiqing treated the enemy, he was merciless and let the enemy treat Mu Yiqing Hearing the news, he was terrified.

And once Mu Yiqing got angry, even the former emperor would not have dared to provoke Mu Yiqing who was in anger.

Hearing the king's words, Mu Yiqing noticed the faint tiredness on Mu Nuo's face. He must have returned to the country in a hurry, and rushed to the palace again without much rest.

Immediately he said distressedly: "Xiao Nuo, come on, eat something first, wait for that woman to be brought here later, and then vent your anger, okay?"

"Okay." Seeing the concern and love on Mu Yiqing's face, Mu Nuo raised a smile, nodded, and agreed.

For Mu Nuo, this nodding was not only an agreement to eat something first with Mu Yiqing, but also a response to the identity of the grandparents of Mu Yiqing and the old lady.

Mu Yiqing happily brought Mu Nuo to the table where he and the old matriarch were, and the palace servants immediately prepared bowls and chopsticks for Mu Nuo.

When the old matriarch saw Mu Nuo, his heart was both joyful and distressed, and he said again and again: "Look at this child who is very thin and tired, hurry up, eat something first, and return to the general's mansion later, grandma will let you go." People prepare you what you like to eat."

Since I like this family and the feeling of being protected by them, why don't I just accept this identity? Not only is I happy, but for the two old people, isn't this a great happy event?

"Okay, I will listen to... Grandma." After hesitating for a while, Mu Nuo readily agreed.

"Okay, okay." After hearing Mu Nuo's "grandma" who was still looking forward to it, the old lady wept with joy, and she was so happy that she didn't know what to say.

Beidi College...

"You... who are you? How dare you break into the academy privately? I am the elder of the Gongshu Pavilion, and the young master of the Jingshan School!" Qiao Xumin looked at the fearful Yiqing in front of him with a look of panic.

"Master." After Yiqing restrained Qiao Xumin, he bowed respectfully to Yuchikyung, and asked Yuchikyung for instructions on how to deal with this daring woman next.

Yu Chikyung took two steps forward slowly, looked down at Qiao Xumin, "You're quite courageous."

Qiao Xumin was at a loss for what seemed to be some inexplicable words. What kind of courage is this person talking about?
No, this person, she remembered, was clearly a well-known sick son in the capital, the eldest son of the prime minister's mansion, but how could the eldest son of the prime minister's mansion easily enter the academy?How could his strength be so high that she didn't even have the strength to fight back.

"Yuchikyung! You are Yuchikyung! Pfft—"

Qiao Xumin immediately yelled Yu Chikyung's name like a crazy woman, but just after he yelled a few times, he was kicked aside by Yiqing: "Master's name, you can't call it."

 Everyone, don't forget the recommendation ticket in your hand, and give a five-star praise, I love you (^人^)

(End of this chapter)

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