Chapter 210 Never Tolerate 4
Yuchikyung looked coldly at being kicked aside by Yiqing.

"Assassination, frame, how should I settle this account with you?" Yu Chikyung asked slowly.

However, the slower he spoke, the more flustered Qiao Xumin felt.

What the hell is going on here?How could she remember that Yu Chikyung was just a son of the prime minister's mansion. Although he was favored, he rarely showed up on weekdays because of his sickness.

However, the Yu Chikyung in front of her now doesn't look like a sick child. Even her father when she was young can't compare with her aura. Yu Chikyung's body was enveloped in a thick regal air.

"No, I didn't send anyone to assassinate you, nor did I frame you. The Prime Minister's Mansion has nothing to do with Beidi College. I have no reason to assassinate you or frame you." Qiao Xumin said quickly, clearing himself of any suspicions.

Before he knew it, Qiao Xumin didn't even notice himself, because of the awe of Yu Chikyung, he even used the honorific title.

"But you dare to strike at my lord's woman!" The coldness and murderousness in Yuchikyung's voice could not help but increase by two points.

If he dared to frame him, he might still have a high regard for this woman, Qiao Xumin. After all, who else would dare to frame him now?

However, what was even more irritating than framing and assassinating him was that Qiao Xumin, a woman, dared to attack Mu Nuo, which touched his scales.

If he hadn't ordered Yi Qing to protect Mu Nuo in secret, Mu Nuo might have endured countless assassinations!

"I... I didn't lay hands on your wife." As soon as the words fell, Qiao Xumin immediately reacted and said, "No, don't you have any wives and concubines?"

After hearing Qiao Xumin's words, Yi Feng who was standing aside slowly took a step back, looking at Qiao Xumin with sympathy.

Qiao Xumin was so courageous that he could even say such a thing.

His master, because Miss Mu Chichi is still his justifiable wife, doesn't know how many times he has been annoyed and angry. He has thought of one solution after another, and denied one after another, but he didn't think of the right one. The rest, in addition to helping to deal with important affairs in the court every day, it is also very hard for the master to think about how to chase his wife.

This matter has always been Yu Chikyung's sore spot.

This Qiao Xumin is really courageous, not only dares to attack Mu Nuo, but also dares to poke Yu Chikyung's sore spot, this little life is considered over today.

"I don't have a wife, but so what?! Could it be that I can't have a woman I like?! You dare to touch my woman, the crime is unforgivable!" Said.

Yu Chikyung who was already on the verge of going berserk, Qiao Xumin's words successfully ignited Yuchikyung's anger completely.

"Ling Chi, and then throw her into the Ten Thousand Beasts Garden." Yu Chikyung ordered coldly.

Qiao Xumin, a woman like Bei Anqing, was defeated by Mu Nuo. She even dared to plot and murder Mu Nuo. Even if she died thousands of times, she couldn't extinguish the anger in his heart.

 Everyone, don't forget the recommendation ticket in your hand, and give a five-star praise, I love you (^人^)

(End of this chapter)

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