The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 211 The Jingshan faction was destroyed 1

Chapter 211 The Jingshan faction was destroyed 1
"Yes." Yi Feng replied, and wanted to cripple Qiao Xumin's body with force, and then let someone make her Ling Chi.

He would never do such a disgusting thing by himself.

"No, you can't treat me like this, aren't you afraid? If you touch me, the dean will not let you go; and the Jingshan faction?!" Qiao Xumin retreated again and again, and at the same time, he did not forget to threaten. , hoping to scare Yu Chikyung away with this.

At this time, Yu Chikyung, who was still the delicate and sickly son of the prime minister's mansion in the capital, was clearly Shura from the depths of hell, and would take her life cruelly at any time.

Yi Feng looked at Qiao Xumin whose face had begun to show a madness, and said with a mockery in his pity: "Don't you know that the Jingshan faction has already been wiped out?"

After listening to Yi Feng's words, Qiao Xumin immediately froze in place, "No, it's impossible, the Jingshan faction is the number one gang in the world, how can it be said that it will be wiped out? You must be lying to me! definitely is!"

"The number one gang in the world? Such a weak gang has the nerve to act as the number one gang in the world. This is too insulting to the strength of Shuiganjing." Yi Feng said with a look of contempt.

"No, you're talking nonsense! You're the one talking nonsense!" How could Qiao Xumin believe that her biggest reliance, the Jingshan faction, would be destroyed if she said it would be destroyed?

"Overnight, the mountain was full of fire, and the fire was very strange. The flowers, trees, and small animals on the mountain were all safe and sound, but it happened that all the things related to the Jingshan School were burned. He couldn't bear the fact that the Jingshan faction was completely burned down like this, and he actually thought of using his own weak force to put out this weird fire.

However, how can force put out this weird mountain fire?In the end, the head of the Jingshan faction was accidentally swallowed by the fire. "Yi Feng said lightly.

There was a lot of regret in the words, but when you listen carefully, there is only gloating, and what you deserve.

Hearing Yi Feng's words, Qiao Xumin was almost on the verge of collapse, suddenly raised his head, looked at Yi Feng, and asked repeatedly: "What are you talking about, what's wrong with my father?"

Seeing that Qiao Xumin was about to touch his clothes, Yi Feng took a step back in disgust, avoiding Qiao Xumin, and said with disgust on his face: "You don't have to be too concerned, my master is kind-hearted, and he happened to pass by the Jingshan faction. Seeing the dying Master Qiao, he saved him, so Master Qiao is still alive, but it is impossible to regain consciousness and wake up in this life."

In short, although Qiao Mingli is still alive, he has become a living dead.

"You guys, you are so cruel-hearted. I, the Jingshan faction, have offended the prime minister's mansion, and I am going to be retaliated by you like this!" Qiao Xumin roared hoarsely.

She still thinks that it must be the work of the Prime Minister's Mansion that Yuchikyung was able to do such a thing with the Jingshan faction, otherwise how could Yuchikyung do so many things with just one Yuchikyung!
However, the Jingshan faction and the Prime Minister's Mansion have always had no enmity. Why, why did the Prime Minister's Mansion attack the Jingshan faction? !

Listening to Qiao Xumin's words, Yi Feng shook his head sympathetically, "I finally understand why you have the courage to deal with Miss Mu, dare you, you have no brains."

 Everyone, don't forget the recommendation ticket in your hand, and give a five-star praise, I love you (^人^)

(End of this chapter)

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