Chapter 224 Poor 2
Fortunately, fortunately, the injury was not too serious.

"I'll leave some plasters and elixir for the general later, use them together inside and out, and the young master's injuries will heal soon."

"Qingqiu, go follow the doctor to get the medicine." Wei ordered.

"Yes." Qing Qiu bent her knees, then respectfully left the room and followed the doctor.

"Mother, the injury on your waist..." Mu Xiner asked with a slight frown.

With a pale face, Wei shi said, resisting the pain, "I'm fine, just say what you have to say."

Mu Xiner hesitated for a moment, then finally nodded, and after all the outsiders had left, she closed all the doors and windows.

Seeing her daughter's actions, Wei couldn't help asking in doubt: "Xin'er, what are you trying to do?"

"Father, mother, my daughter has an idea." Mu Xiner said with a serious face, and at the same time, a stern look crossed her face.

"Tell me." Mu Wei hardly hesitated.

Her daughter's thinking has always been bold, but she is very thoughtful, far better than herself and her mother.

"My daughter thinks that now is the time." Mu Xiner said in a low voice.

When Mu Wei heard Mu Xiner's words, she couldn't react for a while: "What do you mean by that?"

Knowing daughter Mo Ruomu, Mu Wei couldn't understand what she said, but Wei Shi understood it all at once: "Xin'er, what do you mean?"

After finishing speaking, Wei Shi made a knife hand on the neck.

Mu Xiner nodded, "We must take advantage of the fact that Mu Jin is still at the border and cannot return to the General's Mansion. If Mu Jin returns from the border, his official position will definitely be promoted to another level, and it will be impossible for him to take over the General's Mansion It’s more justifiable.”

"It's just... I don't think Mu Nuo is simple." Mu Wei frowned and said.

When he was in the dining room just now, he had seen it with his own eyes. If Mu Nuo wanted to attack someone, it would be something that even Mu Xiner couldn't help.

"However, Mu Nuo has always been in the General's Mansion." Mu Xiner said coldly.

"Yes, I think Xin'er's words are very reasonable. If we don't act now, it will be too late when Mu Jin comes back." Wei also agreed.

Mu Feng, who was always lying on the bed, didn't miss the conversation between the three people, and couldn't help saying: "I've had enough of being a bastard, and I've had enough of being looked down upon!"

Although Mu Feng is the fifth young master of the General's Mansion, who in the capital doesn't know that their second wife has always been ignored, and he, Mu Feng, is the concubine of the second wife. On the surface, there are many people fawning on him, but in private , but how many people are laughing at him!

Hearing Mu Feng's words, Wei's spirit was also shaken: "Yes, master, as long as you are in charge of the General's Mansion, then, from now on, you will be the master of the General's Mansion, and you can do whatever you want. Look at anyone's face."

Such a combination of soft and hard, listing all the benefits and the current situation one by one, Wei's grasped Mu Wei's psychology, and directly attacked Mu Wei's weakness.

She knew that Mu Wei's elder brother had been very outstanding since he was a child, but Mu Wei looked bleak and mediocre in comparison with his elder brother, and there was an inferiority complex hidden deep in his heart.

The biggest reason why she can be so favored is because she knows the inferiority complex in Mu Wei's heart, and knows how to be humble. What Mu Wei needs is a caring person, not a so-called good wife like An's.

 Everyone, don't forget the recommendation ticket in your hand, and give a five-star praise, I love you (^人^)

(End of this chapter)

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