Chapter 225 Poor 3
After some deliberation, Mu Wei finally agreed to the plan of Wei Shi and Mu Xiner, and immediately sent someone to discuss the specific details.

Mu Yiqing's years of experience in the battlefield are not for nothing. Whether it is skill or brains, they are all first-class. If you want to succeed, you must go through careful layout calculations.

After breakfast, Mu Nuo did not leave the General's Mansion in a hurry, but followed the old lady to the courtyard where her parents lived in the past.

This courtyard has not been inhabited for many years, but when you walk in, there is no dust at all, it is very clean and tidy, and there is no sign that it has not been inhabited for many years.

All the objects in the courtyard were well preserved. The old lady was intoxicated by the good memories of the past, came to the master bedroom, picked up the rattle on the small bed next to the bed, and said to Mu Nuo: "Back then, you Your mother is holding this snare drum and coaxing you to sleep.

You, at that time, really liked this little drum, as long as you were hugged by your mother and shook this drum, you would soon fall asleep. "

As he said that, the old lady put the rattle in Mu Nuo's hand, and Mu Nuo took the rattle over with some stupidity, and shook the small rattle slowly and strangely.

Although it has been 16 years, under the careful care of the old lady, this snare drum can still make a crisp sound even today.

Seeing Mu Nuo sluggishly shaking the rattle slowly, and listening to the sound made by the rattle, a smile appeared on the corner of the old lady's mouth.

During the period when the eldest daughter-in-law and the eldest daughter-in-law had just left, she often sat alone in their former yard, holding the rattle that the eldest daughter-in-law used to coax the children, quietly in a daze.

"When I was a child, it was..." Mu Nuo just wanted to ask what she should have been like when she was a child, but when she suddenly recalled, it seemed that she had already been lost when she was a baby, so there was no such thing as a child.

The old lady has obviously walked out of the deep pain of the year, and said to Mu Nuo with a kind smile: "You are different from ordinary children since you were a child. You didn't cry when you were born, but just cried a few times. As if telling us that you are not a little dumb, and then, you are also very well-behaved, eat when you should eat, and sleep when you should sleep. You are very sensible, but it surprised many people. The nurses said , you said the best little doll to take care of."

Hearing what the old lady said, Mu Nuo couldn't help but draw a slight smile on his lips, as if he was amused or proud that he had a unique childhood.

Seeing the smile on Mu Nuo's face, the old lady couldn't help feeling better.

Mu Nuo opened his mouth, and when he reached the question on his lips, he swallowed it back suddenly. Seeing Mu Nuo's hesitant to speak, the old lady became curious: "Girl, what do you want to ask?" Is it?"

Mu Nuo smiled and shook his head. It is better to find other ways to understand this problem. There is no need to reveal the sad things in the past.

"It's nothing, I just thought of something suddenly." Mu Nuo said with a faint smile.

Next, the old lady took Mu Nuo to walk around the small courtyard, and while walking around, told Mu Nuo about her father's past and the love process between her father and mother.

 Everyone, don't forget the recommendation ticket in your hand, and give a five-star praise, I love you (^人^)

(End of this chapter)

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