Chapter 226 Poor 4
Unknowingly, just visiting such a small courtyard has already taken away a whole day.

As soon as Mu Nuo stepped into his yard, he already noticed that there were other people in his yard besides the maid.

Mu Nuo turned around and planned to leave the small courtyard, but a gust of wind blew up behind him, and in a blink of an eye, Mu Nuo was no longer in the courtyard.

In the room, a pitiful voice sounded beside Mu Nuo's ear: "Mu Mu, I've been busy all day, and I haven't eaten yet."

Mu Nuo glanced at the people behind him, and said angrily: "If you haven't eaten, you can go find something to eat. What are you looking for me for? I can't eat."

After saying this, there was a sudden silence behind him, and Mu Nuo turned around, just in time to see Yu Chikyung looking at her appreciatively.

Those eyes were like looking at a delicious dish.

Without thinking too much, Mu Nuo already knew what was going on in Yu Chikyung's dirty head.

The elbow was raised slightly, and it was an elbow aimed at the person behind.

When Mu Nuo raised his elbow, the person behind him fell down in response, and it seemed that he couldn't get up after falling down.

Mu Nuo turned around and looked, only to see Yu Chikyung's eyes closed tightly, his face pale and weak, with a layer of cold sweat on his forehead, Mu Nuo subconsciously checked Yuchikyung's pulse, and found that Yuchikyung's current The pulse condition, vain and feeble, was completely different from before.

"What shameful thing did your master do to hurt you like this?" Mu Nuo asked in a cold voice, his voice was cold, but he was also slowly putting Yu Chikyung on the bed, and from there He took out some pills in his own space.

Yi Feng, who has been hiding in the dark, was stunned for a moment when he heard Mu Nuo's words. His strength should be higher than Mu Nuo's, and he concealed it very well. He should not be found.

In the end, Yi Feng still showed up and said to Mu Nuo: "Returning to Madam, the master has always had a cold illness, and it will flare up from time to time. Today coincides with the recurrence of the master's cold illness, and the official duties that the master needs to deal with today are really too much." A lot, I haven't eaten since I got up in the morning."

"Would a person with such a cultivation level still be hungry?" Mu Nuo asked in a murmur.

Even with her current level of cultivation, if she doesn't eat for a few days, she won't have anything to do, and she won't feel hungry. Compared with her, Yu Chikyung's strength is only higher than hers. How could she just because she didn't eat for a day? , so weak like this?

When Yi Feng heard about Mu Nuo, he forgot the fact that Yu Chikyung could go without food for a long time, and said to Mu Nuo quickly: "When the master relapses from the cold, his body will become weaker than ordinary people. Not eating for a day, even ordinary people can't stand it, let alone the master who is suffering from cold illness?"

"Mu Mu." Yu Chikyung, who just fainted, suddenly opened his eyes slowly, and called out to Mu Nuo softly.

Seeing Yu Chikyung opened his eyes, his face became a little rosy again, presumably the elixir just worked, Mu Nuo asked with a look of disgust, "Are you dead?"

"Mu Mu, you are so cruel." Hearing this, Yu Chikyung immediately turned red like a wronged child.

Seeing Yu Chikyung's suddenly reddened eye sockets, the corners of Mu Nuo's mouth twitched,
 Everyone, don't forget the recommendation ticket in your hand, and give a five-star praise, I love you (^人^)

(End of this chapter)

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