The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 227 If You Don't Marry, What Will I Do? 1

Chapter 227 If You Don't Marry, What Will I Do? 1
Is this person reverse growth?The longer the mind is, the more childish it is?
How could you even give her such a set? !

Seeing the more obvious disgust on He Mu Nuo's face, the grievance on Yu Chi Kyung's face became more and more serious, and at the same time, his face, which had finally turned rosy by two points, became pale again.

"Mu Mu, I'm hungry." Yu Chijing said with his mouth flattened, looking at Mu Nuo with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"I'll get someone to cook some porridge." Mu Nuo finally relented.

While her heart was softening, Mu Nuo kept despising herself in her heart. She clearly knew that there was a [-]% chance that the guy in front of her was pretending to be weak and sick, but she just took care of her heart just for the [-]% possibility. Live with a boy's man!

"I want to eat what you cook yourself." Yu Chikyung suddenly said while holding Mu Nuo's little hand.

That appearance is clearly no different from a child dragging his mother to eat candy.

With such a recognition, Mu Nuo despised himself even more in his heart.

"You want me to cook porridge for you by myself?" Mu Nuo asked Yuchi Kyung word by word in a slow voice.

Seeing the unclear light flashing across Mu Nuo's eyes, Yu Chikyung couldn't help swallowing, and finally nodded to Mu Nuo.

"In the next life." Mu Nuo directly let go of Yu Chikyung's hand that was holding her.

Want her to cook porridge?It is estimated that the entire kitchen will be burned, and there will be no way to make a bowl of porridge.

"Mu Mu, why are you so cruel?" Yu Chi Kyung's eyes became even more aggrieved.

"I've never been in the kitchen. Even if you burn down the entire general's mansion, don't expect me to make you a bowl of porridge." Mu Nuo looked at Yu Chikyung with a serious face and said word by word.

Seeing Mu Nuo's serious expression, Yu Chikyung believed it, sighed helplessly, and struggled up.

"What are you going to do?" Mu Nuo suddenly felt worried and asked Yu Chikyung.

"Go make porridge, and make you something to eat by the way, you are too thin." Yuchi Kyung said sincerely.

Mu Nuo is obviously 16 years old, but with that thin body, he looks like he is only fourteen or fifteen years old. Although he is much better than when he first met, it still makes people feel distressed.

"What are you fussing about? If you want to eat, I'll let the maid deliver it." Mu Nuo glared at Yu Chikyung.

Although Yu Chikyung may not be as serious as it seems, the chill in Yuchikyung's body is indeed not a fake, the hand that grabbed his wrist just now is still cold.

She didn't ignore it, there was still a thick cloak hanging on the hanger beside the bed.

Winter has long passed, and it is already early summer, but Yu Chikyung's cloak, even in the middle of winter, most people don't need to wear such thick clothes.

"Girls made it, how can it be as delicious as mine?" Yu Chikyung still insisted on saying, and then took two steps towards the door, but, just these two steps, he walked staggeringly , it looks like it might fall down at any time.

Mu Nuo hurriedly stepped forward to help Yu Chikyung back to the bed, and said angrily: "Don't mess around now, if you accidentally burn yourself to death in the kitchen, I don't have a second Yuchikyung to pay for it." To the prime minister."

"Mumu, is this worried about me?" Yu Chikyung's pale face had a smile comparable to tomorrow's.

 Everyone, don't forget the recommendation ticket in your hand, and give a five-star praise, I love you (^人^)

(End of this chapter)

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