The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 228 If You Don’t Marry, What Will I Do 2

Chapter 228 If You Don’t Marry, What Will I Do 2
That smile seemed to melt away all the frost covering his face.

Whenever he sees the bright smile on Yuchikyung's face, Mu Nuo's heart is like ice and snow in winter, which will be melted by the warm sun like Yuchikyung.

It's really embarrassing. In the previous life, plus this life, after seeing so many beautiful men but not being tempted, finally fell under Yu Chikyung's smile?

Shame, so shameful!
Seeing the smile on Yu Chikyung's face, Mu Nuo immediately lost the courage to deny it, and admitted truthfully and said very spinelessly: "Yes, I am worried about you, I am worried that you will die in the general's mansion, and I have to bear a whole lot of burden." Heaps of trouble."

Yu Chikyo deliberately ignored the second half of the sentence, and hugged Mu Nuo in his arms happily, and Yi Feng had already left the room without knowing when, leaving this space to the master and wife.

If he still dared to stay here, heard what he shouldn't hear, saw what he shouldn't see, then he might die in honor.

"Mu Mu, I'm so happy." Yu Chikyung hugged Mu Nuo, as happy as a child.

Hearing Yu Chikyung's joy from the heart, Mu Nuo couldn't bear to say something to hurt Yuchikyung's joy.

Letting Yu Chikyung hug him for a while longer, feeling Yuchikyung's increasingly cold body temperature, Mu Nuo suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart, and quickly said to Yuchikyung: "I'll ask someone to prepare some for you first. Porridge, then, you cooperate with me and take these pills."

As he said that, several pills appeared on Mu Nuo's palm at some point.

Yuchikyung looked at the elixir in Mu Nuo's hand. Although he resisted and refused to take the elixir, looking at the worry on Mu Nuo's face, he felt that no matter how much or how bitter the elixir was, it would be fine. up.

"Okay." Yu Chikyung obediently stuffed all the pills in Mu Nuo's hand into his mouth.

The elixir melts in the mouth, so you don't have to swallow the elixir like a jujube, which is very considerate.

However, when the elixir melted, all the essence in the elixir was released, and an unbearable bitterness immediately filled the mouth.

Yu Chikyung, who ate several pills at the same time, was so bitter that his facial features almost wrinkled together.

Yu Chikyung almost wondered if Mu Nuo gave him such a bitter pill out of revenge, but seeing the figure pouring water for himself, this thought was thrown out of Yuchikyung's mind at once.

"Sit down, follow my spiritual power, and circulate the spiritual power in the body for seven weeks." After giving the water to Yu Chikyung, Mu Nuo sat cross-legged behind Yuchikyung, with his hands pressed against Yuchikyung's back, giving the water to Yuchikyung. Yu Chikyung slowly channeled his spiritual power.

While channeling the spiritual power to Yu Chikyung, Mu Nuo's beautiful eyebrows frowned more and more.

The situation in Yu Chikyung's body is really too special.

What Yuchikyung practiced was the power of fire, moreover, the power of fire in his body is very domineering, and the power of nature is also very abundant.

The more people with such a physique, the less likely they are to suffer from cold illness.

It's just that there is a cold illness in Yu Chikyung's body, and this cold illness is not trivial, it is very violent. If it is an ordinary person, the power of fire in the body is not so abundant, it is estimated that he has died because of this cold illness. .

What's even more amazing is that the cold disease in Yu Chikyung's body seems to be born with it, and it doesn't seem to be poisoned.

No, this is not quite like a cold illness!

 Everyone, don't forget the recommendation ticket in your hand, and give a five-star praise, I love you (^人^)

(End of this chapter)

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