The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 234 I Thought You Would Trust Me 4

Chapter 234 I Thought You Would Trust Me 4
After finishing speaking, Mu Nuo passed Yu Chikyung, left the medicine field, and left the manor, leaving Yuchikyung standing quietly in the huge valley alone.

He doesn't trust her?How could he not trust her?If he didn't believe her, why would he repeatedly bring her to this manor which contains his greatest secret, and allow her to move around as she pleases?

equality?Isn't it a matter of course that he protects her?
A gust of warm breeze blows from the valley, making his mind even more disturbed.

What does Mu Nuo mean by this, and what does she want?
Mu Nuo, who left the villa, was also in no better mood than Yu Chikyung.

She has always known the existence of the person Yu Chikyung sent to her, and she has never explained it. She just thinks and looks forward to it. One day, Yuchikyung will be able to understand it by himself.

It's a pity, obviously, it seems that she is thinking too much.

She was also naive and forgot that this is not the 21st century. Even though this is not the same as the ancient times in history, masculinity is still hard to ignore here.

After leaving the manor, Mu Nuo plunged into the pharmacy on the island. At this time, Ouyang Qingmu was still retreating.

After a while, Mu Nuo suddenly raised his head from the pile of herbs.

How could she have forgotten that Yu Chikyung's people had found out that Mu Wei was going to attack her grandparents tonight, so she had to tell her grandparents first so that they could take precautions.

However, as soon as he stood up from the pile of herbs, a sarcastic wry smile appeared on the corner of Mu Nuo's mouth.

I was still accusing Yu Chikyung of interfering too much with me just now, and felt very disgusted with Yu Chikyung's investigation, but now I am enjoying Yuchikyung's investigation results.

Really ironic.

However, Mu Nuo can't help thinking about it now, Mu Wei's people are going to do it tonight. At this time, Mu Yiqing and the old lady are already going to Qing'an Temple.

However, Beidi College and Qing'an Temple, one in the north and one in the south, are separated by a whole capital city.

When Mu Nuo arrived at Qing'an Temple, the sky was already dark.

"Master, there is a heavy murderous intent ahead." Da Hong immediately said to Mu Nuo as soon as she entered Qing'an Temple.

Mu Nuo's eyes froze, and he speeded up again to enter Qing'an Temple.

Qing'an Temple is a royal temple with a large area. For a while, Mu Nuo couldn't find where Mu Yiqing and the old lady were.

A chill suddenly came from one side.

This familiar chill...

Mu Nuo groaned inwardly, and hurriedly walked in the direction where the chill came out.

I don't know how many doors I passed through, how many courtyards I crossed, and finally came to the courtyard where Yu Chikyung and others were.

Mu Nuo hurriedly glanced at the man in black in the courtyard, and sneered in his heart, Mu Wei is really generous, even the famous killers in Tianmei Pavilion have already been invited by Mu Wei.

There was no figure of Yu Chikyung in the courtyard, but as Yuchikyung's confidant, Yi Feng was guarding the door, the bursts of cold came from the room, obviously, Yuchikyung was inside.

In the courtyard, Yi Qing single-handedly confronted the top killers of Tianmei Pavilion, however, even though Yi Qing was able to succeed, in the end, two fists were no match for four palms.

Without any explanation, Mu Nuo immediately joined the fight.

Around the courtyard, there are dense black tree shadows. At this time, it happened to be convenient for Mu Nuo.

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(End of this chapter)

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