The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 235 She is an eagle that can soar for 9 days 1

Chapter 235 She Is An Eagle That Can Soar Nine Heavens 1
The green light bloomed in the hand, and there was a "squeak" sound from the friction of branches and leaves all around.

Before the people in black could react, the leaf that had turned into a sharp blade immediately greeted the people in black.

Natural warriors are stronger than ordinary fighters because they know how to use all the natural forces around them, instead of relying on their own weak strength to fight alone.

He only knows how to use his own power, even though he is practicing the power of nature, but he is not qualified to be called a natural one.

In the courtyard surrounded by trees, Mu Nuo made the most of the environment.

This time, it was definitely not like the last time when he was in the academy, only causing the other party to be severely injured. These leaves fell off the branches until they were buried in the flesh, the speed was extremely fast, and no one could react at all.

Mu Nuo's wrist moved slightly, and the surrounding trees shook even more violently, and a strong wind was faintly sent to the courtyard. The strong wind brought down the mist from the sky, and the courtyard was immediately shrouded in mist. The bright moon above the head , and under the blowing of the breeze, the brilliance was covered by a few ink clouds floating over.

This side was suddenly plunged into darkness, and the leaves that seemed to be coming from afar accelerated their attack speed under the strong wind.

The pungent smell of blood immediately permeated the small courtyard.

Reduce the light in all directions to the weakest, attract fog, reduce the sight range of the killers to the minimum, but increase the strength of the attack.

All of a sudden, this group of killers who claimed to be the top killers in the Shuigan Realm complained endlessly.

Next, Mu Nuo was not in love with the fight, but directly entered the house that Yi Feng had been guarding all along, and handed this party back to Yi Qing.

If it has reached this point and Yi Qing is still unable to deal with it, then Yi Qing is no longer qualified to stay by Yu Chikyung's side.

Being able to see Yu Chikyung here, Mu Nuo has already decided in her heart that Yuchikyung has settled her grandparents properly.

Yu Chikyung's situation was much more serious than last night, self-healing had no effect, and Yuchikyung's consciousness was almost blurred.

In the dimness, Yu Chikyung saw the outline of Mu Nuo, and opened his eyes vigorously. After seeing Mu Nuo's appearance clearly, he asked weakly, "Didn't you already leave? Why are you back?"

"Shut up!" Mu Nuo didn't have the heart to say too much to Yu Chikyung.

The cold air emanating from Yu Chikyung's body could almost freeze people to death, and there was even a thin layer of frost on the long eyelashes.

His body was as cold as a popsicle, without the warmth of a human body.

I just wanted to find some medicine from the space that can temporarily suppress Yu Chikyung's current situation, but I found that because I seldom made alchemy recently, I fed Yuchikyung a lot one after another. Now, unexpectedly There was no longer any elixir that could suppress Yu Chikyung's situation.

Mu Nuo's head turned rapidly.

Xiao Bai in the space suddenly shuddered.

However, after Xiaobai understood Mu Nuo's thoughts, he no longer cared about the few lotus seeds he had left, and was only full of worries.

Sensing the smell of blood in the room, Yi Feng rushed in worriedly.

All I saw was that Mu Nuo cut his own wrist, put his blood into a bowl, crushed a lotus seed lingering with aura, put it into the bowl, and fused with the blood in the bowl, and then Feed it to Yuchi Kyung.

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(End of this chapter)

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