The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 236 She is an eagle that can soar for 9 days 2

Chapter 236 She Is An Eagle That Can Soar Nine Heavens 2
Yi Feng stared blankly at the scene in front of him, unable to say a word for a while, and eliminated all the killers in the courtyard, Yi Qing who hurried to the wing room, was watching Mu Nuo actually feeding blood to Yu Chikyung Drinking, my heart is also full of surprise.

They didn't know if it would work, but they subconsciously chose to believe in Mu Nuo.

Sure enough, after drinking this bowl of blood, the chill around Yu Chikyung had completely disappeared, and his pale face gradually returned to rosy.

"What are you two still doing here? Prepare hot water for your master." Mu Nuo wiped off the blood stains on the corner of Yuchi Kyung's mouth, and shouted at Yi Feng and Yi Qing who were standing still at the door.

Two idiots!

When Yi Feng and Yi Qing heard Mu Nuo's words, they immediately said to Mu Nuo: "There is a hot spring behind the manor!"

"Why don't you go?!" Mu Nuo directly picked up Yu Chikyung and rushed towards the door.

Seeing that Mu Nuo actually embraced Yu Chikyung with the princess, the two confidantes were surprised again.

Just about to make way for Mu Nuo, Mu Nuo, who had just arrived at the door, stopped, and put Yu Chikyung, who had passed out, into Yun Qing's hand, seeing that Yu Chikyung's ruddy complexion had recovered , A struggle flashed across Mu Nuo's face, but the struggle was only fleeting.

"You sent Yu Chikyung back, where are my grandparents?" Mu Nuo asked Yiqing.

"Madam, the general and the old lady are in the manor right now." Yi Feng replied respectfully.

Mu Nuo: "..."

After a moment of silence, Mu Nuo said, "In that case, let's go."

In the manor, I saw Mu Yiqing and the old lady as expected.

When Mu Yiqing saw Mu Nuo, he immediately asked Mu Nuo what was going on.

Mu Nuo told Mu Yiqing the whole story. After hearing Mu Nuo's words, Mu Yiqing immediately fell into a chair weakly. After hearing this, the old lady almost fainted.

"Nizi! This Nizi!" Mu Yiqing was so angry that he slapped the table.

Mu Nuo didn't say much, just stood aside quietly.

"Nuo Nuo, how did you know what happened tonight." Mu Yiqing asked Mu Nuo.

Mu Nuo didn't hide anything, and told Mu Yiqing truthfully, "It was Yu Chikyung's people who found out and told me."

Hearing Mu Nuo's words, a shock flashed across Mu Yiqing's face.

There is a lot of content in this shock, shocking that Mu Nuo and Yu Chikyung know each other, shocked that Yuchikyung will help them, shocked that Yuchikyung has such strength...

"Grandpa and grandma, you should get a good night's sleep tonight, and we'll talk about anything tomorrow." Mu Nuo said softly to Mu Yiqing and the old lady.

At this time, if it were normal, the two old people would have already fallen asleep.

"Okay." After all, Mu Yiqing was already old, not to mention that he was physically and mentally exhausted for a while when he encountered such a thing.

Leaving the guest room, I saw Yi Feng guarding the side.

"Yesterday, the master was assassinated. This morning, the identity of the person who assassinated the master has been verified. It is the master's mother." Before Mu Nuo could speak, Yi Feng took the initiative to explain.

Hearing Yi Feng's words, Mu Nuo was slightly surprised.

"Is this the stepmother?" Mu Nuo asked almost as his first reaction.

"Mother." Yi Feng replied slowly.

It's no wonder that Mu Nuo was puzzled, even though he followed Yu Chikyung and knew everything, sometimes he couldn't help but doubt, is the queen mother really the master's mother?

How could a mother be so cruel?
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(End of this chapter)

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