The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 237 She is an eagle that can soar for 9 days 3

Chapter 237 She Is An Eagle That Can Soar Nine Heavens 3
Mu Nuo didn't answer any more, just followed Yi Feng quietly for a while, and suddenly said to Yi Feng: "From now on, you don't need to tell me this."

"Madam?" Yi Feng was puzzled.

Mu Nuo looked straight at Yi Feng, and said seriously to Yi Feng: "You say that, you just want me to understand the difficulty of your master, but, Yi Feng, you are an insult to your master. .”

Hearing this, Yi Feng immediately knelt down, "This subordinate dare not."

"Yu Chikyung doesn't need sympathy." Mu Nuo said in a very calm voice.

Yi Feng was stunned when he heard Mu Nuo's words.

"It's Mu Mu who understands me." Behind him, a somewhat weak voice suddenly sounded.

It was Yuchi Kyung.

Looking at Yu Chikyung who was still wearing a big cloak, Mu Nuo's eyes were complicated.

"You guys talk, I'm going back to my room first." Mu Nuo said in a cold voice.

It is one thing to cut the wrist and take blood to save Yu Chikyung today, but it does not mean that the grudge in Mu Nuo's heart has completely disappeared.

"Okay." To Mu Nuo's surprise, Yu Chikyung agreed very straightforwardly, and did not hold back Mu Nuo.

Mu Nuo ignored the slight sense of loss in his heart, and found the room he lived in last time based on his previous memory.

However, when he came to the door of the room, he found that Yu Chikyung was always by his side.

"Shouldn't you be taking a hot spring? What are you doing here?" Mu Nuo couldn't help asking, looking at Yu Chikyung who was still pale beside him.

Yu Chikyung looked helpless: "I still feel that staying in my own room will be more conducive to my body's recovery."

"Then you go to your room, what are you doing with me?" Mu Nuo asked subconsciously.

Yi Feng who has been following behind kindly reminded: "Madam, the room you stayed in last time belongs to the master."

Mu Nuo: "..."

She forgot for a moment, she didn't have anything to say about her room here, last time, she lived in Yu Chikyung's room.

"It's getting late, let's go to bed." Saying that, Yu Chikyung put his arms around Mu Nuo's waist.

"Wait a minute..." Before Mu Nuo finished speaking, Yu Chikyung had already led her into the room.

Yu Chikyung directly took Mu Nuo to the bed without even lighting the candle, it seemed that he really wanted to go to bed directly.

"Wait a minute first." Mu Nuo repeatedly said to Yu Chikyung.

"Mumu, I'm already tired. What's the matter, let's talk about it tomorrow, okay?" Yu Chikyong said with a touch of pity, and among them, there was a deep sense of tiredness.

Holding Mu Nuo, it didn't take long for her breath to calm down, and it seemed that she had already fallen asleep.

Mu Nuo, who was used to the light, faintly looked at the tired look on Yu Chikyung's face, sighed lightly, and then slowly closed his eyes.

However, after Mu Nuo fell asleep, Yu Chikyung, who should have fallen asleep earlier, opened his bright starry eyes.

Obviously tired, but Yu Chikyung just can't sleep at this moment.

During the day, Mu Nuo's words lingered in his ears and could not fade away for a long time.

Mumu, go to sleep, I've figured out what you said.

I will respect your idea, as long as you don't leave me.

Originally, Mu Nuo thought that he would not be able to sleep last night, but he did not expect that there was no dream last night.

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(End of this chapter)

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