The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 238 She is an eagle that can soar for 9 days 4

Chapter 238 She Is An Eagle That Can Soar Nine Heavens 4
When he woke up, the person next to him was still asleep.

Mu Nuo carefully looked at Yu Chikyung's exquisite facial features, and his mind frowned as what he said to Yuchikyung yesterday echoed in his mind.

She could understand what Yu Chikyung did, but she really couldn't accept it.

She shouldn't be able to persuade Yu Chikyung, and she doesn't know how else to say it to Yuchikyung.

Even though she has feelings for Yu Chikyung, she can't stand such "surveillance".

"Why are you frowning so early in the morning?" A voice with a bit of laziness sounded slowly, and with the sound, Mu Nuo felt a slight friction between his brows .

Yu Chikyung couldn't help but feel a little rough even on his fingers.

"Get up." Without explaining, Mu Nuo said to Yu Chikyung in a calm voice.

"Okay." Without hesitation, Yu Chikyung readily agreed to Mu Nuo's words.

During breakfast, Mu Nuo didn't mention yesterday's incident to Yu Chikyung, and Yu Chikyung didn't say much except for stuffing things into Mu Nuo's bowl.

After breakfast, Mu Nuo and Yu Chikyo sent Mu Yiqing and the old lady back to the General's Mansion. Before leaving, Yuchikyo told Mu Yiqing that Mu Wei had brought his concubine, Wei Shi, and his His two children left the capital for the time being, but soon, the four of them will be brought back. As for how to deal with it, it is up to Mu Yiqing.

After listening to Yu Chikyung's words, Mu Yiqing took a deep look at Yuchikyung, and let Yuchikyung leave without saying too much.

Of course, it is impossible for Yu Chikyung to leave alone.

"Mu Mu, what you said yesterday, I thought about it later." The two people who had been almost silent all morning, Yu Chikyung took the lead to break the deadlock.

Mu Nuo looked at Yu Chikyung, waiting for Yuchikyung's next words: "Speak, I'm listening."

"Mumu, it's not that I don't trust you, I'm just worried about you, I just want to give you the best, I hope I can help you withstand all the wind and rain, but I seem to be wrong, you are not ordinary Girl, this method is not suitable for you, Mumu, I promise you, I will respect your thoughts, I will not let people report your traces to me at any time, and I will not easily investigate your surroundings people.

But, Mu Mu, there is one thing, I insist on sending someone to protect you, it's not that I don't believe in your ability, it's just that I don't want you to be half injured. "

Yu Chikyung looked at Mu Nuo with a serious expression on his face that had never been seen before.

Seeing Yu Chikyung's expression and listening to Yuchikyung's words, Mu Nuo sighed softly, gently held Yuchikyung's somewhat rough hand, and said to Yuchikyung: "Yuchikyung, believe me, I am not a hothouse flower, I I can face all the wind and rain with you side by side." Mu Nuo also looked at Yu Chikyung with the same seriousness and said, and then, without waiting for Yuchikyung to reply, Mu Nuo asked very solemnly: "Yuchikyung, can you trust me?"

"I believe it." Yu Chikyung hugged Mu Nuo directly into his arms.

It's because he underestimated Mu Nuo, because he took it for granted that women should be well protected, and they should face the wind and rain.

However, he forgot that Mu Nuo was never an ordinary woman, she was not a delicate flower, but an eagle capable of soaring nine heavens.

If they decide to spend the rest of their lives hand in hand, then they must be in the same boat and face all unknown storms together, instead of facing all of them alone in a way they think is correct.


Let's discuss something, everyone give more five-star praise, if the score returns to more than eight points tomorrow, can we add chicken legs, okay? ┐(TT )( TT)ノ

 Ask for recommendation tickets, ask for five-star praise┐(TT )( TT)ノ


(End of this chapter)

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