Chapter 239 Call me! 1
"Yuchikyung, if you believe me, I will believe you." Mu Nuo said suddenly.

The simple eight words sounded like the sound of nature to Yu Chikyung, and the strength of hugging Mu Nuo couldn't help but tightened by two points, and said with a trembling voice: "I would rather lose the world than you. .”

Hearing Yu Chikyung's short and powerful words, the corners of Mu Nuo's mouth could not help but slightly curved, and he confessed to Yuchikyung: "I don't care what your identity is, if you dare to find other women, even if it's just in name, even if it's just a play on the spot , I don’t even allow it!”

"Overbearing." Hearing Mu Nuo's words, Yuchi Kyung said with a smile, and then couldn't help teasing Mu Nuo and said, "If I accidentally offended Tao Hua, what would you do?"

"First peel the peach blossoms and cramp them, chop them into pieces and feed them to the dogs, then you will be crippled, making you inhumane for the rest of your life, and we don't have to see each other again." Mu Nuo said in a calm voice.

However, Yu Chikyung could clearly hear the determination between Mu Nuo's words.

If he really dared to do something to offend Mu Nuo, there would be no possibility between the two of them.

"I care about you all my life, only you."

Hearing this, the smile on the corner of Mu Nuo's mouth involuntarily deepened by two points.


Yu Chikyung's work efficiency is still very high. In the afternoon, he found Mu Wei and the other four who were hiding in an inconspicuous house in the capital. On the premise of not revealing Yu Chikyung's identity, Mu Wei and others were all packaged and sent away. Back to the General's Mansion.

Mu Nuo also returned to the General's Mansion, otherwise, she would really worry about Mu Yiqing and the old lady.

I'm afraid that the two old people will accidentally get a heart attack or something from the unfilial son's anger, or Mu Wei will do something evil again.

In the hall of the General's Mansion, the four of them, Mu Wei, all knelt in the center of the hall. On the main seat, Mu Yiqing sat on it with an angry expression on his face, and the old matriarch sat on the side, served by Mrs. An.

However, An's heart is also very uneasy now, she never thought that Mu Wei would do such a rebellious thing.

In my heart, I couldn't help worrying, not about my future life, but about Mu Wei.

In the end, a husband and wife.


There was a crisp sound, and then a precious porcelain cup fell to the ground and shattered.

"What are you still dissatisfied with? You actually want to kill us? In your eyes, have you and your mother become your stumbling block? The two immortals blocking your way?!" Mu Yi Qing asked Mu Wei angrily.

He no longer knew what to say.

How many storms and waves he has experienced in his life, although this time there is no danger, but this time is also the most heartbreaking.

His own son, the son he loved since he was a child, actually invited top killers to kill his biological parents?
Mu Wei seemed to be holding back for a long time, and retorted loudly to Mu Yiqing: "Yes, whoever told you to hold the power of the General's Mansion tightly, you just refused to let go! In the past, when the elder brother was here, you always had eyes Only elder brother, I have never existed. After elder brother left, I was your only son, but you still never opened your eyes to look at me!
In your eyes and heart, there is only Mu Jin, that brat. You would rather teach him by hand, and spend a lot of energy and time on him than let me try it! "

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(End of this chapter)

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