The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 258 Going to the Sky 3

Chapter 258 Going to the Sky 3
Mu Nuo looked at Yu Chikyung suspiciously.

Mu Xiner was already ready to die, but she didn't expect that at the last moment, she would be stopped by Yu Chikyung.

All of a sudden, a wave of hope rose in Mu Xiner's heart. Yuchikyung didn't let Mu Nuo do anything to them, did he have feelings for her? He couldn't bear her to die, so he wanted to save her.

Yes, it must be so.

However, before Mu Xiner was lucky enough to come over, a huge pain came from her body. To be precise, the discomfort came from the body, but the pain from the soul.

"Don't get your hands dirty." Yu Chikyung looked at him, eyes full of doting and said, and then said: "They are still part of the Mu family, since they are going to be sent to the west, let them be clean Let me leave, my flame can just burn all the dirty souls in this world."

Accepting the baptism of the real fire that cleanses the soul, either it is like a phoenix nirvana, reborn from the ashes, transformed and reborn, and becomes a master, or the soul will be scattered and completely disappeared from this world since then.

The four people in the cell were all burning with silver-red flames.

Their souls are looming.

The expression on his face was ferocious and painful.

Yuchikyung said with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and asked Mu Nuo: "Are you satisfied with my way of handling it?"

Mu Nuo nodded sincerely: "Very satisfied."

A group of people with dirty souls should just wash their souls well.

Unsurprisingly, these four people failed to withstand the washing of their souls in the end, and their souls flew away, leaving only soulless corpses.

The next day, after Mu Nuo informed Mu Yiqing and the old lady of the situation of Mu Wei and the other four, although the two old men showed sadness on their faces, they hated iron for nothing, and they were full of disappointment towards Mu Wei. , After all, he didn't say much.

"In your next life, be a good person." In the end, Mu Yiqing could only sigh helplessly.

"Yeah." Mu Nuo nodded lightly, she didn't tell Mu Yiqing that the four of Mu Wei had lost their souls, so it was impossible to reincarnate, and there would be no next life.

After the emotions of the two old people stabilized, Mu Nuo said quietly to Mu Yiqing and the old lady: "Grandpa, grandma, after this matter is settled, I plan to go to Weiyuntian with Yu Chijing."

Hearing this, the rest of the Mu family present couldn't help being surprised.

"Wei Yuntian? Why do you want to go to Wei Yuntian?" The old lady couldn't help asking. With their strength, they can still walk sideways in the water dry state, but Wei Yuntian is a place full of masters.

Nuonuo just came back not long ago, if he went to Wei Yuntian so easily, and there was no one to protect him, what would he do if something happened accidentally?
Mu Nuo glanced at Yu Chikyung beside him, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly. Yuchikyung understood, and explained to Mu Yiqing: "I have my own power in Weiyuntian, which can ensure that you will live safe for the rest of your life."

Hearing Yu Chijing's words, while Mu Yiqing was surprised, he was more thoughtful.

"Grandpa, I hope we can go to Weiyuntian together." Mu Nuo said with a serious face, and now, unless the royal family is replaced, the General's Mansion may not be able to stay in the capital of Beiyun Kingdom any longer.

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(End of this chapter)

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