The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 259 Going to the Sky 4

Chapter 259 Going to the Sky 4
If it was an ordinary person who heard that he could go to the legendary heaven-like Wei Yuntian, he would have eagerly agreed.

However, Mu Yiqing's face was full of heaviness, and after pondering for a moment, he looked at Mu Nuo and Yu Chikyung, and said, "I know you have good intentions, and I don't know how powerful you are in Wei Yuntian, but, With the strength of our Great General's Mansion, we may not even be able to match an ordinary family in Weiyuntian, so we can't embarrass Nuonuo."

The higher the status, the easier it is to be snobbish. If one's descendants bring back a woman and her family from Cangqingdi, in their eyes, they don't have the slightest strength. At first, from the bottom of their hearts, they will still look down upon them to some extent. .

Not to mention other people, between families, this problem exists no matter where they are.

Wei Yuntian doesn’t mean that they can go there if they want to. Most people who want to go to Wei Yuntian from Shuigan Realm not only need to have a very high level of cultivation, but also need to pass multiple assessments before they can get Wei Yuntian’s temporary residence permit. You must make a certain contribution to Wei Yuntian within one year before you can officially stay in Wei Yuntian.

However, even if he could stay in Wei Yuntian, he would still be despised and prejudiced by the original Wei Yuntian people more or less in terms of conduct.

Yu Chikyung was able to move their family to Weiyuntian with ease. Thinking about it, Yuchikyung's status in Weiyuntian is by no means ordinary.

The more this is the case, the less they can make it difficult for Yu Chikyung, let alone embarrass Mu Nuo.

If they want to go to Wei Yuntian, they have to rely on their own abilities.

"Grandpa, why would you embarrass me?" Mu Nuo said with a slight displeasure on his face.

This is her beloved grandpa, this is the family she considers.

Seeing the faint anger on Mu Nuo's face, Mu Yiqing was relieved for a moment, and said to Mu Nuo with a smile: "Nuo Nuo, you don't have the slightest foundation in Wei Yun Tian, ​​and you are new here, so I want to set a precedent for you. After all, it’s not appropriate, and it’s not good for you, so, after you have stabilized your foundation in Wei Yuntian and settled down, then come and take us to Wei Yuntian, do you think this is okay?”

"No one can question the person I want to protect." Mu Nuo said coldly.

Seeing the firm look on Mu Nuo's face, Mu Yiqing felt indescribably relieved.

"General, you can rest assured that with Madam's current strength, she can walk sideways even in Wei Yuntian." Yi Feng said to Mu Yiqing with a smile on the side.

That night in Qing'an Temple, he saw with his own eyes that Mu Nuo used the power of wood to turn wind and water into his own use.

Using one kind of natural force to turn other energies in nature into one's own use, the effect in a duel is not as simple as one plus one.

Not to mention, on the night of rescuing Mu Jin, Mu Nuo showed powerful lethality on the battlefield, even he and Yi Qing couldn't compare.

As Yu Chikyung's confidantes, they have few opponents in Wei Yuntian. Although Mu Nuo's cultivation seems to be somewhat weaker than them, the energy released is somewhat stronger than them.

"Our Mu family's ancestors have lived here for generations. If I really can't stay here, I don't want to leave here." Mu Yiqing said again slowly, and then said to Yu Chikyo: "I will put my most precious granddaughter in your house." In my hand, don't let me down."

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(End of this chapter)

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