The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 265 Seeing the Parents 2

Chapter 265 Seeing the Parents 2
"Father, what happened back then had nothing to do with the general. It was all Mu Wei's idea. Now, Mu Wei is dead. What's more, back then, even if Mu Wei wasn't involved, that person had already decided Let's go, Mu Wei's design is just an excuse for that person." Yu Chikyung said slowly.

The prime minister actually understands these principles, but it is one thing to understand, and another thing not to forgive. What's more, these two years, above the court, the two families have been fighting against each other, and they can't wait to see each other. The other party was able to fall from power as soon as possible, and the grievances involved are no longer as simple as the incident back then.

"Shut up! She is your mother, she gave birth to you, how can you say that about her?" the prime minister suddenly said angrily.

The prime minister was furious, and Yu Chikyung knelt down almost immediately, without a moment's hesitation, "Father, I shouldn't say that about your mother, but, father, Mu Mu is innocent, and what happened back then, no matter what, is irrelevant." It shouldn't involve Mu Mu."

"Are you serious?" Looking at Yu Chikyong who was kneeling in front of him, and seeing Yuchikyung's sincere and sincere eyes, the prime minister's heart suddenly softened. He has always loved his son the most, and he will respond to everything he asks.

"It's no joke." Yu Chikyung looked at the prime minister with seriousness written on his face, and said seriously.

The prime minister pondered for a moment, a little impetuous in his heart, he couldn't help but stood up, walked back and forth in the study, and glanced at Yu Chikyung a few times during the process, but the firm look on Yuchikyung's face did not weaken a bit.

"Father, Mumu is fine." Yu Chikyung looked at the prime minister, and repeated it solemnly and firmly to the prime minister.

The Prime Minister looked at Yu Chikyung with a look of disbelief on his face. From childhood to adulthood, Yuchikyung would listen to him for most things. Every time he expected, Yuchikyung could fulfill every expectation very well. Opinions differ and attitudes are so firm.

Looking deeply at Yu Chikyung, I saw that the persistence in Yuchikyung's eyes not only didn't weaken a bit, but became more determined.

In the end, he took a deep breath, helped Yu Chikyung up, and then slowly said to Yuchikyung: "You go out first, I will talk to Miss Mu."

Hearing the prime minister's words, Yu Chikyung had a look of hesitation on his face, obviously a little worried.

Seeing the uneasy expression on Yu Chikyung's face, the Prime Minister said angrily, "Don't worry, I'm just talking to Miss Mu. Why, are you afraid that I'll eat her?"

"My son doesn't dare." Yu Chikyung said hastily, but then said, "Isn't this because you are worried that your words will collide when you two talk?"

"Why are you worrying about so much, that's all, you go out first." Cheng Lian said to Yu Chikyung, and then said: "I asked the butler to prepare something you like, you go and ask the butler to deliver it."

"Father, how did you know that I would come back today?" Yu Chikyung asked curiously. Before he came today, he didn't tell the prime minister in advance, because he was afraid that if he told the prime minister, the prime minister's prejudice against the general's mansion might be worse. , the prime minister would not even let Mu Nuo in at the door.

"Young master, the master will be prepared every day." The butler beside him smiled and explained to Yu Chikyung with a smile on his face.

When Yu Chikyung heard the words, a warm current flowed through his heart: "Thank you, dad."

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(End of this chapter)

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