The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 266 Seeing the Parents 3

Chapter 266 Seeing the Parents 3
The Prime Minister listened to Yu Chikyung's words, and the originally tense face could not help showing a faint smile, but the smile was not obvious. At first glance, it still looked like a tiger: "Who told you to come back every time?" It's so silent, and I don't know how to say a word to my family in advance."

Knowing that Yu Chikyung was busy, he didn't mention asking Yuchikyung to come back in a few days.

Hearing this, Yu Chikyung smiled, and said to the Prime Minister: "Please don't be annoyed, next time, I will definitely inform Dad in advance."

Hearing this, the Prime Minister smiled with satisfaction and said, "Okay, you go down first."

Before leaving, Yu Chikyung told the prime minister again: "You must not bully Mumu."

This sentence immediately made the prime minister amused, he picked up a book beside him, threw it straight at Yu Chikyung, and threw out a word angrily: "Get out!"

Yuchikyung smiled, and then whispered in Mu Nuo's ear, "If my father dares to bully you, you can just fight back, don't worry, I'm here for everything, I will definitely 'revenge' for you of."

Yu Chikyung's words were not loud, but they happened to be able to be heard by the prime minister.

"Still leaving?" the Prime Minister shouted at Yu Chikyung again.

This dead boy made it sound like he was some kind of heinous bully.

"My son will leave first." Yu Chikyung bowed to the prime minister before leaving the study.

After Yu Chikyung left, the joy on the Prime Minister's face dropped a bit, and he said in a cold voice, "Miss Mu, please sit down."

Hearing this, Mu Nuo was not polite at all, and sat down directly at the head of the guest table.

"I don't know if you know about my relationship with Kyung'er?" the prime minister cut to the chase and asked directly.

"I know." Mu Nuo replied very simply.

"You also know Kyung'er's identity?" the Prime Minister continued to ask.

"I know." It was also two crisp words.

The two questions have already made the prime minister affirm that Yu Chikyung is serious this time.

These two things are absolutely kept secret in Shuiganjing, except for him and Yu Chikyung's cronies, no one knows these things.

"Then, come to think of it, you should know the grievances between the prime minister's mansion and the general's mansion." The prime minister said again.

"I know." Mu Nuo looked at the prime minister seriously, and replied simply.

"Now that you know, then you should know that I won't let Kyung'er marry someone from the General's Mansion." The prime minister clearly expressed his attitude.

Mu Nuo looked at the prime minister, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he said very calmly: "If Yu Chikyung insists, you will definitely agree in a short time."

Hearing this, the prime minister was taken aback for a moment. It is undeniable that Mu Nuo really meant what he said. However, after being immersed in officialdom for many years, the prime minister has already cultivated the ability to not be surprised. Although he was a little surprised in his heart, the expression on his face constant.

"What if I insist on it?" the prime minister asked coldly.

Facing the prime minister's sarcastic remarks, the expression on Mu Nuo's face was very indifferent from the beginning to the end, without the slightest worry, "The one you love the most is Yu Chikyung after all."

It sounds like the bull's head is wrong, but it once again hit the most real thought in the prime minister's heart.

The prime minister pondered for a moment, feeling quite touched, and said slowly: "You are really smart, you are not in a hurry, calm and generous, just like your grandfather back then, yes, if Kyung'er persists, even if I don't want to, in the end, But, in the end, I will still agree with the matter between the two of you."

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(End of this chapter)

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