The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 284 You Can’t Be Together 1

Chapter 284 You Can’t Be Together 1
"Sleep, dream." Tian Ye said with a natural look.

Mu Nuo: "..."

This time is really important.

"Hey, this is your wife..." When Yu Chikyung and Mu Nuo completely appeared in front of Tian Ye, Tian Ye, who was careless and bluffing at first, immediately stopped at his unscrupulous words and did not continue. Going down, but looking deeply at Mu Nuo.

Seeing that Tian Ye was so upright, looking at Mu Nuo brightly, he couldn't help but take a step forward, blocking Tian Ye's sight.

"If you look at it again, do you believe that I will have your eyeballs gouged out?" Yu Chikyung threatened in a cold voice.

If it was normal, and Yu Chikyung was joking with Tianye like this, Tianye would have already bluffed and argued with Yuchikyung, but now, Tianye is unexpectedly quiet, with a look of contemplation.

Finally, he slowly sat back in his seat, touched his chin, as if he was meditating on some serious matter, and glanced at Mu Nuo from time to time.

Tianye's abnormal behavior made Yu Chikyung feel a little puzzled.

What kind of tricks is this guy playing?
Just when Yu Chikyung wanted to ask Tian Ye, Tian Ye finally opened his mouth and said: "You guys, it's not suitable."

"What did you say?" Yuchi Kyung's tone dropped a little.

Hearing Yu Chikyung's chilly words, Tianye said again and again: "Don't be so excited, I'm telling the truth, the two of you really don't fit together."

"Are you serious?" Yu Chi Kyung asked Tian Ye slowly.

"Look at my expression, does it seem fake?" Tian Ye said to Yu Chi Kyung angrily.

The two of them have known each other for so many years, and they can't even tell when he is joking and when he is serious, and it really is a waste of their friendship for many years.

"What if I insist on being together?" Yu Chikyung looked at Tian Ye with a serious face and asked him.

Tian Ye also saw the seriousness on Yu Chikyung's face, and pinched his fingers to calculate. After a long time, he said to Yuchikyung with a gloomy expression: "If it is serious, the soul will be scattered and the family will be involved, and if it is light, the body will be destroyed and fall into reincarnation."

As soon as Tian Ye said this, the expressions of Yu Chikyung and Mu Nuo both changed.

According to what Tianye said, if the two of them are forced to be together, Yu Chikyung will definitely die?
"Tianye, this kind of joke is not allowed." Yu Chikyung said in a deep voice.

Hearing Yu Chikyung's words, Tian Ye also said with a serious expression: "Do you think I will joke with you about this kind of thing? If you can find a woman you like, I will feel more for you than anyone else." Glad, but, the two of you really are not suitable to be together, otherwise, you will definitely regret it in the future."

"My fate is up to me, and I don't believe that God can do anything to me." After pondering for a long time, Yu Chikyung said in a low voice, and there was an unusual firmness in his words.

"Yu Chikyung, I really wasn't joking with you." Tian Ye said emphatically.

Looking at Tian Ye's rarely serious expression, Yu Chikyung said solemnly, "I know you're not joking, but I'm also serious."

It is impossible for him to give up Mu Nuo!
"You... Do you know that you are joking with your own life?" There was a trace of anger on Tian Ye's face, more worried.

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(End of this chapter)

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