The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 285 You Can’t Be Together 1

Chapter 285 You Can’t Be Together 2
"Why is it so exaggerated?" Yu Chikyung said with a slight frown.

Just because you want to be with Mu Nuo, will it cause such a catastrophe?

The anxious look on Tian Ye's eyebrows couldn't help but a little bit more: "Yu Chikyung, you should know that I won't joke with you like this."

"I believe you, but," Yu Chikyo looked directly into Tian Ye's eyes, and changed his tone.

"If I can't even protect my own woman, then how can I protect my people?" Yu Chikyo looked at Tian Ye and said word by word, then stood up and said to Tian Ye: "I still have something to do today." Deal with it, when you are free, come to visit the national teacher together with the queen."

I can't talk about it today.


Looking at the figures of the two leaving, Tian Ye didn't say much. He understood Yu Chikyung's temperament. If Yuchikyung was really determined to be with Mu Nuo, even if he told Yuchikyung that he might die tomorrow , I'm afraid that Yu Chikyung still won't care, and will still protect Mu Nuo in his own way, and be with Mu Nuo.

Since there is no way to start from Yu Chikyung, then, he can only find a way to start from Mu Nuo.

Yu Chikyung shouldn't like other women, there should be only one woman he likes from beginning to end.

After leaving the National Teacher's Mansion, the atmosphere in the carriage suddenly fell into a low mood.

Yuchikyung held Mu Nuo in his arms, with a smile on his face, and said to Mu Nuo: "Don't think too much, that fellow Tianye, when he talks, he is sometimes true and sometimes false, if we just believe it so easily , maybe he will come running over the next day, pointing at us and laughing at us idiots for believing his nonsense so easily."

Mu Nuo knew that Yu Chikyung said it deliberately, but from the time Yuchikyung left the National Teacher's Mansion just now, Yuchikyung's expression, Yuchikyung had already believed what Tian Ye said, and now he said it to comfort her His words were also used to deceive himself.

Yuchikyung and Tianye have known each other for a long time, and Yuchikyung knows whether Tianye's words are true or not just now.

"What if what he said is true?" Mu Nuo suddenly asked Yu Chikyung.

"So what can it really be, no one can take you away from me, even God, if God doesn't agree, then even if we go against the sky once, our husband and wife have two swords together, and we will pierce him This day." Yu Chikyung raised a firm smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Okay." Hearing the words, Mu Nuo responded with satisfaction, and then, Mu Nuo suddenly remembered something, and said to Yu Chikyung: "You can have someone send me to Mingqing Medicine Store."

"What medicine are you going to buy? Are you feeling unwell?" Yu Chikyung immediately asked nervously after hearing the words.

Mu Nuo couldn't help smiling, and explained: "It's not that I want to take medicine, I just want to go to Mingqing Medicine Store to inquire about the whereabouts of Jinglingcao and Life Flower."

Although Yu Chikyung's body is not suffering from cold disease, the extreme fire pill may be able to help Yuchikyung fuse the two forces in his body together. The fusion of the two forces will not only greatly increase Yuchikyung's strength, but also There is no need to worry about that another force in the body will cause damage to his body at any time.

"I'll go with you." Yu Chikyung said almost immediately after making a decision.

"You should go and finish your official duties first." Mu Nuo said to Yu Chikyung, but did not agree.

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(End of this chapter)

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