The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 286 You Can’t Be Together 1

Chapter 286 You Can’t Be Together 3
She didn't ignore the eyes of the ministers when they saw Yu Chikyung. It was the eyes when they saw the backbone, and it was like seeing the savior.

Come to think of it, Yu Chikyung had accumulated many days of official duties and hadn't finished handling them, so the ministers were so excited when they saw Yu Chikyung.

Just when Yu Chijing wanted to say that these official duties were not important, Yi Feng's voice sounded outside the carriage, it was the court's urgent matter, waiting for Yu Chijing to deal with it.

Yu Chikyung's face darkened when he heard this.

"You go first, in your place, who else dares, who else can hurt me? Don't forget, if there is a fight, none of your confidants will be my opponent." Mu Nuo said with a smile on his face. Said to Yu Chikyung with a touch of calm and confidence.

Mu Nuo insisted on this, and Yu Chikyung had no choice but to agree, and left the carriage to Mu Nuo. He jumped up, left the carriage directly, and headed towards the palace quickly. The sooner the processing is completed, the sooner he can find Mu Nuo.

The carriage decorated with many black stones stopped steadily in front of the Mingqing Medicine Store. The seemingly ordinary, but in fact extraordinary, luxurious carriage made the servants of the Mingqing Medicine Store stare at Yu Chikyong's face in astonishment. The carriage is waiting for distinguished guests to get off the carriage at any time.

The clothes on Mu Nuo are like this carriage, they seem ordinary and simple, but they are not extraordinary, they are all first-class treasures.

Before the servants realized what kind of rare clothes Mu Nuo was wearing and what kind of precious hair accessories Mu Nuo was wearing, their gazes were instantly attracted by the jade plaque that Ouyang Qingmu handed over to Mu Nuo .

The expressions on the faces of the servants also suddenly became serious. They dared not be negligent in the slightest. They immediately invited Mu Nuo into the Mingqing Medicine Store. Qin Mude please come out.

When Qin Mude heard that the person was holding Ouyang Qingmu's jade pendant, he immediately put down his efforts, hurried to the outer room, bowed respectfully to Mu Nuo, and then respectfully invited Mu Nuo to the inner hall.

"Dare to ask, Miss, are you here for Jinglingcao and Bishenghua?" Qin Mude bowed to Mu Nuo, and then asked.

"Yes." Mu Nuo agreed calmly.

"At the request of the boss, we have been paying attention to the traces of the jingling grass and the life-long flower. A few days ago, after inquiring, there were traces of the jingling grass in the black forest. However, the place where the jingling grass grows is too far away. Dangerous, our people, narrowly escaped death, only survived one person, and came back to report the trace of Jing Lingcao.

Coincidentally, the members of the Mo Lian Mercenary Group have also been looking for the whereabouts of the Jing Lingcao and Lifetime Flower recently, so our people set off for Mo Lin with the people of the Mo Lian Mercenary Group two days ago. I hope this time I can help the girl win the Jing Lingcao. "Qin Mude said slowly.

"Thank you."

Hearing this, Qin Mude smiled and said: "I heard from the boss that the girl often helps the boss to develop the formula of elixir, which is of great help to Mingqing Medicine. This time it is the boss who speaks in person. Naturally, it is our duty, He Kuan, Both the Jingling Grass and the Lifetime Flower are rare fetishes, and we naturally hope to see their true appearance."

"Molin?" Mu Nuo murmured.

"Yes, it is Molin. Although Molin is one of Wei Yuntian's four fierce places, the resources in Molin are also very rich. For this reason, many people would rather risk their lives to enter Molin. Break through." Qin Mude explained.

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(End of this chapter)

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