The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 287 You Can’t Be Together 1

Chapter 287 You Can’t Be Together 4
"Can you tell me where Mo Lin is?" Mu Nuo asked Qin Mude.

"The girl wants to go in person?" Qin Mude asked Mu Nuo with a touch of surprise.

Mo Lin is one of the four evil places in Wei Yuntian, even if he is a person with advanced cultivation, he would definitely not dare to go to Mo Lin alone. He must find a group of powerful people to accompany him before he dares to enter Mo Lin.

"Yes." Mu Nuo said affirmatively to Qin Mude.

"Girl, there are many high-level monsters in Mo Lin, they are very powerful, and there are also some monsters of plants and trees that have grown into spirits, which are even more difficult to guard against. If something happens to the girl, I will not be able to explain it to the boss. " Qin Mude said with a look of embarrassment and worry.

Mu Nuo smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to me, just tell me where Mo Lin is and which direction your people are going."

Qin Mude finally understood what Mu Nuo meant. She wanted to go with their people to find Jinglingcao, and she didn't want to sit back and enjoy the benefits.

Qin Mude's heart immediately raised a wave of respect for Mu Nuo, truthfully told Mu Nuo the location of Mo Lin and their people, and at the same time told Mu Nuo a lot of things that should be prepared to enter Mo Lin, and gave Mu Nuo Nuo many pills that may be used after entering Molin.

After leaving Mingqing Medicine Store, Mu Nuo didn't choose to go to Molin immediately, but chose to return to the palace first.

According to what Qin Mude said, it would probably take at least ten days to go to Molin. If he hadn't made an agreement with Yu Chikyung in advance, I'm afraid Yuchikyung would just drop what he was doing and rush to If you come to find her, maybe you will lose your temper with her.

Therefore, it is wiser for her to talk to Yu Chikyung first.

It was Mu Nuo's expectation to be opposed by Yu Chikyung, but under Mu Nuo's insistence and persuasion, plus the three incidents, Yu Chikyung could only let Mu Nuo go in the end. Naturally, Yu Chikyung It was impossible for Mu Nuo to go alone, and Yi Qing was sent to Mu Nuo's side again.

Mo Lin, just like his name, from a distance, the entire forest seems to be shrouded in a huge black curtain, it is pitch black, and the sunlight from the outside seems to be blocked by a layer of enchantment, completely impenetrable. to the forest.

Just its thick darkness is enough to make people daunting.

"Why is Mo Lin so strange?" Mu Nuo couldn't help frowning and asked, such a dark forest is really depressing to look at.

"No one knows exactly why, there are only rumors that this Mo Lin is a cursed forest that cannot see light all day long." Yi Qing said in a cold voice, even with his skill, he would definitely not approach it easily on weekdays Mo Lin, Mo Lin gives people a really bad feeling, too dark.

"Curse." Mu Nuo repeated in a low voice, this was the first time she heard this word in this time and space.

The cursed forest is interesting.

After stepping into Mo Lin, his vision seemed to be taken away in an instant, and he couldn't see his fingers.

Yi Qing immediately took out two special night pearls.

The environment in Mo Lin is very special, and the tools that are usually used for lighting, ordinary night pearls or ordinary torches, are useless.

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(End of this chapter)

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