The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 342 Welcome Chapter 3

Chapter 342 Welcome Back to the Palace 3
"I'm going to have a good talk with the people over there. At least, the capital must still be ours." The queen mother said with a gloomy face.

The head of the Yuxian Sect did not expect that the Queen Mother would give such an answer, so he couldn't help asking: "What are you going to do with the territory of the Jingshui God Realm? Do you really want to follow their request and give away half of the Jingshui God Realm?" Is all the territory handed over to them?"

The Queen Mother nodded and said: "Besides, I have no other choice. Yi Feng has followed Tian Jing for many years, holding the power that Tian Jing entrusted to him, and his position in the court is deeply rooted. With our current strength, we can't do it." To shake his position, if we want to seize power from him, we can only rely on the power from there."

"what do you mean……"

"If you don't have power in your hands, what good is the Mirror Water God Realm no matter how powerful it is?" The Queen Mother said in a cold voice.

Only by holding power in one's own hands, even if it is not as big as before, at least it is real power.

After hearing what the queen mother said, the master of the Yuxian sect took another look at what was written on the paper, and frowned slightly, as if she had done something wrong.

"Mother, you can't help yourself to think so much now. Now the Jade Immortal Sect's imperial city has been destroyed, and the Jade Immortal Sect is basically finished. Now I can only find a way to get the Mirror Water God Realm into the pocket first, and then the Mirror Water God Realm will be destroyed." After it stabilizes, relying on the strength of Jingshui Shenyu, are you still worried that Jingshui Shenyu will not be able to take back the lost territory in the future?" The Queen Mother said with a glint of eyes.

Yu Xianzong looked at the calculation and coldness in his daughter's eyes, and suddenly felt that his daughter was very far away from him.

She always thought that her city was deep enough, but she didn't expect that the queen mother was not only deeper than her city, but also more cruel and ruthless than herself.

Back then, the former emperor of Jingshui God Realm treated the queen mother so well. For the sake of the queen mother, he could only marry her for life. When his own life was in danger, he also tried his best to let the queen mother survive this disaster.

However, in the past ten years or so, for the sake of her own power, she actually wanted to ruin her husband's foundation in this way, and even confronted her son?
Suddenly, the head of the Yuxian Sect felt that his daughter had changed beyond recognition.

"Mother, be willing to give up, you will gain if you give up, this is not cruel, this is just a stopgap measure." The queen mother brainwashed the suzerain of Yuxianzong.

And Yu Qianzhen, who had been listening all the time, had a dull expression on her face. She looked at the queen mother with admiration, and silently swore in her heart that she would definitely become a person like the queen mother in the future.

Sometimes, you just have to learn to be willing.

After the three of them agreed on the next thing, the Queen Mother took the chips in her hand and went to the masked man in Tsing Yi to discuss the content of the agreement.

The queen mother walked into the man's room confidently, but finally walked out with a dark face.

The queen mother turned her head and took a hard look at the room behind her. In the end, she could only take a deep breath and left the man's room.

In the early morning of the next day, the Queen Mother announced a series of decrees, which immediately aroused a lot of discussion among the ministers.

"I don't know what you think?" The queen mother stood on the top of the high platform, looking down at the ministers, her eyes were full of majesty, although this was a question, but her words were full of affirmation. Don't give people the slightest room to refuse.

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(End of this chapter)

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