The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 343 Welcome Chapter 4

Chapter 343 Welcome Back to the Palace 4
The Queen Mother was even prepared. After the eunuch finished announcing the Queen Mother's edict, many guards immediately appeared on both sides of the meeting hall, surrounding everyone in the meeting hall.

Such a tough posture is the rhythm that forces all the ministers to agree.

The hearts of all the ministers panicked all of a sudden, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"How can this be done?"

"How do I know, I don't want to do this either, but we seem to have no choice..."

"That's right, how did things develop like this?"

All the ministers whispered and looked at the guards on both sides from time to time, the panic on their faces was obvious.

However, although all the officials were afraid of the guards on both sides, this did not include Yi Feng.

I saw Yi Feng glanced at the Queen Mother, then at the ministers, and said in a calm voice with a trace of disapproval: "Your Majesty the Empress Dowager, are you really joking when you come here today?"

Hearing the sarcasm in Defeng's words, the Empress Dowager's expression was as steady as Mount Tai, without changing a single bit, with the majesty of the Empress Dowager, she said word by word: "Yi Feng, please pay attention to your identity, you are just a Courtier."

"Empress Dowager, it should be you who paid attention to your identity. Before the king retreated, the king personally handed over the power of the court to me. At that time, Empress Dowager, you were still locked up. Until now, the king The superior never said that he would release you." Facing the majesty of the Queen Mother, Yi Feng asked himself that he had never been afraid, he was Yu Chikyung's confidant, and he had seen many big scenes following Yuchikyung, yes Yi Feng really looked down on the scene in front of him.

Afterwards, without waiting for the Queen Mother to speak, Yi Feng immediately put away the playful expression on his face, and changed into a serious expression not weaker than that of the Queen Mother, facing the ministers, raised his voice and said to the ministers: "Today, I'll just leave my words here, unless it's the king's will, Jingshui Divine Realm will never move its capital, and it will never cede territory to seek skins from tigers!"

Listening to Yi Feng's words, the Empress Dowager's face immediately turned green. Just now, in order to persuade the ministers to agree to move the capital, agree to develop together with the people there, and jointly build the Jingshui God Realm, she wasted a lot of words.

Now, how dare this Yi Feng directly hit her in the face so openly? !

"This is the Jingshui Divine Realm, and Ai's family is the queen mother of the Jingshui Divine Realm. If the king is not here, the Jingshui Divine Realm should obey the orders of the Ai family!" The queen mother glanced at the ministers, and then turned her gaze to Yi Feng. It seemed that he wanted to poke a hole out of Yi Feng's body.

"The queen mother, please return to the palace. The queen mother must not interfere with the affairs of the Jingshui Shenyu!" An extremely majestic voice came from the door of the conference hall.

Hearing this steady and powerful voice in the conference hall, I was startled and knelt down again and again: "See the king."

A smile suddenly appeared on Yi Feng's face, and he immediately stepped forward, cupped his hands to Yu Chi Jing and said: "I welcome you back to the palace."

Hearing Yi Feng's words, Yu Chikyung just replied a single tone indifferently, then Yifeng straightened up, side by side with Junan, and followed behind Yuchikyung.

The Empress Dowager looked at Yu Chikyung who suddenly appeared, her face turned pale, and she couldn't help muttering: "This is impossible...impossible..."

"The queen mother seems to be very surprised by my return. Is it true that in the queen mother's perception, I should be dead by now?" Yu Chikyo looked at the queen mother and asked slowly.

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(End of this chapter)

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