The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 365 Entering Ge Tianzong 2

Chapter 365 Entering Ge Tianzong 2
It seemed that no matter what, he could not escape death.

Yi Feng had a panoramic view of the change in the expression on the face of the Lord of Hanyu City, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said unhurriedly to the Lord of Hanyu City: "My lord, since we can take him away from Sect Master Ge Tianzong, Since, we can also keep the person we want to keep from the suzerain of Ge Tianzong.

In other words, if you don't cooperate now, then if we kill you here, it's just a matter of raising our hands. "

The seemingly calm words were full of murderous intentions, the city lord of Hanju didn't dare to speak any more, and he didn't dare to think any more, his heart was filled with bitterness, with extreme reluctance, he led Yifeng and Mu The two went to find the suzerain Ge Tianzong.

The distance between Hanyu City and Ge Tianzong's Zongcheng is very far. If you use the usual method, it will take three days and three nights at the fastest to go from Hanyu City to Ge Tianzong's Zongcheng, but now, it is just a blink of an eye.

"Master City Lord, shouldn't you be staying in Hanyu City at this time? Why did you come here?" As soon as he arrived at Ge Tianzong's Zongcheng City, the guard in charge of guarding the teleportation formation immediately asked the City Lord of Hanyu City.

In Ge Tianzong, the city lords of every city would not be able to go to Ge Tianzong's ancestral city at will unless the suzerain personally summoned them.

And recently, I haven't received any order to summon the lord of Hanyu City.

The city lord of Hanyu City looked at the guards, tried his best to stabilize the abnormal fluctuations in his heart, and acted as calm and calm as possible on the surface, and said to the guards: "A major event happened in Hanyu City recently, and we need to report it to the suzerain as soon as possible. , please accommodate me."

The guard looked at the strange expression on the face of the city lord of Hanyu City, as if he was afraid of something, he couldn't help feeling suspicious, looked at the city lord of Hanou city suspiciously, and then asked uncertainly: "If there is anything wrong with the city lord? Shouldn't we first explain the matter to Lord Wei through the communicator, and then come here after getting the permission of the suzerain? Lord City Lord, this is not in compliance with the rules."

In order to ensure the safety of the Zongcheng and to demonstrate his high status, the Sect Master of Ge Tianzong set up many rules for entering the Zongcheng of Ge Tianzong.

As soon as the guard finished speaking, the Lord of Hanyu City felt a chill behind him.

This is Yi Feng's warning to the city lord of Hanyu City, the intention is to tell the city lord of Hanju city that they are getting impatient, and quickly solve the troubles in front of them.

The city lord of Hanyu City couldn't help swallowing, his heart sank, he took a deep breath, took out a delicate night pearl from his bosom, stepped forward, quietly put it in the hands of the guards, and said to the guards: "Little brother, why don't you leave me alone?" Please accommodate me, I do have a very important matter with the suzerain, it cannot be explained clearly in a few words, and it is not convenient to bother Master Wei to relay it."

The guard glanced at the Ye Mingzhu put in his hand by the city lord of Hanyu City, weighed the value of the luminous pearl in his hand, hesitated for a moment, and said to the city lord of Hanyu City with embarrassment, "My lord, I'm afraid this is not a good idea." It's all right, if Master Wei knows about this matter, once it is reported to the suzerain, it is estimated that both of us will be overwhelmed."

After the guard finished speaking, the city lord of Hanyu City could clearly feel the chill behind him getting heavier, so he could only bear the pain in his heart, and took out a night pearl of the same value from his bosom, and put it together The guard's hand, said to the guard:


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(End of this chapter)

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