The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 366 Entering Ge Tianzong 3

Chapter 366 Entering Ge Tianzong 3
"Little brother, I am really anxious about this matter, and it is also very important. In the end, even if the suzerain knows that you let me in, maybe not only will you not be punished, but you will be rewarded. "

Listening to the words of the city lord of Hanyu City, and then looking at the two priceless night pearls that he had been staring at, the guards finally let the city lord of Hanou City let them go.

"My lord, please, but, I see, the two behind you don't seem to be your usual followers."

"These two are very important distinguished guests, and they are related to what I want to report to the suzerain." The city master of Hanyu City absolutely dare not call these two people his followers.

These two great Buddhas cannot be offended no matter what.

Their identities cannot be lowered at will.

The guard looked at Yi Feng and Mu Nuo suspiciously again, then looked at the Ye Mingzhu in his hand, frowned, and finally waved his hand, telling the three to enter the city quickly.

After successfully entering the city, the city lord of Hanyu City breathed a sigh of relief for the time being.

As long as he entered the city, it would be Ge Tianzong's territory. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he did not believe that these two people would dare to kill him blatantly.

However, the breath in his heart had not been relieved for a long time, and his body suddenly seemed to be crushed by a mountain, and his complexion suddenly turned pale.

When the city lord of Hanyu City was in pain, a crisp voice sounded from the ear of the city lord of Hanou City.

"Lead the way well, it's useless to think too much."

It was Mu Nuo's cold voice.

When the city lord of Hanyu City heard Mu Nuo's words, his whole body trembled, his voice trembling, with a bit of weakness, he said to Mu Nuo again and again: "The little ones don't dare, the young ones don't dare."

It's all right, why did he provoke such two killing gods? At this time, even if he wanted to get rid of them, he couldn't get rid of them.

If he had known that such a day would come, he shouldn't have tried his best to fight for the position of the city lord.

Mu Nuo and Yi Feng followed behind the city lord of Hanyu City, looking at the people of Ge Tianzong's Zong City from time to time.

This look made Mu Nuo feel suspicious.

Although everyone in Ge Tianzong's Zongcheng seems to be living and working in peace and contentment, and their lives are happy and happy, but if you look closely, you can feel a faint sadness in the brows of these people.

This expression is really strange.

Along the way, the city lord of Hanyu City was always trembling, afraid that at some point, the two great gods behind him would be upset for no reason, and if he made a mistake, he would accidentally send himself to Guixi.

Until entering the Zongwang Mansion, the city lord of Hanyu City also maintained a state of trembling, without any slack.

Undoubtedly, the private visit of the city lord of Hanyu City caused displeasure to the lord Ge Tianzong.

"Don't you know Ge Tianzong's rules? How dare you come here without my edict?" Undoubtedly, he shouted at the Lord of Hanyu City.

"Zong... Sovereign..." The city lord of Hanyu City wanted to explain, but the two rays of light behind him were too dazzling. Will Zun Shashen kill himself by accident?
As soon as the city lord of Hanyu City opened his mouth, the lord of Ge Tianzong saw two people standing behind the city lord of Hanyu City with their heads slightly lowered. Individuals are not the people who are usually next to the city lord of Hanyu City.

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(End of this chapter)

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