The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 367 Entering Ge Tianzong 4

Chapter 367 Entering Ge Tianzong 4
Ge Tianzong always liked to monopolize power, and he could not tolerate the slightest disobedience from his subordinates.

Not only did the city lord of Hanyu City come here without his own consent, but he also brought two people who had not been approved in advance, which is really too presumptuous!
"It seems that you no longer have the existence of the suzerain in your eyes. Have you forgotten that without my permission, people who are not from the Zongcheng are not allowed to step into the Zongcheng?" The suzerain Ge Tianzong shouted angrily.

The city lord of Hanyu almost cried. Of course he knew the rules of Ge Tianzong, but he had no choice.

Now, the owner of Hanyu City only feels that he is not human inside and out, and no matter what he does, it will be wrong. Either it will violate the intention of Sect Master Ge Tianzong, or he will offend the two killing gods behind him!
The more he thinks about this, the more regretful the city lord of Hanou City is that he couldn't think about it like this at the beginning, vying to become the city lord of Hanou City.

If he hadn't become the lord of Hanyu City, he wouldn't have such a heart-wrenching thing now!

"You dare to do it, but now you are dumb, right?!" Sect Master Ge Tianzong looked at the city lord of Hanyu City who was kneeling below, trembling and dared not move or speak, and asked involuntarily.

"In this winter, the suzerain's anger is strong." Yi Feng who had been hanging his head slightly said suddenly in a low voice.

Yi Feng's voice was not high, it was just enough for Sect Master Ge Tianzong to hear, therefore, Sect Master Ge Tianzong could only hear what Yi Feng said, but he couldn't hear Yi Feng's voice clearly.

"How dare a small servant be so arrogant?!" Sect Master Ge Tianzong asked angrily.

When he roared and questioned, the suzerain Ge Tianzong couldn't help but feel a little more puzzled, why did he feel that the voice was familiar.

However, Yi Feng's voice of hesitation was really not loud. Even though the suzerain Ge Tianzong was puzzled, he never thought that the person in front of him was Yi Feng!

Hearing the question from the suzerain of Ge Tianzong, the city master of Hanyu City felt a surge of anticipation in his heart.

He hoped that the suzerain could get rid of the two people behind him. Afterwards, he could tell the suzerain that what happened today was all threatened by the two people behind him.

As soon as Sect Master Ge Tianzong finished speaking, Yi Feng suddenly raised his head, raised his voice and said to Sect Master Ge Tianzong: "Sect Master, today, we might as well discuss something."

Yi Feng's words undoubtedly made the suzerain Ge Tianzong's anger soar.

Yi Feng has already changed his appearance, and he can't see Yi Feng's original appearance at all. The always proud and arrogant Sect Master Ge Tianzong never tolerates anyone with a lower status than him to be presumptuous in front of him.

"You ant people, you are so presumptuous, come here, drag it down immediately!" Sect Master Ge Tianzong raised his voice and ordered.

He never thought that Jingshui God Realm would send someone over, or in other words, he never thought that Yi Feng and Mu Nuo would come here in disguise.

Hearing the words of Sect Master Ge Tianzong, the city lord of Hanyu City became more hopeful, and the corner of his mouth could not help but raise a faint smile.

However, to the disappointment of the city lord of Hanyu, and the surprise of the lord Ge Tianzong, the guard just took a step forward, and before he could get close to Yi Feng and Mu Nuo, he was slapped away by Yi Feng's palm.

Sect Master Ge Tianzong knew very well the strength of these bodyguards, and they were all masters in the sect who could outnumber ten.

But, what did he see, so many guards were slapped out without even touching the corners of each other's clothes.

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(End of this chapter)

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