The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 387 Collecting 37 Cities 8

Chapter 387 Collecting 37 Cities 8
A burst of speculation instantly rose from the heart of the city lord of Hanfeng City.

Stiffly and slowly turned his head, and then slowly looked at his hands stained with unknown liquid.

Red, shocking red.

The city lord of Hanfeng City was so frightened that he immediately stood up from the dead body, but he got up too hastily, before he could stand still, he fell to the ground again.

"Why are you panicking?" Seeing the City Lord of Hanfeng City whose face was gradually turning pale, the blue-robed venerable scolded the City Lord of Hanfeng City with a bit of anger.

The volume was higher than usual, but it was what the blue-robed venerable used to hide his inner fear.

"My it, are they here?" The city lord of Hanfeng City looked at the people who had already fallen on the ground bleeding more and more, and the panic in his heart suddenly became worse, and he couldn't help asking in a trembling voice.

Once, he sneered at the strength of Mu Nuo and Yi Feng, even though he knew that these two people could recover in a short period of time, he still didn't take it seriously.

However, now, he has carefully fortified the city walls, the city, especially the city lord's mansion, which is obviously guarded like an iron bucket, but they are still able to kill the people around them silently, with such shocking The way.

The icy cold blood red directly poked at the weakest point in the heart of the city lord of Hanfeng City.

The blue-robed venerable directly slapped the city lord of Hanfeng City, and angrily scolded: "What a worthless guy."

After finishing speaking, the blue-robed venerable calmed down his fluctuating emotions, cleared his throat, "Since you're here, why don't you just come out to meet me and hide in the dark, that's not what a gentleman would do."

The words of the blue-robed venerable were not very polite.

Although, looking at the person who died suddenly, he felt a little panic in his heart, but the superiority he had always had made him suppress the fear in his heart.

However, as soon as the blue-robed venerable spoke, a murderous green light passed by the blue-robed venerable's cheek in an instant. When the green light passed by, it directly scratched the skin on the blue-robed venerable's cheek. , a burst of hotness suddenly came from the cheeks of the blue-robed venerable.

In the huge palace, there was no sound, like deathly silence.

The next moment, there was an extremely slight sound from the ground, which was the sound of the hair of the blue-robed venerable falling to the ground.

The blue-robed venerable looked at the broken hair on the ground, and then felt the pain from his cheek. The fear that had been suppressed with great difficulty suddenly rose up.

However, due to the fact that there was the City Lord of Hanfeng City at the side, holding the idea that he could not lose face under his subordinates, even though he was afraid in his heart, the blue-robed venerable suppressed the fear again, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and took a few deep breaths. The blue-robed venerable turned to the air and asked: "Since your Excellency has come, if you have anything to discuss, we might as well sit down and discuss it carefully. After this, it will be difficult for you to get what you want even if you think about it."

"It seems that there is still a smart person." A calm voice came from midair.

When the blue-robed venerable and the city lord of Hanfeng City looked into the air, two voices suddenly appeared at the entrance of the main hall.

The blue-robed venerable couldn't help being even more surprised.

The voice came from mid-air, more like it came from above or from behind, but the person came from the opposite direction. How terrible has this person's strength reached?

 Ask for a reward, ask for a five-star praise (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

(End of this chapter)

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