The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 388 Collecting 37 Cities 9

Chapter 388 Collecting 37 Cities 9
Shi Shiran came, stepping on the golden light, but brought the cold outside together, it was Yi Feng and Mu Nuo.

" two, how did you get in?" Hanfeng City City Master slowly struggled to stand up again from the ground, and asked Yi Feng and Mu Nuo.

Not to mention, the city is full of patrolling guards, and if someone finds these two people, they will definitely come and report them.

Not to mention, he has set up formations on the city wall and everywhere in Hanfeng City, especially in the city lord's mansion. As long as someone comes in by force, these formations will definitely be touched, and he will also get lost because of this. Feng and Mu Nuo came.

It's just, but, he didn't notice it at all, and those formations seemed to be out of order.

Yi Feng naturally saw the panic and surprise on the face of the City Lord of Hanfeng City, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Those formations, not to mention the queen, even he can see them at a glance, and can break these formations in a short time, but the queen is more ferocious than him, and there is no need to understand what is in front of him. What kind of formation is it? Step forward and smash the formation directly, or tear up those carefully prepared formations with bare hands.

For the degree of brutality, Mu Nuo said it was second, and no one dared to say it first.

When encountering such a little pervert, no matter how many formations were used, it would be futile.

"Your question is really funny. Naturally, you came in. Could it be that you have prepared eight sedan chairs to carry us in?" Yi Feng said with a bright smile on his face.

The smile was bright and bright like the sun, but in the eyes of the city lord of Hanfeng City at this time, it looked extremely cold in conjunction with the cold wind blowing in from outside the door.

The city lord of Hanfeng City forcibly stabilized his mentality, and tried to threaten Yi Feng and Mu Nuo: "You two had better be honest and don't mess around, this is Hanfeng City, not a place where you can run wild. "

"Really?" Mu Nuo, who had been silent all this time, said coldly.

Those two short words almost froze the City Lord of Hanfeng City.

Damn, how could someone say it was so cold?It almost made him suspect that what he saw in front of him was a thousand-year iceberg.

As soon as Mu Nuo finished speaking, the city lord of Hanfeng City, who had been forcefully hiding his inner fear, but couldn't hide it, stared at a pair of big eyes, blood slowly dripped from the corner of his mouth, and then fell to the side.

The death came so suddenly that the Lord of Hanfeng City couldn't react at all.

In this way, he died inexplicably.

The blue-robed venerable looked at what happened in front of him, looked at Mu Nuo in disbelief, pointed at Mu Nuo, and said in a trembling voice: "You... how dare you..."

"I'll give you two ways, one, explain it carefully, and two,..." Mu Nuo said coldly, but he didn't continue talking, but shifted his gaze to the side of the city lord of Hanfeng City who had died thoroughly body.

The meaning is very clear.

If you don't cooperate well, then you will be next.

Mu Nuo's cold blood and Mu Nuo's icy coldness made the blue-robed Venerable's fear a little more, but it was more anger.

Has he ever been threatened like this?
Who is he?
He is one of the seven respected venerables in the sect, and now a random girl dares to threaten him? !


 Ask for a reward, ask for a five-star praise (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

(End of this chapter)

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