Chapter 413
The man in gray immediately felt that his dignity had been greatly challenged, and the anger in his heart burned even more vigorously. He raised his hand and planned to swing his sword at these ignorant people.

It's just that, seeing that the sword edge was about to be thrown into the faces of those people, suddenly, a mysterious force appeared from the outside world, and the soft sword edge was not under the control of the man in gray. It went straight towards the face of the man in gray.

Looking at the weird sword edge, the gray-clothed man couldn't help opening his eyes wide in shock, the pupils dilated.

This... what's going on here?

How could this sword edge bend automatically? !
Moreover, looking at the posture of the sword's edge, it seemed as if he wanted to poke thousands of holes in his body.

The man in gray quickly controlled his soft sword, but what shocked the man in gray was that no matter how he put his force on the edge of the sword, the edge of the sword was even more dazzling except for the light on it. The motivation to go has not changed a bit.

Seeing that it was no longer possible to control the sword edge with force, the man in gray could only stretch out his hand, trying to straighten the bent sword edge with his hand. Jianfeng, who was facing his own face, suddenly turned in a different direction, and slashed fiercely at the hand close to Jianfeng.

The speed was so fast that the man in gray couldn't react at all; the force was so strong that he almost chopped off the entire palm of the man in gray.

A cry of pain immediately came from the mouth of the man in gray.

But, I don’t know why, no matter how loud the man in gray yells, the two venerables who are not far from here seem to be indifferent, as if they didn’t hear the man in gray yelling at all, chatting in their own room .

What's even more evil is that the soft sword that had to be thrown down because of the injury and pain actually seemed to have its own consciousness, and it actually rose slowly from the ground, came to the midair, and then slowly came to the gray clothed sword. In front of the man, the man in gray didn't notice the strangeness of the soft sword for a while, and at this moment his mind was all on his hand that was about to be broken.

It wasn't until the sharp and cold blade touched the bridge of the man's nose that the gray-clothed man's attention fell on the familiar soft sword.

The man in gray saw that the soft sword dared to point at the bridge of his nose, and his heart was full of anger instead of fear: "How dare you point at my nose with your broken sword?!"

As he spoke, the man in gray endured the pain in his wrist, and with his other hand, he planned to slap the soft sword facing his nose, but when he was about to slap the soft sword, the soft sword suddenly moved Back off.

"Hey, how dare you hide with this broken sword?! See if I don't kill you..." Before he could finish speaking, the gray-clothed man stopped by himself.

What is he doing?He was talking to a soft sword? !

This soft sword of his is clearly a dead thing, how could he have his own consciousness?How could he talk to a dead thing?
No, since this soft sword is a dead thing, how could it possibly be able to fly up by itself, and then point at his nose, how could it cut him? !

"It's you, isn't it? You must be the one doing the trick? Tell me! Is it you?!" The man in gray immediately put his suspicions on the people in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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