Chapter 414
In this room, there are only him and the few people in front of him. The two venerables in the other room will definitely not do such boring things. Since it is not the two venerables, it must be the one in front of them A bunch of bastards.

It's just that before the people in the room could respond, the gray-clothed man reacted again. This is not right. Haven't all the spiritual and military power of this group of people been imprisoned?How else can they control their own soft sword?
Suddenly, the man in gray felt a chill coming from behind him and shivered.

He looked up at the somewhat gloomy surroundings.

God, can't this be...

The trembling on the gray-clothed man's body became more and more severe.


The sound of a drop of water falling to the ground made the man in gray immediately shudder again.

Why is there the sound of water here?

Until the pain in his hand came again, the man in gray quickly turned his attention back to his wrist, followed his wrist, and looked down at the ground.

Dare to say, this is not the sound of water droplets, but the blood falling from the wrist of his hand.

As long as it's not dirty...

However, when the gray-clothed man breathed a sigh of relief, the soft sword that hadn't moved just now suddenly flew up again, and flew straight towards the gray-clothed man.

The flow of air driven by the flying soft sword made the man in gray raise his head subconsciously. When he raised his head, the reflection in his eyes was that the soft sword was flying towards his face quickly.

For the first time, the gray-clothed man felt that death was so close to him, and the soft sword was so fast that the man's brain froze, his head went blank, he couldn't make any reaction at all, he could only watch Watching the sharp soft sword getting closer and closer to him.

When the soft sword was about to pierce a hole in the head of the man in gray, the soft sword unexpectedly turned in one direction, and the sharp blade cut a hole in the man's neck, leaving traces of blood Flow out from it slowly.

The next moment, a streak of coldness came from the other side of the man's neck.

Along with the feeling of icy cold came the cold words that could be compared with the icy coldness of Wannian Xuanbing: "What did you do to them?"

"I...I..." The man in gray was still in a daze before he could react to this sudden change.

"Say!" The next moment, there were more icy words and ice blades piercing into the flesh.

"I...I just used...medicine to confine their spiritual power and force. I didn't...did anything else to them, really...really nothing..." said the gray-clothed man trembling all over his body.

Standing behind the gray-clothed man, Mu Nuo glanced coldly at the relatives in the room whose consciousness had been completely blurred, and a burst of anger was burning in his heart.

"Chi..." The man in gray didn't hear the person behind him speak for a long time, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He just wanted to relax and break free from the hand of the person behind him, but the man in gray hadn't Before he could make any small movements, he felt a pain in his neck, his pupils dilated slightly, and then slowly fell to one side.

This gray-clothed man is just a handyman, he doesn't know much information, and it's not of much use to keep it.

She can roughly judge the poison planted on the people of the General's Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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