Chapter 420 Tease You 2
It's just that this happiness didn't last long. I saw that the barrier that was cracking originally recovered at three times the speed of cracking.

The corners of Guardian Hei's slightly raised lips froze when he saw the barrier quickly return to normal.

"This... this..." Venerable Huang Yi looked at the situation in front of him in surprise.

This enchantment is obviously about to be broken, but it can still be restored like this? !
Protector Hei's face was gloomy, and he didn't speak, but the anger in his heart had already welled up in his heart.

I don't believe it, I tried my best to attack, but I can't break your small barrier.

Barriers are not the same as formations. Formations, sometimes even if they are powerful, if you don't know how to form them, you will still be trapped by a simple formation. However, barriers are not as disgusting as formations. Strong enough, no matter how powerful the enchantment is, it can directly break the enchantment with powerful strength.

At the same time, Protector Hei did not forget one thing, and coldly called out to Venerable Huang: "Yellow!"

After hearing the call of the black protector and seeing the cruelty in the eyes of the black protector, the venerable man in yellow immediately understood the meaning of the black protector, nodded immediately, endured the pain on his body, and quickly returned to his own place. A small thatched hut, found a small bottle from inside, came to the side of the black guardian, and asked the black guardian in a low voice: "Guardian, but this thing?"

"Open." The black protector hurriedly glanced at the small bottle in the hand of Venerable Huang, and said quickly in a cold voice.

The Venerable in Yellow didn't hesitate for a moment, after holding his breath, he immediately opened the small bottle in his hand.

How could they forget this magic weapon?
Back then, when Jingshui Shenyu attacked Yuxianzong, they relied on the contents of this small bottle and did not send any masters from the sect to seriously injure the king of Jingshui Shenyu.

As for how he recovered later, they don't know, but it is an ironclad fact that the contents of this small bottle can seriously injure the King of the Jingshui God Territory.

As soon as the cork was opened, a stream of black aura rushed out of the small bottle, and under the influence of the force of the Venerable in Yellow, the black aura quickly went towards the small hut.

After releasing all the black breath in the small bottle, the Venerable in Yellow couldn't help but put on a sinister smile.

This time, he wanted to see how the king of Jingshui God Realm could support this enchantment? !

The venerable man in yellow released the gas with the breath of turbid dark power, and the black guardian did not delay for a moment, and immediately used force again to attack the barrier of the small hut.

The severity this time was even worse than the previous one.

However, to the surprise of the three present, the enchantment that was originally thought to be shattered, however, remained stubbornly standing there after a long time.

The three couldn't help gritting their teeth, and at the same time, they couldn't help but make another estimate of Yu Chikyung's strength in their hearts.

They seem to have underestimated the strength of the King of the Mirror Water God Realm, and the strength of the King of the Mirror Water God Realm seems to be much higher than they imagined.

The three black protectors in this room were very anxious to break the barrier, while Yu Chikyung's situation in the other room was far from as good as the three people outside imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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