Chapter 421 Tease You 3
The strength of the black protector should not be underestimated. Even Yu Chikyung gradually couldn't stand the several consecutive high-intensity attacks, let alone after the yellow-clothed venerable released the impure dark power.

With the bead string given by Mu Nuo in his hand, he will naturally not be affected by this impure dark force, but the people in the General's Mansion do not have any treasures that can be used to defend against this impure dark force.

Not only did Yu Chikyong continue to strengthen the barrier on the outside of the hut, but he also set up a barrier around the people in the General's Mansion to protect them from the influence of impure dark forces.

Ouyang Qingmu's injury was far more severe than Mu Nuo imagined, and the healing work had already been done to a greater extent, so there was no room for a moment's pause at this time, and it could only continue.

Mu Nuo was very aware of Yu Chikyung's situation, but he could only see it, and could not help.

"Hold on a little longer." Mu Nuo gritted his teeth and said to Yu Chikyung.

She must shorten the time as much as possible, it is too hard for Yu Chikyung alone.

If there were only the two of them here, they wouldn't have to expend so much effort to maintain the barrier. They would directly confront the three people outside, and cut them to pieces with one stab at each.

However, the reality is that there are not only the two of them here, but also her relatives, and her relatives are still injured at this time. To put it bluntly, let alone helping, it is already very good if they don't hold back.

"Don't worry, your fiancé doesn't fall down so easily." Yu Chikyung said with a bright smile at Mu Nuo.

Seeing Yuchi Kyung's bright and somewhat weak smile, he smiled helplessly in his heart, this person, at any time, even had the heart to smile.

Although I feel that Yu Chikyung is a little irrelevant to the occasion, but I have to say that this simple smile has brought a lot of energy to Mu Nuo at once.

"If you can also smile at me, maybe I will be full of energy all of a sudden." Yu Chikyung said to Mu Nuo with a smile.

Hearing Yu Chikyung's words, Mu Nuo felt very helpless, but the corners of his mouth still involuntarily drew a slight arc.

Seeing the smile at the corner of Mu Nuo's mouth, Yu Chikyung seemed to have washed away most of the exhaustion all over his body, and said confidently to Mu Nuo: "Just watch how your fiancé kills everyone!"

"Okay, I'll watch." Mu Nuo rarely cooperated with Yu Chikyung's words, and responded with a smile.

Receiving Mu Nuo's response, a light flashed in Yuchi's eyes, and his eyes fell on the door of the thatched cottage, as if he could pass through the door of the thatched cottage and fall directly on the body of the black guardian.

The black guardian outside the door seemed to notice that someone had been staring at him, and his brows frowned slightly.

"Are you two planning to cultivate for thousands of years?" the black protector lowered his voice and said to the yellow-clothed and green-clothed venerables who were repairing non-stop behind them.

When the Venerable in yellow and the Venerable in green heard the words of Guardian Hei, even though they still had a few minutes to fully recover, they did not dare to continue to ask themselves to repair, but quickly stood up, and once again He took out his sword or bow and arrow, and with all his strength, he struck hard at the thatched cottage.

(End of this chapter)

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