Chapter 422 Tease You 4
The three of them, as if they didn't know how tired they were, kept attacking the barrier almost without stopping.

A quarter of an hour later, the long-held barrier finally shattered with a crisp cracking sound.

The black protector outside the door, or the yellow-clothed venerable, and the green-clothed venerable all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the disgusting barrier finally shattered.

What on earth is this enchantment made of, that it can hold on for such a long time under such a strong attack from them.

You know, the two venerables are both gold professionals, and the black protector has surpassed the ninth level and successfully advanced to the holy level. Under the attack of the three of them, they can still stand strong for such a long time. The strength of the king of Jingshui Shenyu can be described as abnormal.

With the shattering of the enchantment, a faint smell of blood in the cave gradually spread in the air.

When Protector Hei smelled the faint smell of blood, a smug smile could not help but be drawn at the corner of his mouth.

Hmph, he already knew that the king of the Jingshui God Realm was able to hold on for such a long time, he must be holding on. Now that the barrier has been broken, the situation of the king of the Jingshui God Realm will not be any better.

The black protector did not rush to kick the door of the thatched hut, but stood in place and secretly exercised his kung fu so that he could recover a little bit of strength first.

He didn't move, but he gave the yellow-clothed and green-clothed venerables standing beside him a look, signaling them to go and kick open the door of the thatched hut.

The venerable in yellow and the venerable in green looked at each other in unison.

Just now they obeyed the words of the black guardian, and went to attack the barrier for the first time, which finally caused them to suffer serious injuries. At this time, although the barrier has been broken, God knows that the mirror water god domain Will your king be so insidious that he will poison the gate.

If they were poisoned, the situation would be more disgusting than being injured.

"Why don't you go?" Looking at the hesitant two, Guardian Hei asked in a deep voice.

The venerable in yellow and the venerable in green looked at each other again. Finally, they took a deep breath, braced themselves, and mobilized force all over their bodies, especially their feet. If there was any poison on the gate, they could use it Do one or two defenses with your own force.


The door of the thatched hut was very fragile, but with a light kick, the door of the thatched hut was already kicked open, and the thatched door fell down, kicking up a cloud of dust.

"Cough cough."

The dust raised made the venerable in yellow and the venerable in green cough twice, and the disgust deep in the eyes of the black guardian suddenly became even more serious.

These two trash, just let them open a door, but they can still stir up such a big dust!
After coughing several times, the Venerable in yellow and the Venerable in green stopped coughing, and the dust in front of them finally dissipated.

However, after the dust dissipated, the scene in front of them surprised the Venerable in yellow and the Venerable in green.

What's happening here?
Hadn't the door of this thatched cottage been kicked down by them?Why suddenly there are two more doors?

Yes, there are two doors!Two doors that are obviously stacked together!
The Venerable in yellow and the Venerable in green looked at the two doors that suddenly appeared, and the corners of their mouths twitched. Although they did not know when the two doors appeared, if the King of the Mirror Water God Realm thought that the two fragile A single door can block their entry, that is too simple.

(End of this chapter)

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