423 Fool 1
Under the signal of the black guardian, the venerable man in yellow stepped forward and cut the two doors in half with a single sword.

Another burst of choking dust was raised.

This time the green-clothed venerable couldn't help it, and couldn't help but said to the yellow-clothed venerable: "Can you change to a gentler method, can you stop making such a big dust every time? Cough cough..."

"I...I...cough, I don't want to, but there is so much dust here, I can't do anything about it." The yellow-clothed venerable said innocently.

The green-clothed venerable looked at the surrounding environment and knew that what the yellow-clothed venerable said was true, so he could only sigh helplessly. Anyway, the door has been opened, and there will be no next time...

However, the green-clothed venerable hadn't finished comforting him when he saw that the two doors in front of him miraculously turned into four again!
The venerable man in yellow looked at the four doors that suddenly appeared in front of him in disbelief, and murmured: "This... this is impossible, I have already split it open..."

As he said that, the Venerable in Huang Yi still suspected that what was in front of him was an illusion, so he reached out and touched the door in front of him. The real touch told the Venerable in Huang that the door in front of him was real, not an illusion.

This is really strange, even if the king of Jingshui Shenyu has the ability to create the door in an extreme time, but if there is no straw, how can this door be made?

When Venerable Huang Yi was puzzled, he glanced casually to the side. Although this glance was unintentional, Venerable Huang Yi was immediately stunned when he saw this glance.

Who can tell him when their house lost a section?
The roof is gone!

The green-clothed venerable saw the surprised expression on the yellow-clothed venerable's face, and followed the yellow-clothed venerable's expression. Afterwards, the expression on his face was not much different from that of the yellow-clothed venerable. It's full of surprise.

Turning his head back stiffly, he looked at the obviously protruding gate, and then at the house next to it that was missing a section. Dare to say, these doors all directly moved all the straw from their house, and then put the straw All made into gates.

It's just that they have been watching this house all the time, and no one will leave this house. How did they move this straw over and make it a gate?

Another point is very doubtful. No matter how many doors they make, they are just straws that are vulnerable to a single blow. instant thing.

That being the case, why did the King of the Mirror Water God Realm do such a thankless thing this time?
Hei Hufa looked at the two people in front of him again, and saw that they were constantly splitting open the straw gate outside the thatched house. The moment the gate was opened, the gate stood on it again, so the two men continued to split the gate ...

These two idiots...

Time kept passing like this, and the yellow-clothed and green-clothed venerables seemed to be addicted, and they tirelessly opened the straw door.

Guardian Hei looked at the two impatiently. Do these two idiots know that they are wasting their time?

waste time? !
What the hell!

The people from Jingshui Shenyu must be healing the people in the General's Mansion inside. Healing is a long process. It is precisely because they want to help those people heal, so they have to delay time!
(End of this chapter)

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