424 Fool 2
All they did was to delay time!
After realizing it, Guardian Hei immediately realized that he was being played around like a fool.

The enraged Black Protector yelled angrily at the yellow-clothed and green-clothed Venerables who were still tirelessly hacking at the gate, "Get out of here!"

As soon as the words fell to the ground, the black protector didn't even wait for the yellow-clothed and green-clothed venerables to leave the thatched hut. arrow.

The martial power carried by the arrow feathers directly scratched the skin of the two people when they flew between the yellow-clothed and green-clothed venerables.

It wasn't until they felt the pain on their cheeks that the Venerable in Yellow and the Venerable in Green realized that the Black Protector had shot an arrow towards the thatched cottage.

When the arrow feathers touched the thatched cottage, the thatched cottage fell down.

When the thatched hut fell, Yu Chikyung and his party no longer had any cover, and they were directly exposed to the three black guardians.

"Master of Jingshui God Realm, queen, welcome." Hei Hufa looked at Yu Chikyung and Mu Nuo in the center of the thatched hut, and said coldly.

"Your voice is ugly." Yuchikyung looked at Guardian Hei coldly and said with disdain.

After finishing speaking, the fiery red light lingered in Yu Chikyung's palm, and while the black guardian was not paying attention, Yuchikyung slapped the black guardian.

However, after naturally facing Captain Chi Kyung, the black protector's attention never left from Yu Chi Kyung's body, and has been watching Yu Chi Kyung with [-]% attention.

The moment Yu Chikyung decided to make a move, the black protector was already ready to dodge.

Quickly dodging to the side, the black protector successfully dodged Yu Chikyung's attack.

"Your Majesty, it seems that your attack accuracy still needs to be improved." Hei Dharma, who successfully avoided Yu Chikyung's attack, couldn't help but feel a little more proud. He slightly curled his lips and raised a sarcastic smile, looking at Yuchikyung.

"My attack has always been very accurate, without exception." Yu Chikyung said with a slight curl of his lips, his brows and eyes full of confidence.

"But..." Guardian Hei just wanted to say, but this time he missed, but before he finished speaking, a groan came from behind.

Protector Hei looked behind subconsciously, and saw that the Venerable in Yellow and the Venerable in Green who were supposed to be ready to sneak attack in the General's Mansion fell to the ground at this moment, spitting out blood.

"Fool." Yu Chikyung said with a sneer and sarcasm. Before the words fell, Yuchikyung launched an attack on the black guardian.

Gentleman?He, Yu Chikyung, never thought of himself as an upright gentleman.

It is too tiring to bear the title of gentleman. Compared with gentleman, he still prefers to be a villain.

For example, as a villain, in this situation, he can do as much as he wants, so what can you do to me? !
"Pfft..." The black protector did not expect that Yu Chikyung, as the king of the Jingshui God Realm, would resort to such indiscriminate methods. He was unprepared for a while and suffered this blow from Yuchikyung.

"You are not the behavior you should have as a king..." Hei Hufa held his chest and said with a little weakness, but before he finished speaking, his eyes flashed fiercely, and followed As soon as the last word landed, the attack was already coming to the people in the General's Mansion protected by Yu Chikyung.

(End of this chapter)

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