The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 437: Finally Engaged 3

Chapter 437: Finally Engaged 3
The white jade main street from the palace to the Holy Heaven Altar is neither long nor short, and the speed of Tianma has also been reduced to the lowest speed in normal times, passing slowly on the main street to ensure that it can receive the blessings from the people on both sides as much as possible .

However, although the speed of the four-winged Pegasus is greatly reduced, it can still set off a gust of wind when passing the main street, which is a little faster than the speed of ordinary Maxima.

The Holy Heaven Altar is regarded as the most sacred existence, and the location for its construction is also chosen to be the most central location of the Jingshui Shenyu capital city. This location is not only the location of the Jingshui Shenyu capital city, but also the most central location of Wei Yuntian, which shows its importance. .

The location of the Holy Heaven Altar is also about nine meters higher than its surroundings. In a situation where the surrounding area is very flat, the location of the Dudu Holy Heaven Altar is nine meters higher, which is a very strange place. where.

It is very different from the black main body of the palace. The color of the Holy Heaven Altar is all white, and all its building materials are made of high-quality white jade and Han stone. From a distance, it seems that there is a thin layer of white aura lingering around it. .

Even though there is still a certain distance from the Holy Heaven Altar, Mu Nuo can already feel the faint power of light emanating from the Holy Heaven Altar.

However, the power of light that made ordinary people happy made Mu Nuo frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?" Yu Chikyung found out that something was wrong with Mu Nuo, and asked worriedly.

Mu Nuo shook his head slightly: "Nothing."

This uncomfortable feeling only dissipated in an instant, but it did not cause any trouble to Mu Nuo.

"But tired?" Yu Chikyung still asked worriedly.

Mu Nuo raised a smile: "It's so easy to get tired."

After finishing speaking, Mu Nuo looked up at the Holy Heaven Altar not far away, and tried to ask Yu Chikyung: "Is there anything special about this Holy Light Altar?"

"You also feel the power of light from the Holy Light Altar, right?" Yu Chikyung asked with a smile.

Without hiding anything, Mu Nuo nodded sincerely.

She did feel the power of light, but, due to the power of darkness in her body, she was afraid that this power of light would not only not help her in any way, but would also cause some trouble to her.

"The Holy Heaven Altar has been built for many years, but there is no record about the construction of the Holy Heaven Altar. Some people speculate that it may be because the Holy Heaven Altar is too sacred to be defiled with human pen and ink. However, no matter how many years have passed, the holy sky altar will always exude a faint power of light, which is why the strength of Wei Yuntian's people is generally higher than that of the other two places." Yu Chijing roughly said to Mu Nuo Here is the information about the Holy Heaven Altar.

There are many speculations about the Shengtian Altar, and some people even speculate that it was made by the gods from the sky. However, no one knows the truth.

When Mu Nuo heard the words, he just nodded lightly and didn't say anything more.

"Does this power of light affect me or you?" Mu Nuo opened up the space connection and asked Xuanhuang.

"Although this power of light is pure, it is too thin. With the master's current strength, this power of light will not have any impact on the master, nor can it penetrate into the space." Xuanhuang said truthfully to Mu Nuo .

(End of this chapter)

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