The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 438: Finally Engaged 4

Chapter 438: Finally Engaged 4
Hearing Xuanhuang's words, Mu Nuo let go of a stone in his heart.

The feeling that the Holy Heaven Altar gave her was so strange that it made people feel a little uneasy.

How to put it, this power of light gave her a feeling that she was somewhat familiar, but more disgusted.

"Frowning, it doesn't look good." A faint voice came from Mu Nuo's ear.

Hearing the sound, Mu Nuo turned to look at Yu Chikyung beside him, with a hint of doubt on his face.

Seeing the confusion on Mu Nuo's face, Yu Chikyung couldn't help but smiled, and raised his hand to gently touch Mu Nuo's brow, and Mu Nuo realized that he was frowning unconsciously.

"If you feel tired or feel uncomfortable, you must tell me immediately." Yu Chikyung said again.

"En." Mu Nuo nodded, but his heart was empty.

Please forgive her, she can't tell you about the dark power before she is sure about the source of the dark power in her body, and before she has figured out what she wants to understand.

Even though, maybe you have already guessed, but this time is not the time yet.

Please wait patiently until a suitable opportunity, she will definitely tell you everything exactly.

It was about time for another cup of tea, and the dragon chariot finally came under the holy sky altar.

Yu Chikyung got off the dragon chariot first, and as soon as his feet touched the ground, he immediately turned around and raised his hand. Then, Mu Nuo's slender hand slowly placed on Yuchikyung's big hand.

The common people standing nearby stared at this scene without blinking, lest they might miss the Queen's face.

When Mu Nuo came out of the dragon chariot and appeared in front of everyone, some people couldn't help exclaiming: "Fairy, our empress and queen are descended from heaven."

As soon as these words came out, many people immediately echoed them.

They heard a lot about their queen, the 37 cities of Bianguan, Ge Tianzong, the powerful strength of the queen herself, and the people rescued by the queen, etc.

After hearing this, a small group of people felt that it was too legendary and exaggerated, how could someone be so powerful.

However, after seeing the queen's unreally beautiful face with their own eyes, they suddenly felt that it seemed that any impossible thing could become possible for the queen.

When Yu Chikyung heard the people's praise for Mu Nuo, he had a different opinion in his heart.

Although ordinary people describe a woman as a celestial being, it is enough to show that the woman's appearance is peerless enough, but in Yu Chikyung's heart, he feels that the celestial being does not match Mu Nuo's temperament.

Inexplicably, he felt that instead of saying that Mu Nuo was a fairy from heaven, he felt that Mu Nuo was a queen from the depths of hell.

Compared with the former, he prefers the latter Mu Nuo.

"Do you think that I am different from what the common people describe?" Mu Nuo asked Yu Chikyung quietly.

Yu Chikyung slightly hooked his lips and said, "That's right, but I like you better like this."

It has to be said that Yu Chikyung's answer successfully pleased her.

Between the words, the two just came to the directly below the Holy Heaven Altar, and what appeared in front of them was a white jade staircase with 99 steps.

Yuchikyung held Mu Nuo's hand a little harder, glanced at Mu Nuo, and then looked at the 99 white jade stairs directly in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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