The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 471 Detoxification with Blood 2

Chapter 471 Detoxification with Blood 2
"Yeah." Yu Chikyung nodded slightly, looking for the pathogen. He naturally knew that when the toxin broke out on the first day, he had already ordered people to drive all the poisoned people to one place, and sent the poison to the body. All suspicious things in the source area of ​​the city have been destroyed. I thought that this would be able to successfully stop the spread of the toxin, but who knows, the effect of doing so is negligible, and the toxin still spread to the surrounding cities of the capital.

On the matter of detoxification, Yu Chikyung couldn't help Mu Nuo much. Seeing Mu Nuo working day and night to develop the antidote, Yu Chikyung felt unspeakably distressed, so he could only silently pour a cup for Mu Nuo. hot tea.

On the small tea table, there were several bowls of blood, all of which were drawn from the poisoned people. I thought, I should be able to find some clues from the blood, but after a few days, it turned out that something was wrong at all. Can't find it.

However, just when Yu Chijing had just finished pouring tea for Mu Nuo, and turned around to leave to deliver it to Mu Nuo, those bowls of dark red blood color flashed a touch of bright red at an extremely fast speed. Fast, fleeting.

A few days ago, Mu Nuo's mind was always on the research and development of the antidote. Even when she was observing the blood of the common people, she was the only one there. Even if Yu Chikyung came in, Mu Nuo had no time to pay attention to other things.

However, this fleeting bright red...

"Wait." Just when Yu Chikyung was about to hand the teacup to Mu Nuo, Mu Nuo suddenly said to Yuchikyung, and asked Yuchikyung to stand still.

Mu Nuo immediately walked towards Yu Chikyung, his eyes fell on the bowls of blood on the table.

It's just that the blood turned bright red for a moment just now, but when Mu Nuo approached, it changed back to its previous appearance again.

Mu Nuo frowned, and said to Yu Chikyung, "Are you trying to transport your pure spiritual power into this blood?"

Hearing this, Yu Chikyung didn't dare to hesitate for a moment, put down the teacup in his hand, and followed Mu Nuo's words, channeled the most refined and pure fire power in his body, and was about to fall into the bowl of blood middle.

What Mu Nuo meant, Yu Chikyung roughly understood, maybe he was thinking of using his natural power to try to purify the toxins in the blood.

It's just that both Mu Nuo and Yu Chikyung have forgotten one fact.

Yuchikyung's strength has reached the peak of the holy rank, and the pure and pure fire power transported by Yuchikyung, even ordinary holy rank powerhouses, might be able to be burnt by the fire power of Yuchikyung Ashes, not to mention the blood of ordinary people.

Before Yuchikyung's power of fire fell into the bowl of blood, just a little closer, together with the bowl used to hold the blood, was melted into ashes by Yuchikyung's powerful firepower, and the air flowed The breeze brought by it gently stroked, and the few remaining ashes were also scattered with the wind, and there was nothing left.

Mu Nuo, Yu Chikyung: "..."

"You control the release of your spiritual power." Mu Nuo frowned slightly, with a strange expression on his face.

Even though Yu Chikyung really wanted to say at this time, he had almost tried his best to control the release of his spiritual power, but he was very helpless in his heart to burn this bowl and blood to ashes.

However, no matter how helpless he was, he still obediently obeyed Mu Nuo's words, once again mobilized the power of fire, and turned his gaze to the other bowl.

(End of this chapter)

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