The queen of my family is going to heaven

Chapter 472 Detoxification with Blood 3

Chapter 472 Detoxification with Blood 3
This time, the fire light lingering on Yu Chikyung's fingertips was visibly dimmed a lot, and when the faint fire light gradually approached the blood, Yu Chikyung couldn't help but raise his heart a little.

I thought that this time, being so careful, I should be able to succeed, but at the moment when the faint light of the fire was close to the porcelain bowl, just like before, the blood in the bowl evaporated instantly, and the porcelain bowl also turned into powder.

Looking at the blood that evaporated again, Yu Chikyung looked at Mu Nuo with a trace of innocence on his face.

He has really worked hard to control his power.

He really couldn't be blamed for this, if he wanted to be blamed, he could only blame the blood and porcelain bowl for being too fragile, unable to bear even a trace of high temperature.

Mu Nuo also sighed helplessly. She should understand that with Yuchikyung's strength, even the power of fire that he used casually can roast people below the holy rank into roast pigs, let alone the The most refined and pure power of fire.

The energy contained in Yuchikyung's fire power is too huge. If you want to use Yuchikyung's fire power to purify the toxins in the blood, it seems a bit unrealistic at present.

A thought suddenly flashed in my mind, if the power of fire cultivated by Yuchikyung is too domineering in terms of the most refined and pure power of nature, then, contrary to the power of fire, the power of wood she cultivated can be said to be The mildest of the five forces of nature.

With the thought together, Mu Nuo had indescribable expectations in his heart, turned his head and said to Yu Chikyung: "If the two of us blend with each other with spiritual power..."

She had tried her own wood power a long time ago, no matter how pure the wood power was refined, it couldn't remove the toxins in the blood.

It is possible that Yu Chikyung's fire power can burn the toxins contained in the blood.

However, as soon as Mu Nuo finished speaking, Xuanhuang's voice of denial immediately came from his mind: "This method is absolutely impossible."

"Why?" Mu Nuo asked almost subconsciously.

Xuanhuang said in a deep voice: "The power of light hidden in Yu Chikyung's body is stronger than anyone else, but master, you are cultivating the power of darkness. No matter how you refine the power of pure wood, you still cannot get rid of the power of darkness. , the power of pure darkness you bring will cause great harm to Yu Chikyung."

Xuanhuang knew that it might not be feasible to persuade Mu Nuo to give up this method from Mu Nuo's own point of view, but Mu Nuo would never hope that Yu Chijing would suffer any harm.

As Xuanhuang expected, after listening to Xuanhuang's words, Mu Nuo immediately dispelled the thoughts that had arisen just now, and she forgot about Yu Chikyung's special physique.

"What's the matter?" Yu Chikyung looked at Mu Nuo's not-so-good face, and couldn't help asking worriedly.

Mu Nuo shook his head slightly: "It's okay, I didn't say anything just now."

The plan was suddenly rejected, but Yu Chikyung could guess in his heart, presumably, it was because of him in the end.

"There will always be a solution." Yu Chikyong said softly, holding Mu Nuo's shoulder lightly.

In Mu Nuo's heart, a trace of irritability could not be stopped.

Looking at it now, it is estimated that Yu Chikyung has the greatest impact on the toxins in the blood, but Yuchikyung's fire power is too powerful to be used to detoxify, and he wants to find other spiritual powers to neutralize the extremely powerful Yuchikyung The power of fire, but Mu Nuo is the only one who can compare with Yu Chikyung in strength,
(End of this chapter)

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