Chapter 517 Harem 3
But sometimes things are just so magical, so weird.

The person in his arms has only known each other for a short time, but the moment he saw her, he could no longer take his eyes off her body, and he couldn't stand her being wronged at all. It's all about her.

"Actually, if you don't talk about this matter, I will find an appropriate time and send all the people in the harem out of the palace. There will be no one else in the harem except you." Yuchi Kyung said softly to Mu Nuo.

This idea came about when the noble concubine interrupted the good things, and this idea became stronger and stronger as I talked with the noble concubine.

"That's what you said." Sensing the sincerity in Yu Chikyung's words, the smile on Mu Nuo's face was the brightest.

At this moment, Mu Nuo, who was in great joy, didn't know how shocked the conversation between her and Yu Chikyung fell into the ears of Tian Ye who was hiding in mid-air.

He handled Yu Chikyung's matter with his own hands, so he naturally knew very well that after rebirth, Yuchikyung would no longer be affected by the previous incident.

However, the facts tell him that Mu Nuo not only has a certain influence on Yu Chikyung, but also, this influence seems to have penetrated into Yuchikyung's bone marrow.

Otherwise, an emperor would make such a decision for the sake of a beautiful girl whom he met not long ago?He will indulge Mu Nuo like he did to Mu Nuo when he was in the Mirror Water God Realm.

No, in Tianye's view, in the future, Yu Chikyong's pampering and doting towards Mu Nuo in this blue sky will probably be even more pampering than in Jingshui God Realm.

Could it be that in Yu Chikyung's subconscious mind, he was still affected by the volcano incident?Because you are not willing to part with the original separation, so when you meet again, you have to double the compensation, double the love?

In the end, no matter how much speculation there is, it can only show that it is impossible for Yu Chikyung to forget Mu Nuo.

This is good, but it saves Mu Nuo a little bit of suffering.

Sighing softly, Tian Ye disappeared into the air. He used his connections over there for Yu Chikyung. If he was found out, the happy life of this young couple would be over, so he had to deal with it again. Just make sure nothing goes wrong.

There was such a big change in the draft, but in just an hour, it had already spread throughout the harem and the capital.

The concubines in the harem have been silently watching the draft situation since a few days ago, in order to better grasp the latest situation and see which ones need to be guarded against and which ones can be drawn into their camp.

However, Yu Chikyung's sudden move successfully shocked the people in the harem. Immediately afterwards, everyone went to investigate Mu Nuo's family background tacitly.

It is not difficult to find Mu Nuo's family background, but after finding out, the doubts in the hearts of the concubines in the harem became even greater.

Originally thought that this rookie in the harem had such a powerful family background that attracted the emperor to be so abnormal, but he never thought that it was so ordinary.

His father was only a small Jingzhaoyin from the fourth rank. Although his grandfather was a senior official, he was not too high, and he was only a third rank Shangshu.

Such a family background, placed in the harem, can only be regarded as passable at best, and has nothing to do with being prominent.

Since it wasn't because of her family background, then there must be some means, or she has a very attractive appearance.

After inquiring, the latter is reasonable, but he is not bad looking.

(End of this chapter)

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