Chapter 518 Harem 4
However, everyone still couldn't understand, even if he looked like a vixen, but their emperor was not a lustful person, how could he do such an outrageous thing for a woman?

For a moment, everyone in the harem felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy. Even the few people who were favored on weekdays were very flustered, because they knew very well in their hearts that the so-called favor was just for outsiders to see. Not even Bang touched them.

The first thing everyone thought of was the imperial concubine. No matter how bad they were on weekdays, the imperial concubine was still the highest-ranking concubine in the palace, and she still held the power of the six palaces. How can she tolerate a trust crawling over her head to do her best?
However, to everyone's surprise, when they came to the imperial concubine's bedroom, Qiu'er told everyone that the imperial concubine was unwell and could not see them for the time being.

Everyone was full of doubts and unwillingness, and they all came to the queen mother's palace.

Although the queen mother is not in power, her identity is there. Thinking about it, even if that concubine Chen Shu is arrogant and domineering, she must restrain herself a little when she comes in front of the queen mother.

Even if the emperor likes Concubine Chen Shu, he has to neglect Concubine Chen Shu in consideration of the Empress Dowager's face, right?

"Empress Dowager, listen, isn't this very absurd?" Concubine Zhang frowned slightly, and told the Queen Mother about the draft, as well as the newly released imperial decree to confer Mu Nuo .

Sure enough, after listening to Concubine Zhang's words, the Empress Dowager's face was a little more angry, and she said in a deep voice, "It's really inappropriate for the emperor to do this. What kind of distinguished family background does Concubine Chen Shu have?"

Even though this is the question, in the queen mother's heart, she already thinks that even if Concubine Chen Shu is the eldest princess of a neighboring country, if she enters the palace, she can only give one concubine at most. To reach a higher position, it depends on her own good luck.

But it is absolutely impossible to give such a high status when you first enter the palace. Are there any rules for this? !

"The concubine has inquired, and that Concubine Chen Shu is the daughter of Jing Zhaoyin." Concubine Zhang replied quietly to the Queen Mother.

"Presumptuous!" The Queen Mother suddenly clapped the table.

How dare a little daughter of a fourth-rank official dare to seduce His Majesty like this? !

"The empress dowager calm down." Everyone knelt down one after another.

"Empress Dowager, don't get so angry, perhaps, that Concubine Chen Shu really has her own extraordinary ability, that's why she pleases the emperor so much, otherwise, the emperor wouldn't look like she lost her soul when she saw Concubine Chen Shu " Concubine Zhang said again and again.

On the surface, she was persuading the queen mother, but no one could tell who was not a good person. Concubine Zhang was just adding fuel to the picture, which made the queen mother even more displeased with Mu Nuo.

"When she enters the palace someday, the Ai family will have to take a good look at her ability to attract the emperor like this." The Empress Dowager said with a gloomy expression.

According to the rules, if she is selected by the emperor as a show girl, she has to go home first, and learn court etiquette with the nuns sent from the palace before she can officially enter the palace.

"The empress dowager doesn't know what the emperor meant. Concubine Chen Shu didn't need to go home to learn court etiquette, but lived directly in the palace. The emperor even gave concubine Chen Shu Jinghuang Palace to live in, and, Before the renovation of Jinghuang Palace is completed, Concubine Chen Shu will live in the emperor's Huanlong Palace." Concubine Zhang was afraid that the anger in the Queen Mother's heart was not strong enough, so she continued to say to the Queen Mother.

(End of this chapter)

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